
Displaying 251 - 300 of 1784 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Dream Team turns into nightmare
Northern Iowan 101:1, p.15
Critique of the U.S. men's Olympic basketball team.
252 NUHS to host three-on-three basketball tournament
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Little Panther Shootout to be held at the WRC.
253 Diapers to dribbling in no time
Northern Iowan 100:59, p.5
Speaks out against the trend of NBA teams drafting players directly out of high school in such large numbers.
254 UNI announces summer sports camps dates
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
List of camps for boys and girls, ages 7-18.
255 Untitled
Northern Iowan 100:50, p.16
N. I. sportswriters debate whether or not NBA teams with losing records should be eligible for postseason play.
256 Students enjoy spring sunshine
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.1
Students take advantage of the warm weather; photo.
257 Northern Iowa Intramural Sports; Spring 2004 results
Northern Iowan 100:43, p.17
Spring 2004 results provided.
258 No. 23 retired for McKowen
Northern Iowan 100:40, p.13
UNI basketball player Brooks McKowen has his number 23 jersey retired at Wapsie Valley High School.
259 Sideline sports
Northern Iowan 100:35, p.16
Sportswriters discuss Bob Knight's future with Texas Tech.
260 NI Sports Guru 2.0
Northern Iowan 100:34, p.12
Commentary on professional and collegiate sports.
261 Sideline sports
Northern Iowan 100:31, p.15
N. I. sportswriters discuss parity in the NFL and picks for Super Bowl XXXVIII.
262 NI Sports Guru 2.0
Northern Iowan 100:26, p.18
Provides his insight on professional and collegiate sports.
263 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:49, p.13
Talks about the NCAA tournament.
264 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:47, p.11
Comments on college basketball and major league baseball.
265 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:45, p.13
Explores recent occurrences in college basketball, major league baseball, and praises wrestler Dylan Long and basketball player Amy Swisher for solid performances; photo.
266 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:44, p.11
Talks about intercollegiate basketball and wrestling.
267 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:42, p.11
Briefly comments on professional basketball, hockey, and baseball, UNI basketball and wrestling.
268 Toni Smith takes a different stance
Northern Iowan 99:41, p.5
Claims that basketball player Toni Smith of Manhattanville College has the right to refuse to face the American flag because of the freedom that the flag represents.
269 University of Northern Iowa Intramural Sports
Northern Iowan 99:40, p.5
March/April upcoming events and early spring 2003 intramural results are announced; results are given from various events.
270 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:40, p.17
Comments on intercollegiate basketball and wrestling and possible MTV coverage of sports.
271 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:38, p.15
Briefly comments on several professional sports, and also on UNI wrestling and basketball.
272 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.13
Briefly comments on space shuttle Columbia, professional football and basketball, and UNI sports.
273 Myron the baton prodigy and LeBron James
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.5
Feels the world of professional sports is ruining the high school years of some students.
274 Untitled
Northern Iowan 99:33, p.1
Tony Baranowski cheers after making a half-court shot; photo.
275 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:30, p.17
Comments on professional football and basketball, and intercollegiate basketball.
276 Northern Iowa intramural sports; January/February upcoming events and Fall 2002 intramural results
Northern Iowan 99:28, p.20
277 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:12, p.12
Briefly comments on Homecoming, professional baseball, college basketball, and football.
278 NI Sports Guru
Northern Iowan 99:10, p.17
Discusses Iowa basketball player Pierre Pierce and Florida State University's Bowden Bowl; briefly comments on other athletics.
279 UNI intramural basketball teams headed to Orlando
Northern Iowan 98:53, p.24
'Total Domination' and the 'Panthers', UNI intramural basketball teams, will compete in the Target 5-on-5 National Basketball Tournament.
280 Too many comebacks from Michael Jordan
Northern Iowan 98:18, p.7
Explains why Michael Jordan should have stayed in retirement.
281 Serendipity Safari
Northern Iowan 98:10, p.5
Compares Michael Jordan second comeback in basketball to Jesus.
282 An athlete who's lost love of game
Northern Iowan 98:10, p.5
Compares basketball player Michael Jordan to baseball player Rickey Henderson and their reasons to keep professional sports.
283 Jordan's return not to be ridiculed
Northern Iowan 98:8, p.6
Believes that Michael Jordan should return to basketball because it is what he loves to do.
284 Boys' basketball camps offered at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2000:415, p.1
Four types of boys' basketball camps will be available this summer.
285 Walton unable to deliver wise analysis in NCAA tournament
Northern Iowan 97:47, p.17
Comments on the style used by college basketball and NBA analyst Bill Walton.
286 Intramural team will compete at national tournament in April
Northern Iowan 97:42, p.16
Total Domination is the first UNI intramural team to go to the national intramural tournament; photo.
287 Noon basketball for faculty and staff
Campus News Network 11:4, p.3
A noon basketball league will play games at the Wellness Center.
288 'Knightmare' at IU
Northern Iowan 96:51, p.6
Bobby Knight, Indiana's men's basketball coach, is being investigated for allegedly choking a former basketball player at practice.
289 IM manager meetings
Northern Iowan 96:28, p.19
Intramural managers meetings for bowling and basketball will be held the first week of the spring semester.
290 Sportsmanship lost in a sea of money
Northern Iowan 96:10, p.5
Editorial calls for better sportsmanship and cites recent examples of inadequate sportsmanship.
291 The University of Northern Iowa will host the American Youth Basketball TOUR, July 17-25
Public Relations News Release 1998:419, p.1
The American Youth Basketball TOUR chose Waterloo/Cedar Falls to host one of their tournaments.
292 M. J. and Phil together once again?
Northern Iowan 95:46, p.17
Former NBA star Michael Jordan is considering purchasing 50% of the Charlotte Hornet basketball team.
293 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society sponsors elementary and high school girls basketball programs
Public Relations News Release 1998:296, p.1
UNI's Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi started two basketball programs for elementary and high school students at Roosevelt Elementary and East High School in Waterloo.
294 What to expect in 1999
Northern Iowan 95:29, p.22
Comments on the things you will and won't see this year in sports.
295 To play or not to play?
Northern Iowan 95:23, p.5
Comments on NBA lockout.
296 Enough already, let's play eh?
Northern Iowan 95:16, p.16
Columnist comments on the recent shut-down of the National Basketball Association during labor talks.
297 Team of the 90s running out of years to win it all
Northern Iowan 95:13, p.14
Columnist comments on national baseball playoffs and the NBA.
298 Northern Iowan NCAA contest
Northern Iowan 94:43, p.16
Northern Iowan is sponsoring an NCAA tournament contest.
299 Go Junior Panthers!
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.11
Junior Panthers play basketball at halftime during the men's basketball games; photo.
300 Bulls finally look human
Northern Iowan 94:19, p.14
Believes Chicago Bulls may be nearing end of title runs.