World War I

Displaying 201 - 250 of 579 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 The College Eye
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.1
The College Eye resumed publication with new staff and officials after withdrawal of some members to enter service and accept other work.
202 Honor roll
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.6
Assignments and addresses of alumni, faculty, and former students who are in the military service and a list of those who died in service.
203 The men's literary societies
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.1
The men's literary societies do not have enough members because of the war. Samuel A. Lynch will take charge of business until the organizations resume active service.
204 Food Conservation Program
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.1
Food Conservation Program was conducted by Faculty Committee and pageant was put on by Home Economics classes.
205 Honor roll
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.6
Supplementary report of faculty, students, and graduates who have died in service or currently serve the U. S.
206 Faculty notes 7
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.2
Irving H. Hart, Director of Extension, is on leave during war for YMCA work. He was recently transferred to Virginia where he will serve as Camp Educational Director.
207 Dr. Merchant closes S. A. T. C. lectures
College Eye 10:8, p.1
Excerpts from address on "The Philosophical Background of the War"; sixth and last lecture of the series.
208 Winter enrollment reaches lowest mark; not complete, however, until discharged men enroll January 2, 1919
College Eye 10:8, p.1
890 enrolled so far for the winter term; enrollment will be extended until January 2 to allow for returning servicemen.
209 Conservation exercises held last Friday
College Eye 10:8, p.1
Present program on food conservation.
210 Large number of U. S. boys to enroll; college makes preparations for January 2, 1919
College Eye 10:8, p.1
Will allow servicemen to enroll for full credit for the winter term.
211 Alfred Sorensen writes from Carruther's Field
College Eye 10:8, p.2
Has been training in aviation.
212 From Samuel F. Hersey
College Eye 10:8, p.2
Tells of experience in military service in France.
213 From W. C. Schluter
College Eye 10:8, p.2
Tells of military service in France.
214 Professors planning to come back
College Eye 10:8, p.4
Professors Perrine, Palmer, and Van Oot hope to return to campus after completing their war work.
215 Eells U. W. W. organization manager at Camp Dodge
College Eye 10:8, p.4
Soldiers there have raised over $13,000.
216 Good bye and good luck
College Eye 10:8, p.3
Memories of work in the SATC.
217 Word has been received of the death
College Eye 10:7, p.3
Harry Fullerton has died in France.
218 Miss Maybelle Rathes
College Eye 10:7, p.3
Has accepted appointment in hospital service in France.
219 Impressive service last Sunday evening
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Eugene Allen considers US role in postwar world.
220 Prof. Lynch lectures on "War Poetry"; fifth S. A. T. C. open lecture last evening
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Lengthy excerpts from address.
221 Mrs. Walker gives lecture to T. C. girls
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Believes women must take their part in assuring democracy in the world.
222 Library art exhibit attracting attention
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Features military, Red Cross, and YMCA work.
223 When they come back
College Eye 10:7, p.2
Editorial states that students and faculty are anticipating the arrival of soldiers returning home from World War I.
224 John G. McDonald, 1910
College Eye 10:6, p.4
Has been twice wounded in France, now in Intelligence Department of the A. E. F.
225 Professor W. O. Lockhart, on leave of absence
College Eye 10:6, p.4
Commissioned Ensign in the U. S. Navy; will report to headquarters in New York City.
226 French officer spoke to crowded house; Lieutenant Sauvage relates his experiences; brings in France's part in war
College Eye 10:6, p.1
Long excerpts from address on the war and the Armistice.
227 Sergeant Ray Pendleton writes his experiences
College Eye 10:6, p.2
Talks about experiences in US Army camp in Georgia.
228 Will McDonald, a former student
College Eye 10:6, p.4
Is chaplain and First Lieutenant at the Aviation School in Arcadia, California.
229 Tom McDonald has been commissioned
College Eye 10:6, p.4
Commissioned Ensign in the U. S. Navy and ordered to headquarters in New York City.
230 Captain Dunwood of the Medical Department, U. S. A.
College Eye 10:6, p.3
Captain Dunwood has been transferred to Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama. Lieutenant O'Reilly has been transferred to the University of Nebraska.
231 President Seerley
College Eye 10:6, p.4
Attended meetings in Chicago that were made extraordinary by the Armistice of the nations at war.
232 Robert McDonald
College Eye 10:6, p.4
Entered the Great Lakes Naval Training Station.
233 Miss Burner addresses many students
College Eye 10:6, p.1
Spoke on YWCA work in France during the war; called on college women to work for democracy.
234 B. A. Senior Class of '18
College Eye 10:5, p.3
Their sponsor, Professor Getchell, contributed money to The United War Work Drive and College auxiliary of the Cedar Falls Red Cross Chapter.
235 T. C. celebrates international holiday; all classes excused to commemorate close of war Monday; students attended down town performance in afternoon
College Eye 10:5, p.1
Lengthy description of campus and town Armistice Day activities.
236 Dr. Frank N. Seerley of Army Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 10:5, p.4
Letter; news and works of his division.
237 Said the workman to the soldier
College Eye 10:5, p.2
An Edgar Guest poem.
238 11-Nov-18
College Eye 10:5, p.2
States the importance of November 11, 1918, which marks the end of World War I.
239 Terance Bryan Black, '15
College Eye 10:5, p.4
Arrived in Ft. Des Moines Hospital; wounded in action; former college library staff.
240 Died: Mihran H. Mardigian
College Eye 10:5, p.4

Died of influenza and pneumonia; had hoped to return to his native Armenia.

241 Geddes thanks Americans for appreciative vote; Teachers College responded almost unanimous
College Eye 10:5, p.1
242 Capt. William H. Hearst, 1889, 1890
College Eye 10:5, p.4
Serving as Chief of Surgical Services, U. S. A. General Hospital No. 8, Otisville, New York.
243 Miss Genevieve Johnson was called home
College Eye 10:5, p.3
Went home to see brother before he left for service.
244 Four T. C. men called to service
College Eye 10:5, p.1
Nelson Hersey, B. M. Hansen, Jesse Shedd, and Professor Palmer called.
245 War work campaign in full swing; student body subscribes heavily; $2200 reached yesterday with more coming in
College Eye 10:5, p.1
Roger Leavitt addressed chapel on Armistice Day.
246 Lieutenant Sauvage lectures Thursday; crowded house will greet this French war veteran
College Eye 10:5, p.1
George M. Sauvage will speak on his military service.
247 Professor Ernest Zechiel-U. S. Naval Research Laboratories, New London, Connecticut
College Eye 10:5, p.4
Had been preparing to go overseas, but was ordered to work at the base.
248 Major R. F. Seymour
College Eye 10:5, p.4
Now in A. E. F. in France; letter; news and movements of his division.
249 Zayin Chapter of Achoth
College Eye 10:4, p.3
Sorority gave money to "The Fatherless Children of France Committee."
250 Training School adopts French family; letters received show their appreciation
College Eye 10:4, p.1
Text of two letters from Madame Favier.