World War I

Displaying 501 - 550 of 579 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Faculty alumni will present comedy
College Eye 9:3, p.1
Will present "The Real Thing"; money raised will be used to send Christmas boxes to T. C. students who are in military service.
502 Interest keen in military drill; work progresses
College Eye 9:3, p.1
Roster of men in Company A and men who have been appointed officers.
503 The College Band
College Eye 9:3, p.1
The College Band is expected to begin assisting with the military drill work.
504 French language
College Eye 9:3, p.3
French classes will be offered to freshmen; may be useful for those who may be going to France.
505 Exemptions?
College Eye 9:3, p.4
Believes students should not be exempt from military training because of their religious beliefs.
506 The Y. M. C. A. and the War
College Eye 9:3, p.3
Y. M. C. A. organizations need to do what they can to raise money.
507 Military instruction
College Eye 9:2, p.3
Major F. N. Mead had been temporarily placed in charge of military instruction.
508 The fall term
College Eye 9:2, p.3
The war is creating a need for teachers throughout the country.
509 Wireless School opens soon; students register
College Eye 9:2, p.1
Wireless school is run by the U. S. Signal Service; open to men who want to take the course and are willing to enlist in military service.
510 Compulsory military training; Major F. N. Mead in charge
College Eye 9:2, p.1
Class will include field work, class work, and physical training; photo.
511 Draft affects enrollment
College Eye 9:2, p.1
Enrollment for the current school year is approximately four hundred students lower than during the 1916-17 school year.
512 The prodigal nation
College Eye 9:2, p.4
Compares World War I to the parable of the prodigal son.
513 Military instruction
Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1
Military instruction has taken the place of physical education for men. F. N. Mead and Major Holland are in charge of the instruction.
514 College attendance in 1917-18
College Eye 9:1, p.4
Looks at the possible effect of military enlistment on college enrollment.
515 Untitled
College Eye 9:1, p.1
College graduates are needed to help fix the world's problems.
516 The Hobo fraternity
College Eye 8:31, p.2
Able Hobo fraternity sends vest-pocket Bibles to members in military service.
517 Why should we worry
College Eye 8:31, p.4
Compares athletics to gardening.
518 Letter from Professor Seymour
College Eye 8:31, p.3
Describes his experiences at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, in officer training for the war.
519 International brotherhood
College Eye 8:30, p.4
Publication of winning oration from interstate contest held May 4.
520 Editorial
College Eye 8:30, p.4
Requests Commencement announcements be turned in prior to publication of next week's issue; speaks out against "cheap" displays of patriotism; believes the library has become neglected by students.
521 Our duty as college men
College Eye 8:30, p.4
Believes college men can best serve the war effort by staying in school and becoming productive members of society in order to support those on the front in Europe.
522 Faculty for fall, 1917
College Eye 8:30, p.5
The budget is undecided due to war concerns, but some faculty will be returning from leaves of absence.
523 Card from Stout
College Eye 8:30, p.5
Describes conditions in basic training.
524 Keep cool
College Eye 8:29, p.4
Encourages young men not to rush into military service, but instead to use good judgment to decide where they can best help their country.
525 Urgent watchfulness; Department on Tuberculosis warns against forgetfulness; tuberculosis may increase as a result of war
College Eye 8:28, p.5
Letter requesting publication of an article warning against letting down guard against tuberculosis outbreaks; reprint of requested article.
526 Honorable dismissals
College Eye 8:28, p.6
Roster of students dismissed from school for military service or farm work.
527 The budget for 1917
College Eye 8:28, p.5
Due to wartime influences, the 1917-1918 budget will not be decided until mid-September.
528 Homerians
College Eye 8:28, p.3
Meeting focuses on Red Cross activity.
529 Student and faculty absent because of accepting military service with the government
College Eye 8:28, p.5
State Board of Education grants allowances for students and faculty entering military service.
530 Leaves of absence
College Eye 8:28, p.5
Professors Seymour and Arey to take leaves of absence.
531 Goodbye, soldier boys!; Clios entertain Orio brothers
College Eye 8:28, p.3
Party held for departing Orio members inducted into military service.
532 Verne Marshall speaks on war; speaks from firsthand knowledge
College Eye 8:28, p.1
Speaks on his experiences as an ambulance driver along the front in France.
533 No Commencement play
College Eye 8:27, p.6
Due to induction of college men into military service, the Commencement play finds itself shorthanded and unable to find suitable replacements.
534 Verne Marshall to give return engagement in Cedar Falls
College Eye 8:27, p.2
To speak on experiences on the front in France.
535 Y. W. and Y. M.
College Eye 8:27, p.3
Dr. Sage of Waterloo speaks on the war.
536 Great canning campaign; organize clubs
College Eye 8:27, p.1
People organize and begin to can and preserve surplus fruit and vegetables for the war effort.
537 Philo-Alpha give farewell program; patriotic numbers given
College Eye 8:27, p.1
Program given for recently enlisted members.
538 Military drill a success; Major Holland of Ames in charge
College Eye 8:27, p.1
Description and opinions on the military training program at Teachers College.
539 Sophs honor patriotic members; sing patriotic songs
College Eye 8:27, p.1
Hike and program given for Milton Tostlebe before he departs for military service.
540 No more reserve units during war
College Eye 8:27, p.1
Publication of statement issued by Department of War suspending federal military instruction in schools and colleges and calling all able men to action.
541 First aid class
College Eye 8:27, p.5
Y. W. C. A. sponsors first aid class for college women.
542 Editorial
College Eye 8:27, p.4
Attributes prior article to correct author; denounces cheap usage of patriotism for advertising; discusses the Great War; speaks out against specialization in schools.
543 Names of students who have been honorably dismissed from I. S. T. C. in order to enlist in the U. S. Army; dated April 26, 1917
College Eye 8:27, p.6
Roster of students dismissed from the college who are enlisting in Army.
544 Editorial
College Eye 8:26, p.4
Addresses asking foolish questions in class, adding a patriotic demonstration to May Day festivities, military drills on campus, and obtaining military uniforms for men participating in drills.
545 "Disturb not her dreams"
College Eye 8:26, p.4
Women students request that men on their way to early military drills try not to be so noisy; editors agree.
546 Will the world become socialistic?
College Eye 8:25, p.4
Compares socialism to a germ and describes belief of why a socialist system is inherently flawed.
547 Students organize company
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Military training to replace physical training for men; work under direction of National Guard; further arrangements to be made in fall.
548 Y. W. C. A. organizes class in first aid; five hundred sixty women enroll
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Course will certify women as nurses for the Red Cross.
549 Faculty asks for military training; to begin work Mon., April 30th
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Committee on Military Training for Faculty Members outlines proposal for military education.
550 Social Science meeting
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Recap of events at meeting; address given by the Reverend Metcalf on conditions in England due to the war.