
Displaying 351 - 400 of 712 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 ISTC's winter beauty; white burden
College Eye 51:16, p.3
Features the snow-covered ISTC campus; photo.
352 Christmas at ISTC
College Eye 51:13, p.1
Highlights the Christmas season at TC; photo.
353 God rest ye merry, gentle alums!
Alumnus 44:4, p.
The Christmas tree near the Campanile; photo.
354 Giant evergreens?
College Eye 51:9, p.1
Two of the clocks on the Campanile are showing the same time; photo.
355 Mirror on the Mob
College Eye 51:8, p.8
Comments on the honesty of faculty members, the approaching midterms, and the view from the Campanile.
356 Untitled
College Eye 50:32, p.1
Graduates gaze at the Campanile; photo.
357 Untitled
College Eye 50:29, p.6
Collage of springtime activities; photo.
358 Untitled
College Eye 50:14, p.9
A night scene with the Campanile and Christmas tree.
359 Untitled
Alumnus 43:4, p.
Christmas tree near Campanile; photo.
360 Peterson enjoys playing chimes
College Eye 50:8, p.5
Profile of chimes player Don Peterson; photo.
361 Campus traditions surround Campanile
College Eye 50:8, p.5
History of the Campanile; photo.
362 And they all came back . . . .
College Eye 50:1, p.5
Shows several students at their summer occupations; photo.
363 The old familiar
College Eye 49:37, p.3
Description of the Campanile; photo.
364 An ode to the Campanile
College Eye 49:35, p.2
Campanile is vital to student life on campus.
365 Campanile
Old Gold 0:0, p.9
Photo of the Campanile and of students on the tennis courts; photo.
366 'Stille Nacht . . . . '
College Eye 49:13, p.1
Campanile during the Christmas season.
367 Splitting an infinity
College Eye 49:4, p.2
Weather is nice, student can't find dorm room, Campanile is impressive, and the only difference between boys and girls is lipstick.
368 Sticks and Stones . . .
College Eye 48:17, p.2
Comments on the food in Commons, teaching observations, the loudness of the Campanile, and an overheard conversation about trusting animals.
369 Sticks and Stones . . .
College Eye 48:12, p.2
Comments on the broken Campanile clock, the decorations in the College Eye office, and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.
370 Bob Wade is ringer of frozen carillons
College Eye 48:11, p.4
Profile of Robert Wade, who plays the Campanile chimes; photo.
371 Sticks and Stones . . .
College Eye 48:5, p.2
Discusses the crowded confines of the KYTC station, the jammed Campanile clock, and food service at Commons.
372 Sticks and Stones . . .
College Eye 48:4, p.2
Comments on the fall leaves on campus, the new player of the Campanile bells, and the crowd at lunchtime.
373 Campus Rash
College Eye 48:2, p.2
Quick look around campus; Campanile clock problems; no one is playing the chimes.
374 the college
Old Gold 0:0, p.8
Brief description of the campus; photo.
375 Morning and evening the chimes of the campanile
Old Gold 0:0, p.13
Brief description of the campanile; photo.
376 TC's Campanile is vivid in College's past
College Eye 47:32, p.7
History of the Campanile and its clock; photo.
377 Feature page . . . 55-56
College Eye 47:32, p.8
Photos throughout the year; photo.
378 Campanile clock confuses campus
College Eye 47:22, p.5
Clock hands are locked on south face of Campanile.
379 The Campanile
Alumnus 39:4, p.10
Brief history of the Campanile; photo.
380 Untitled
Alumnus 39:4, p.
Student at keyboard in Campanile; photo.
381 Traditional Campanile concert on Saturday is mark of Homecoming
College Eye 47:8, p.1
Curtis Noble will play.
382 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
Photo of students dressed in cap and gowns on campus near the campanile; photo.
383 Bird's Eye View
Old Gold 0:0, p.
This issue of the Old Gold opens up with a view of the campus and of Cedar Falls from the air. Included in the photo is the Campanile, Wright Hall, Seerley Hall, Sabin Hall, and other buildings; photo.
384 Landmarks on the TC campus
College Eye 46:3, p.2
Skyline composed of silo and Campanile is comparable to city skyline of Detroit.
385 Landmarks on the TC campus; or who dropped the shot in the bell tower?
College Eye 46:2, p.2
Tribute to the value of the Campanile.
386 Campanile first heard in 1926
College Eye 45:40, p.3
A look at the Campanile bells.
387 Campanile, a symbol of I.S.T.C.
College Eye 45:34, p.3
Brief history of the Campanile.
388 Campanile
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
389 Traditions
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
390 Art clangs out daily Campanile concert
College Eye 44:38, p.3
Profile of Art Blankers, who plays the chimes in the Campanile; photo.
391 Our campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
Baker Hall and the Campanile; photo.
392 Time-worn clocks earn retirement
College Eye 44:22, p.3
Campus is installing new clocks; old clocks had been in place for forty years; photo.
393 Plambeck renders daily concerts from Campanile
College Eye 44:20, p.3
Frank Plambeck talks about playing the chimes in the Campanile; photo.
394 The Campanile can't tell time
College Eye 43:31, p.2
Claims that a certain amount of school spirit is taken away when the Campanile clocks are incorrect.
395 Campanile will play for prayer observance
College Eye 43:19, p.1
Student Christian Association will sponsor campus observance.
396 The Music Goes Round & Round
College Eye 43:5, p.2
Looking at the concerts on campus and other miscellaneous music.
397 Special to: Odebolt Chronicle
Public Relations News Release 1951:87, p.1
Duane Thayer, Odebolt, a senior student at the college, is pictured on the cover of the October issue of Midland Schools, monthly magazine published by the Iowa State Education Association. The picture was taken west of the Campanile on campus.
398 Campanile to get new striking unit
College Eye 42:38, p.1
Will strike the hours, but not the quarter hours.
399 Campanile houses historic timepiece
College Eye 42:37, p.6
A history of the Campanile and its clock.
400 Campanile
Old Gold 0:0, p.12