World War I

Displaying 1 - 50 of 579 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Woman crush Wednesday at the UNI Museum
Northern Iowan 119:44, p.4
The UNI Museum located in Rod Library is posting historical photos on "Women Crush Wednesday" to celebrate important women throughout UNI's history for Women's History Month; photo.
2 Observance of Veterans Day
Northern Iowan 119:22, p.4
Trevor Meyers writes about the history of Veterans Day and why it is important to honor and celebrate veterans; photo.
3 Library exhibit explores WWI impact
Northern Iowan 116:28, p.5
The exhibit "World War I: Lessons and Legacies" is on display in the Rod Library Learning Commons through February 15. The exhibit is courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, the National Museum of American History, U.S. World War I Centennial Commission, and Smithsonian Women's Service. It includes artifacts from the UNI Museum and documents and photos from the Special Collections and University Archives. Two lectures will happen in conjunction with the exhibit: "Warriors, Caregivers, and Patriots: Women's Experiences in the First World War," by associate history professor Emily Machen, and "For the Fallen: Military Cemeteries of the Western Front," by associate history professor Thomas Connors; photos.
4 Holocaust Museum speaker visits UNI
Northern Iowan 115:23, p.1
Eric Schmalz, staff member of the United States Holocaust Museum, gave the lecture "'The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown:' Newspapers, Op-Eds, and American Responses to Anti-Semitism" in Sabin Hall's Segebarth Auditorium on November 6; photo.
5 Concert to celebrate end of WWI
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.4
The School of Music will present 'ARMISTICE' in honor of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. The Varsity Men's Glee Club and the Wind Ensemble will perform in the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center on November 11; photo.
6 UNI to feature lecture on WWI ship camouflage on Halloween
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.9
Librarian from Rhode Island School of Design to present free lecture at UNI discussing science, history, technology, and art involved with WWI ships.
7 UNI Gallery of Art to present ship camouflage exhibit in the Gallery Showcases
Public Relations News Release 2009:10, p.1
An exhibition about the role of artists in naval camouflage titled "Seagoing Easter Eggs: Artists Contributions to Dazzle Ship Camouflage," includes photographs, ship models, and diagrams of ship camouflage designed by American artists during World War I.
8 UNI Gallery of Art to present ship camouflage exhibit in the Gallery Showcases
Public Relations News Release 2009:10, p.1
The exhibition focuses on a particular kind of camouflage called "dazzle painting," in which wartime ships were painted in brightly colored, abstract geometric shapes in order to confuse and for course deception.
9 Lecture focuses on the experience of WW I soldiers
Northern Edition 2:12, p.6
Roy Sandstrom will present lecture based on diary of French officer.
10 Increased needs during a time of economic stress
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.379
Presidents Seerley's efforts to meet generally austere funding from the General Assembly; photo.
11 World War I and the Teachers College; contention in Cedar Falls
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.348
Effects of World War I on the campus, curriculum, and students; detailed look at the student teaching controversy with the Cedar Falls schools.
12 Support solicited for Armistice Day convocation
Northern Iowan 78:19, p.2
Professor gives support to Armistice Day celebrations.
13 Former professor, Hearst, reminisces about the old campus, grounds
Northern Iowan 72:19, p.7
Professor Hearst recalls troubles with old cars, early dances, World War I, his 1926 pageant, and the changed relationship between students and faculty.
14 Twice a day except Saturday a music student climbs a circular iron stairway to the "control" floor of the 100-foot high campanile
Public Relations News Release 1950:92, p.1
Fifteen mammoth bells, rung by hand, peal out musical reminders to oldtimers on the 250-acre campus--reminders of the unique history of the campanile's world-famous Fasoldt clock, and of the equally renowned Meneely Bell foundry.
15 A plea to future teachers
College Eye 38:19, p.2
Urges students to see the broader picture.
16 New stars in service flag
Alumnus 29:1, p.16
Twenty-eight ISTC alumni have been killed; about 1750 now in service; flag made by Ellen Richards Club; WWI service flag in Campanile; breakdown of alumni by branch of service.
17 Stars on flag honor alumni
College Eye 35:34, p.1
Twenty-one have lost their lives in World War II military service; about eight were killed in World War I.
18 Intellectual century
College Eye 35:30, p.2
Opinions on United States position in the post-war world.
19 Present war slogans echo 1918 posters; display now in library
College Eye 35:10, p.6
20 "Twenty-five years ago"
College Eye 35:10, p.2
Tells of the purpose of Armistice Day, the end of World War I.
21 Armistice Day observed; Charles Logan gave address at invocation
College Eye 35:10, p.1
Description of the ceremony.
22 Women in war
Alumnus 27:3, p.13
List of women who are doing civilian war work as well as those who are serving in uniform; photo.
23 T.C. campus today differs little from first World War
College Eye 34:32, p.1
A look at the student newspaper from the World War I era.
24 War music parade to be presented by Campus School
College Eye 34:25, p.3
Will present music from World War I and World War II.
25 Teachers College men marched in S.A.T.C. battalion almost twenty-six years ago
College Eye 34:20, p.5
Brief history of the Student Army Training Corps during World War I; photo.
26 Ration rhyme
College Eye 34:20, p.2
Short poem about rationing in World War I.
27 World War I wasn't 'all-out,' says Prof. Charles
College Eye 34:19, p.1
Professor Charles offers his memories of World War I.
28 Army privates ruled the campus in World War I, 1917
Alumnus 26:2, p.4
Brief history of SATC on the ISTC campus during World War I; photo.
29 College Eye issued without staff's aid
College Eye 33:21, p.5
Due to World War I.
30 Why the literaries failed
Alumnus 25:1, p.5
Continued analysis of fading of literary societies; blames changing student interests and World War I; societies failed to meet students' social and curricular needs.
31 Farewell to the literaries!: Part I: The power and the glory
Alumnus 24:3, p.9
History of literary societies; purposes and activities; humorous occurrences; roster of societies with their dates of founding and ending, mottoes, and colors; photo.
32 Eight men from Teachers College lost their lives in war
College Eye 31:9, p.1

