Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 413 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Going to college, getting an education not same thing
Northern Iowan 92:53, p.8
People go to college for many reasons, but they should devote some effort to learning.
2 Obiter Scripta: Nation should honor authentic American hero, Dr. King
Northern Iowan 82:28, p.2
Upset that America spends more time honoring the popular celebrities than it does the true heroes, people such as Dr. King; reprint of 1963 column.
3 "Keep on studying, Earl"; reply to Chrysler
Northern Iowan 73:15, p.3
Gives his support to union; also comments on previous editorial written by Earl Chrysler on collective bargaining.
4 Kimball backwards?
Northern Iowan 72:10, p.2
Professor Fox believes that people will think about earning more money because they need more money, not because they have access to collective bargaining.
5 Regents strike blow to faculty
Northern Iowan 71:44, p.2
Professor Fox believes that the Regents have set a bad precedent by promoting several faculty members who did not have the support of their departments.
6 Sage remarks
Northern Iowan 70:5, p.2
Professor Fox appreciated President Kamerick's remarks at recent convocation.
7 Reconstruction and the ecology
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.2
Professor Fox believes that general education should be reconstituted with a special look toward ecological problems.
8 Objectivity and intelligent conversation
Northern Iowan 69:25, p.2
Professor Fox considers issue of a university's detachment and purported objectivity.
9 Observations on what's wrong
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.2
Professor Fox attempts to determine where, if anywhere, policy lies as it relates to the HiDuke matter.
10 Policy and policy-making
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.3
Believes university's policies are a mess; offers recommendations for improvement.
11 An immodest proposal for an adversary situation
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.4
Professor Fox proposes that the Regents grant the faculty some sort of power of their own.
12 Department head censure
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.2
In light of the HiDuke case, Professor Fox believes that it is useless, and perhaps even dangerous, to grieve a department head's decision.
13 More from the adversary climate
Northern Iowan 69:11, p.3
Professor Fox believes that delegation of authority is not much different from authoritarianism.
14 The adversary climate
Northern Iowan 69:8, p.2
Professor Fox considers roots of adversarial relationship between faculty and administration.
15 Curricular mish-mash
Northern Iowan 69:3, p.2
Professor Fox explains why he is distressed by the current general education sequence.
16 A book of importance for UNI
Northern Iowan 68:50, p.2
Professor Fox talks about "The Limits to Growth".
17 Evaluation and improvement of instruction
Northern Iowan 68:46, p.2
Professor Fox has no illusions that a plan currently under consideration will improve the quality of instruction.
18 Who's to blame?
Northern Iowan 68:41, p.2
Critical of University of Iowa in matter of speaking appearance of Professor Herrnstein.
19 "A blow to progressive liberalism"
Northern Iowan 68:37, p.2
Professor Fox considers the Iowa City incident in which a guest lecturer was shouted down and not allowed to speak by the Students for a Democratic Society.
20 Dissent of the faculty survey
Northern Iowan 68:33, p.2
Professor Fox has refused to return his faculty activity survey because it was designed without faculty input and because it measures only time.
21 Fox attacks memorandum
Northern Iowan 68:29, p.3
Professor Fox protests the contents of Provost Martin's tenure document and the way that he went about compiling it.
22 Grade system has flaws
Northern Iowan 68:28, p.3
Professor Fox explains his difficulty with graduate grade standards and the way that they are calculated.
23 Grim financial prospects for UNI
Northern Iowan 68:25, p.2
Professor Fox believes that there is not enough money for UNI to develop into a university; should concentrate on becoming a good college.
24 Fox says university senate is not the answer to student power problems
Northern Iowan 68:20, p.3
Believes students lack the wisdom to transform themselves and to take power.
25 Fox applauds Faculty Senate's stand on tenure
Northern Iowan 68:15, p.4
Professor Fox praises Senate's endorsement of 1940 AAUP statement.
26 Fox will not obey article C.3
Northern Iowan 68:11, p.3
Professor Fox strongly disagrees with point of Student Rights and Responsibilities dealing with disclosure of political views.
27 Fox 'in despair'
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.2
Professor Fox is critical of debating whether or not the university can afford to distribute printed copies of Faculty Senate documents.
28 On faculty participation
Northern Iowan 68:8, p.3
Professor Fox believes that faculty and administration should each govern their own spheres of activity.
29 On faculty participation
Northern Iowan 68:7, p.4
Professor Fox expounds his theory on faculty power.
30 'Helluva way to run a railroad'; Fox on communication
Northern Iowan 68:3, p.2
Professor Fox does not believe that faculty should be on newly-reorganized Administrative Council.
31 Tenure does not protect 'incompetence'
Northern Iowan 67:53, p.2
Professor Fox explains why he values tenure.
32 Fox talks on curriculum
Northern Iowan 67:49, p.3
Professor Fox believes that curriculum is more important than the school's financial condition.
33 Fox says faculty should have taken a position on ROTC
Northern Iowan 67:40, p.3
Believes ROTC ideals are incompatible with university environment.
34 No secrets in Fox's course
Northern Iowan 67:38, p.2
His classroom is public business.
35 Retention policy makes no sense
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.4
Professor Fox believes that decisions to dismiss a student on the basis of a faulty grading system make no sense.
36 Teachers need grading system
Northern Iowan 67:33, p.3
Professor Fox outlines shortcomings of grading system.
37 UNI should come to Tony's defense
Northern Iowan 67:28, p.3
Professor Fox believes the university should try to see that charges against Tony Ogden are dropped.
38 Political not sexual
Northern Iowan 67:26, p.3
Professor Fox provides extensive comments on Tony Ogden's arrest for indecent exposure in the Union.
39 Appropriate sanctions for students
Northern Iowan 67:23, p.5
Professor Fox believes that violators of university regulations should not be excluded from the academic community; rather, they have shown that they need more education.
40 "Teachers" should be Senate
Northern Iowan 67:19, p.5
Professor Fox is disturbed by the relatively large number of senators who do not teach full time.
41 Faculty obsolescence unresolved
Northern Iowan 67:15, p.3
Believes the root of student unrest lies in the way that faculty teaches.
42 Affront to University authority; Grassley's questionnaire
Northern Iowan 67:11, p.3
Professor Fox outlines his position strongly opposing Representative Grassley's survey.
43 UNI should respond to Conlee's challenge
Public Relations News Release 67:7, p.3
Believes Mr. Conlee's remarks should not be ignored.
44 Repression not the answer for campus discontent
Public Relations News Release 67:3, p.3
Believes repression will aggravate situation; urges curricular reform.
45 Faculty should understand--history provides valuable lesson
Northern Iowan 66:57, p.1
Professor Fox believes that faculty should have responded to student needs much earlier.
46 Establishment must beat students at their own game
Northern Iowan 66:53, p.3
Professor Fox believes that society should react constructively to student demonstrations.
47 Revolution is not the right way to secure open trials
Northern Iowan 66:51, p.4
Professor Fox believes that closed hearings are a bad idea.
48 "Old-fashioned" liberals challenged
Public Relations News Release 66:49, p.3
Professor Fox views success of activists.
49 Says history, campus activism repeat
Northern Iowan 66:47, p.3
Professor Fox considers whether or not the UNI 7 received due process.
50 Education to suffer without sufficient funds
Northern Iowan 66:45, p.3
Professor Fox believes that education may not be keeping pace with the complexity of society.