
Displaying 251 - 300 of 350 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Play-off will start next week
College Eye 30:19, p.4
Intramural basketball will end. Schedules of basketball, volleyball, and handball is announced.
252 Beans and Owls play feature tilt
College Eye 30:17, p.4
Intramural basketball and volleyball games.
253 Round-Robin volley ball headlines
College Eye 30:16, p.4
Intramural tournament will be held with Seerley Hall vs. ADA, Phi Sigs vs. Beans, and Alpha Chi vs. Xanho.
254 Mixed swimming starts Sunday; play night features volleyball
College Eye 30:15, p.1
There is mixed swimming for faculty and students; must wear the swimming suits furnished by the college; students and faculty play volleyball against each other tonight.
255 Play night is scheduled for tonight
College Eye 30:15, p.3
Will feature volleyball and other games.
256 Sport Shorts
College Eye 29:18, p.4
List of teams added to the intramural volleyball tournament.
257 Sport Shorts
College Eye 29:17, p.4
Students participating in the sorority mixed volleyball tournament.
258 Sport Shorts
College Eye 29:15, p.4
Winter sports classes are popular.
259 V.O.V.s trip Kappas 31-20, in sorority volleyball finals
College Eye 28:27, p.4
The V.O.V.s sprang ahead to win the annual sorority volleyball tournament over the Kappas.
260 Amazon Antics
College Eye 28:26, p.4
News about women's sports.
261 Inside dope on professors' volleyball sessions revealed
College Eye 28:25, p.4
Every Monday, Wednesday, or Friday some professors will unwind and play a game of volleyball.
262 Amazon Antics
College Eye 28:20, p.4
News about women's sports.
263 Amazon Antics
College Eye 28:19, p.4
News about women's sports; may seek new name for column, since some women resent the Amazon stereotype..
264 Amazon Antics
College Eye 28:17, p.2
News about women's physical education; wide variety of activities in physical education classes.
265 Amazon Antics
College Eye 28:14, p.4
Would like to see more news about women's athletics.
266 Women's sports
College Eye 27:36, p.2
Doris White attended the high school girls basketball tournament in Des Moines; Theta Gamma Nu won volleyball tournament; tennis courts have new nets; intramural ping-pong begins.
267 Chi's, intramural volleyball champs
College Eye 27:36, p.4
Alpha Chi Epsilon took first place in the men's volleyball tournament; intramural swimming meet postponed.
268 Intramural swimming, volleyball tournament begin spring activities
College Eye 27:35, p.2
Intramural swimming meet for March 24; results of the intramural volleyball competition are posted.
269 Seven sororities in volleyball tourney
College Eye 27:32, p.4
Inter-sorority round-robin volleyball competitions will begin.
270 Women's sports
College Eye 27:29, p.4
Intramural basketball competition has begun; intramural volleyball competition will start next week.
271 Teachers College profs are real fellows
Alumnus 19:4, p.13
Many faculty enjoy volleyball, golf, and other outdoor activities; photo.
272 Lambda Gams win volleyball tourney
College Eye 26:35, p.3
Lambda Gamma Nu takes home the intramural championship by beating Phi Tau Theta in final game.
273 Kappa Theta Psi's win
College Eye 26:35, p.3
Kappa Theta Psi volleyball team upheld its title as winner of the recent intersorority volleyball tournament.
274 Mixed volleyball tourney captured by Kappa sorority
College Eye 26:34, p.3
275 Sorority mixed volleyball features set-ups and bumps; men murmur excuses as the collide with coeds
College Eye 26:33, p.3
276 Two tourneys are held by women
College Eye 26:32, p.3
277 Roller skates whirr as girls take spins on new equipment
College Eye 26:27, p.3
Women enjoy skating in the gym.
278 Intramural sports begin for women
College Eye 26:26, p.3
279 "Little Panthers" and V.O.V. win intramural honors
College Eye 25:33, p.4
Volleyball intramural tournament finished.
280 Volleyball games played
College Eye 25:31, p.1
Sorority volleyball tournament takes place.
281 First rounds are played in tourney
College Eye 25:30, p.4
First round of volleyball and basketball women's intramurals took place this week.
282 Rubber-legged girls, wild cats in intramurals
College Eye 25:29, p.1
Women's intramural sports underway.
283 Intramurals for women started for winter term
College Eye 25:26, p.4
Intramurals include volleyball, basketball, and ping pong.
284 Women's intramurals
College Eye 25:24, p.4
Basketball and volleyball will start this winter term.
285 Rutherford Rogers establishes a record of scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1932:324, p.1
Rogers achieved A grades in all of his studies throughout the fall, winter, and spring terms. He also participated in various extra curricular activities.
286 'I' Club plans carnival night; dancing, swimming, cards, contests to feature program
College Eye 24:24, p.1
Will include many activities including mixed swimming.
287 Men's athletic meet progresses; Alpha Chi Epsilon first and second teams win in volleyball
College Eye 24:19, p.4
288 Sports schedules are completed; competition for volleyball and handball titles starts
College Eye 24:17, p.4
Schedule for intramural competition.
289 Entry lists for three events close today; no limit on number of teams each fraternity may enter
College Eye 24:16, p.4
For handball and volleyball.
290 Eighty women take part in intramurals
College Eye 24:15, p.4
In basketball and volleyball programs.
291 Program for men's sports being planned; intramurals will include four team events and two individual
College Eye 24:13, p.4
Will get underway after Christmas.
292 Delphians win intramurals
Alumnus 16:4, p.11
Four hundred women take part in intramurals, including field hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, archery, and golf.
293 Intramurals are popular with girls of State Teachers
College Eye 24:3, p.4
Report on last year's activities when four hundred women participated.
294 Women athletes here compete in intramural games and swimming
College Eye 23:33, p.4
Swimming competition postponed; basketball tournament continues; volleyball play will begin.
295 Panther Tales
College Eye 23:33, p.4
Discusses option of receiving letters for wrestling, intramural volleyball competition and the complications of scheduling athletic events.
296 Alpha Chis annex volleyball title
College Eye 23:33, p.4
Alpha Chi Epsilon defeated Phi Sigma Epsilon in finals.
297 Women's intramural goes to final round
College Eye 23:30, p.4
Basketball and volleyball finals will begin; swimming practices will start.
298 Women intramurals progress to second round in basketball
College Eye 23:29, p.4
Results are announced from volleyball and basketball competition.
299 Two more intramural events on books for ambitious athletes
College Eye 23:29, p.4
Handball and volleyball competition continues.
300 Intramural games are launched here
College Eye 23:28, p.4
Women's basketball and volleyball competition continues.