
Displaying 401 - 450 of 1784 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Big-Mac shoot-out
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.15
The Big-Mac shoot-out is the halftime highlight of the men's home basketball games.
402 Intramurals
Northern Iowan 75:48, p.14
Results of the women's intramural basketball tournament.
403 Co-rec basketball finals
Northern Iowan 75:47, p.11
The intramural basketball finals were played Monday night.
404 Intramural news
Northern Iowan 75:44, p.10
Results from the men's intramural basketball season.
405 Globetrotters here
Northern Iowan 75:40, p.12
The Harlem Globetrotters played at the UNI-Dome on Tuesday night; photo.
406 Globetrotters coming to UNI
Northern Iowan 75:38, p.15
The Harlem Globetrotters will be playing at UNI on February 27.
407 Globetrotter talent
Northern Iowan 75:38, p.15
The Globetrotters public relations director visited UNI; photo.
408 Leisure services
Northern Iowan 75:28, p.7
Entry deadlines for basketball leagues.
409 Leisure services
Northern Iowan 75:27, p.15
Co-rec basketball will begin in January.
410 Intramural news
Northern Iowan 75:25, p.14
An intramural basketball tournament will be taking place before the holiday break.
411 Soul Bowl
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.3
Will hold 7th annual basketball tournament.
412 Intramural news
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.14
Final basketball standings.
413 Intramural News
Northern Iowan 74:44, p.19
Will hold free throw shooting contest and one-on-one competition.
414 Intramural News
Northern Iowan 74:43, p.6
UNI JV Team defeated the Intramural All-Stars.
415 Intramural news
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.10
Upcoming competition in bowling and women's basketball.
416 WRA
Northern Iowan 74:28, p.12
Rosters for intramural basketball available.
417 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 73:42, p.8
Activities and meetings.
418 Co-rec basketball
Northern Iowan 73:42, p.8
Register to play.
419 Two points?
Northern Iowan 73:35, p.1
Men's intramural basketball; photo.
420 Draft league progressing
Northern Iowan 72:33, p.11
The intramural basketball season began its seven week stint.
421 Liars, damn liars, and statisticians
Northern Iowan 72:29, p.6
Dick Fridley presents a basketball quiz.
422 I. M. basketball draft held
Northern Iowan 72:28, p.14
An intramural basketball draft was held Wednesday.
423 Liars, "Damn" Liars and Statisticians
Northern Iowan 72:25, p.6
Dick Fridley concludes the look at basketball terminology.
424 Liars, "Damn" Liars and Statisticians
Northern Iowan 72:24, p.10
Dick Fridley reviews basketball terminology.
425 New league added to intramurals
Northern Iowan 72:24, p.10
A new intramural basketball league has been added in addition to the regular one.
426 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 72:9, p.8
Activities and meetings.
427 Gunners again
Northern Iowan 71:29, p.7
The intramural women's team Gunners took the championship.
428 Open gym lacks basketball space
Northern Iowan 71:22, p.2
Unhappy that basketball is not allowed during "Open Gym" sponsored by WRA.
429 WRA basketball
Northern Iowan 71:13, p.12
Intramurals will start.
430 Gunners win women's intramurals
Northern Iowan 70:28, p.6
The Gunners from Lawther Hall defeated Camelot House of Campbell Hall for the intramural championships.
431 It's the Dunkers
Northern Iowan 70:27, p.8
The Dunkers won the intramural basketball championship.
432 Untitled
Northern Iowan 70:25, p.8
Kurt Reynolds controls the ball during one of the intramural playoff games; photo.
433 Playoff results
Northern Iowan 70:25, p.7
Championships for intramural basketball will follow.
434 Intramural playoffs
Northern Iowan 70:22, p.14
Intramural basketball playoffs to be held next week.
435 Intramural basketball
Northern Iowan 70:18, p.8
Intramural basketball results.
436 Intramural BB
Northern Iowan 70:16, p.12
Intramural basketball opened last night with 104 teams.
437 Intramural basketball for women
Northern Iowan 70:13, p.11
Women interested in intramural basketball must attend an organizational meeting.
438 Intramural deadline
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.11
One-on-one basketball to be implemented.
439 Untitled
Northern Iowan 69:29, p.11
Photographs of the participants of the women's intramural basketball championships; photo.
440 Intramurals close with playoffs
Northern Iowan 69:28, p.11
Intramural basketball ends; photo.
441 WRA basketball standings
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.13
Women's Recreational Association intramural basketball statistics.
442 New B-ball league established
Northern Iowan 68:42, p.4
443 Phi Sigs are basketball champs
Northern Iowan 68:27, p.6
The Phi Sig team won the intramural championships; photo.
444 Basketball standings
Northern Iowan 68:26, p.11
Standings of intramural teams
445 Intramural basketball
Northern Iowan 68:22, p.11
Scores and rankings of intramural teams.
446 Intramural action moves outside with softball
Northern Iowan 67:48, p.9
Intramural basketball ends as other intramural activities begin.
447 Basketball bounces into intramural spotlight
Northern Iowan 67:40, p.10
Intramural basketball is underway.
448 Intramural basketball underway
Northern Iowan 67:35, p.11
Kendall House defeated Cummins House in the first intramural basketball game.
449 Organization News
Northern Iowan 67:15, p.16
Activities and meetings.
450 Harskamp, Weikert pace big frosh win
Northern Iowan 65:41, p.6
Freshmen Panthers defeated the Faculty All-Stars, 97-68.