World War I

Displaying 551 - 579 of 579 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
551 U.S. recognizes Army Association work; care of moral and spiritual lives of soldiers essential
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Y. M. C. A. prepares to minister to active soldiers if called into duty.
552 Military training
College Eye 8:24, p.4
Advocates men at Teachers College undergoing military training.
553 Students petition for military drill; to the Iowa State Board of Education
College Eye 8:24, p.4
Reproduction of the letter sent to the State Board of Education requesting that military training be offered at Teachers College; authors listed.
554 The Kaiser
College Eye 8:23, p.2
Poem that places the blame for the Great War on the German Kaiser.
555 Military training in the colleges
College Eye 8:23, p.4
Advocates preparing students for military conflict, should America find itself embroiled in conflict.
556 Hyphenated Americans
College Eye 8:18, p.4
Denounces Americans who would support Germany if the United States becomes involved in armed conflict with them.
557 Chapel address, February 1st
College Eye 8:17, p.6
Publication of chapel address given by Marion McFarland Walker.
558 Meeting of Social Science Club
College Eye 8:16, p.6
Program was organized along war theme.
559 Report of War Prison Relief; Teachers College subscribes $2500
College Eye 8:13, p.1
Donations accepted for War Prison Relief Fund.
560 War prison relief
Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1
Faculty and staff contributed $2500 for prison camp relief work to the World's Christian Students Federation campaign.
561 Will American colleges help; conditions among the student soldier prisoners in the war prisons of Europe
College Eye 8:7, p.1
Describes conditions in which prisoners of war in Europe are being held.
562 Delpha Davis in U. S.
College Eye 8:5, p.7
Returns after five years as a missionary teacher in Europe.
563 Preparedness
Old Gold 0:0, p.327
A humorous look at the theme of wartime preparedness.
564 Women's debate won by Teachers; large audience attends interesting debate
College Eye 7:31, p.1
Won against Coe; debated whether or not the United States should build her navy to be comparable to those of other world powers.
565 Women's debate May nineteenth; the women of our college will clash with the women of Coe
College Eye 7:28, p.1
Will debate whether or not the United States should make its navy comparable to those of other world powers.
566 Women's debate tryout
College Eye 7:22, p.4
Chose participants in upcoming Coe-T. C. debate; will debate whether or not the United States should start to build a navy comparable to that of other world powers.
567 Social Science Club meets
College Eye 7:21, p.3
Spoke about the effects of the war, child labor, cooperatively marketing farm produce, and how the Colorado strike effects public issues.
568 The United States and Canada
College Eye 7:20, p.4
Believes that Canada and the United States need to discuss what will happen if the safety of their hemisphere is threatened.
569 Woman's debate
College Eye 7:20, p.5
Debating whether or not the United States should build up her navy to be equivalent with other world powers.
570 News directly from the front
College Eye 7:14, p.8
Janette Maxwell receives a letter from a wounded British soldier.
571 England and the war
College Eye 7:8, p.1
Discusses situation in London during World War I.
572 Mr. Mihran Mardigan
College Eye 7:1, p.8

Having trouble receiving mail because of the war, the editors of the College Eye urge the student body to send cards.

573 Miss Riggs gives address
College Eye 4:26, p.1
Sara Riggs spoke on "The Background of the European War."
574 In the midst of the conflict
College Eye 4:23, p.8
Miss Davis describes her life as a missionary in Monastir, Serbia.
575 Lecture course number is changed; Harold Bauer and Madame Elizabeth Von Endert will give recital in place of Busoni; both rank high in musical circles
College Eye 4:16, p.1
War interferes with travel planned by artists.
576 Anna Miller
College Eye 4:11, p.8
Plans to go to India as missionary hindered by war; will enter a Bible institute in Chicago.
577 Editorial effervescences
College Eye 4:9, p.4
Briefly comments on a number of subjects.
578 On last Tuesday
College Eye 4:6, p.8
The Reading Circle met with Professor G. W. Newton. Professor M. F. Arey and Professor L. Begeman participated in the discussion of the European War.
579 Lina Moore
College Eye 4:2, p.7
Detained in Europe due to the war.