
Displaying 251 - 300 of 712 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 One of world's best performs carillon concert
Alumnus 61:3, p.4
Leen 't Hart performed concert in summer 1976; photo.
252 Concert set for Campanile
Northern Iowan 72:58, p.1
Leen t'Hart will play.
253 Campanile duet
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.1
Richard H. von Grabow and Robert Byrnes will play.
254 Unitoons
Northern Iowan 72:4, p.2
The Campanile is decorated with Mickey Mouse garb.
255 Cute votes don't count--make yours
Northern Iowan 71:40, p.2
Supports Common Sense Party.
256 Tower of Power battle rages on
Northern Iowan 71:40, p.2
Believes Campanile is the answer.
257 Elections made a mockery
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.3
Angry that a party is running the Campanile as a candidate.
258 Campy announces UNISA candidacy
Northern Iowan 71:37, p.1
Tower of Power ticket nominates Campanile.
259 A haunting spirit?
Northern Iowan 71:12, p.1
A ghoul at the Campanile keyboard; photo.
260 Homecoming week features Flashback
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.1
Description of Homecoming events; photo.
261 Thanks a lot
Northern Iowan 70:18, p.3
Appreciates Bob Byrnes' music on the carillon.
262 Bells! Bells!
Northern Iowan 70:17, p.1
Bob Byrnes talks about playing the carillon in the Campanile; photo.
263 Campanile bells
Northern Iowan 70:3, p.11
Concert program for Richard H. von Grabow.
264 Listen to the music
Northern Iowan 70:2, p.4
Brief history and description of Campanile including the renovations of the late 1960s.
265 Untitled
Northern Iowan 70:2, p.1
Traditions centering on the Campanile continue to grow; photo.
266 "Bells . . . Bells . . . Bells"; Campanile's chimes enrich campus atmosphere
Northern Iowan 69:60, p.5
Brief history of Campanile; photo.
267 Untitled
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.5
Doug Shaffer is the man behind the music in the Campanile; photo.
268 Campanile concert attracts Sunday strollers
Northern Iowan 68:1, p.12
Guest Albert Meyer plays.
269 Visiting Carilloneur Plays Concert at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:17, p.1
Albert Meyer performed a 45 minute concert at 3:30 p.m. on the UNI Campanille on Sunday.
270 UNI Fall Semester to Begin
Public Relations News Release 1972:2, p.1
Classes begin Sept. 13; dates and schedules
271 Carillon recital is Sun.
Northern Iowan 67:51, p.4
Robert Lodine will perform.
272 Dr. Robert Lodine to Present Carillon Recital at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:592, p.1
The recital will occur May 9 at the Campanile.
273 1970 Homecoming Schedule at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:89, p.1
Homecoming list of events planned.
274 Untitled
Northern Iowan 66:8, p.1
Jerry Smithey plays Campanile keyboard; photo.
275 New musician for Campanile
Northern Iowan 66:8, p.5
Jerry Smithey presents two concerts per day.
276 Ombudsman
Northern Iowan 65:62, p.2
Questions on tuition and the Campanile clock.
277 Ombudsman
Northern Iowan 65:44, p.3
Questions about synchronization of campus clocks; Greeks; and the Campanile.
278 Impromptu concert given at Campanile
Northern Iowan 65:24, p.8
Milford Myhre plays.
279 Almost a Campanile sniper
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.2
Enjoyed recent play.
280 Renowned carilloneur to play at dedication
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.13
Michigan State University carilloneur Wendell Wescott will play for the dedication of thirty-two new bells in the Campanile; history and traditions related to the Campanile.
281 It's Homecoming 1968
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.1
Summary of Homecoming events, including parade with James Hearst as Grand Marshall and dedication of new bells in Campanile; photo.
282 '68 Homecoming means no books
Northern Iowan 65:11, p.1
Description of the many activities scheduled for Homecoming week, including coronation of the queen, a variety show, dances, a football game, and the dedication of the carillon; photo.
283 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.1
The Campanile, with its $32,000 set of thirty-two new bells, is to be dedicated during Homecoming; photo.
284 New Campanile bells installed
Alumnus 53:3, p.3
Dedication scheduled for October 19, 1968; Campanile now contains forty-seven bells; new keyboard and practice consoles, steel frame mounting, linkage connectors, and counterbalanced clappers added; photo.
285 Untitled
Alumnus 53:3, p.
Carillonneur John Steffa with bells in Campanile; photo.
286 Bells, bells, bells--Here they are
Alumnus 53:3, p.16
New bells before and after mounting; photo.
287 Untitled
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.4
New bells were installed in the Campanile; photo.
288 Renovated Campanile has first Fasoldt clock
Northern Iowan 64:59, p.3
Brief history of Campanile clock; John Steffa is new carillon player.
289 'Great Bowl movement'
Northern Iowan 64:48, p.2
Comments on Victory Bell editorial in light of other events.
290 'Save the victory bell'
Northern Iowan 64:47, p.2
Urges use of surplus bell for Campanile renovation as victory bell.
291 Bell installment stops Campanile clock until May
Northern Iowan 64:45, p.1
New bells will be installed.
292 Campanile to have 32 new bells by summer
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.1
Will be cast in the Netherlands; several old bells will be replaced as well; larger bells will be inscribed.
293 New bells purchased for Campanile
Alumnus 53:1, p.3
Contract awarded to I. T. Verdin; list of those who assisted with campaign; photo.
294 Campanile fund goes over $32,000 goal
Northern Iowan 64:27, p.5
Thirty-two new bells will be added; three bells will be replaced; lower floors will be remodeled.
295 Campanile fund nears completion
Northern Iowan 64:25, p.1
New bells to be hung by May 1968; $32,000 goal will be met soon; bells will be inscribed with class years.
296 Campanile to have new bells
College Eye 64:5, p.6
$16,000 of $30,000 goal raised for additional bells.
297 Upchurch says we have duty to give all to UNI
College Eye 64:4, p.1
Highlights of Student Senate meeting includes rejection of request for donation to Campanile; consideration of speakers.
298 Alumni ring Campanile bells
Alumnus 52:3, p.31
$15,000 more needed; photo.
299 Campanile project at half-way mark
College Eye 63:61, p.1
Have raised about $15,000 on way to $32,000 goal for new bells.
300 Those exciting days of the past
Alumnus 52:2, p.6
Memories for returning classes; photo.