Sixteen faculty members withdrew from college for war service; roster of students who were killed; photo.

33 College "soldiers" rolled out early
College Eye 30:10, p.4
Quick look at the World War I Student Army Training Corps.
34 Arant recalls war voting in Congress
College Eye 28:27, p.2
Professor Arant was observing Congress on the day that war was declared on Germany.
35 From Sergeant to mentor--Whitford
College Eye 28:26, p.4
A look at Coach Whitford's experiences in the Army during World War I; photo.
36 Nine of Class of '10 served in World War, records show
Alumnus 19:4, p.11
Roster of those who were in military service.
37 Remember the time when men bunked in the Women's Gym?
College Eye 26:20, p.1
Brief history of the Student Army Training Corps on campus.
38 Janitor traces changes in college life during thirty-one years of service; Mr. Justice declares that students do not study so much now
College Eye 24:28, p.2
Tom Justice recalls the earlier years of the school.
39 Phi Kappa Delta debate question is announced
College Eye 24:9, p.4
Will debate cancellation of World War I debts.
40 Photography and study of wild flowers
Public Relations News Release 1931:388, p.1
Professor Riebe's work appears in a professional journal and in the Des Moines Register; learned photography while in World War I military service.
41 George H. McManus
Alumnus 16:2, p.23
History of different ranks in his army career; now executive officer of organized reserves in the first corps area.
42 Folk dances of all countries to be danced at festival
College Eye 21:23, p.1
History of folk festival on campus; had origins in Americanization process after World War I; will include demonstrations and participation by all those who attend.
43 A history of the Alumni News Letter
Alumnus 14:1, p.1
History of publication extends back to letters from President Seerley in 1910; President Latham suggests new format similar to that of other colleges.
44 Mrs. Wilma H. Walter
Alumnus 14:1, p.24
Wilma Walter is a teacher in the Kohn Public School in Chicago; has been leading Red Cross work for veterans.
45 "Sea Devil" waged warfare without taking human life
College Eye 20:11, p.1
Count Felix von Luckner will speak; photo.
46 Count Felix Von Luckner
College Eye 20:10, p.3
Will speak on campus.
47 Gold Star men honored by service
College Eye 20:10, p.1

At CHIC; roster of those killed in World War I.

48 Leon Dabo to speak here January 26; served with A. E. F. and later with army of occupations
College Eye 19:18, p.1
Profile of Leon Dabo.
49 Armistice Day celebration November 11; salvo of cannon proclaimed first Armistice Day
College Eye 19:10, p.1
Remembering the celebration of the Armistice.
50 The Wolff's Howl
College Eye 19:10, p.4
Recognizes the sacrifices of veterans and those who were involved in war effort stateside.