
Displaying 51 - 100 of 712 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Keldermans carries on campanile tradition
Northern Iowan 108:51, p.6
Karel Keldermans made the bells of the Campanile come to life last week. A close friend of the late, Bob Byrnes, Keldermans plans to return for another concert; playing the 47 bell, 12.5 ton instrument; photo.
52 Students gather for candlelit walk around campus
Northern Iowan 108:46, p.6
Over seventy students walked to raise awareness of human trafficking. The group heard statistics and stories of those involved; photo.
53 'Funeral' held to protest academic program cuts
Northern Iowan 108:45, p.1
Students United for Academics sponsored the march. The march began at Seerley Hall and made its way to the Campanile to remember Price Laboratory School; photo.
54 News in Photos
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.2
Scenes from the Panther Pride Picnic, held at the Campanile Plaza; photo.
55 Homecoming then and now
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.2
Homecoming discussions came to a head in 1920. An announcement of the date of October 30 left the campus scrambling to set the activities. Homecoming traditions evolved over time; photo.
56 Chalk one up to the residence halls
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.6
Five residence hall houses completed their chalk murals for Homecoming. Lily House, Jasmine House, and Galliano House received trophies. The event helped students meet others on their floor; photo.
57 Untitled
Northern Iowa Today 94:3, p.
The Campanile in moonlight; photo.
58 Executive Editor of the Northern Iowa welcomes students
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
John Anderson challenges students to embrace the changes in their lives as they begin college. Immerse yourselves in the traditions of the university. Open your minds by attending concerts, athletic events, and speakers; photo.
59 UNI students, faculty enjoy the tunes of professional carillonneur
Northern Iowan 107:49, p.5
Karel Keldermans brought the Campanile to life last week with his concerts during the noon hour on Thursday and Friday; photo.
60 UNI in winter
Northern Iowan 107:30, p.1
The campanile rises above the snow covered ground during the winter of 2011; photo.
61 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 107:15, p.2
Fall scenes on campus; photo.
62 Weeklong UNI Homecoming Celebration October 17 - 23
Public Relations News Release 2010:104, p.1
Events begin Saturday with the annual Panther Pacers 5K Cross Country Run. Prior to the football game kickoff, there will be a Safe Date Tailgate to educate students about the issues surrounding violence prevention.
63 UNI to host carillonneur Karel Keldermans April 29 and 30
Public Relations News Release 2009:414, p.1
Keldermans has been a visiting artist on the carillon bells since 1992, including a performance in 2006 commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Campanile. Keldermans is a noted performer and historian on carillon bells.
64 Students enjoy food, sun at Panther Bash
Northern Iowan 106:50, p.1
Scene from the Panther Bash held near the Campanile; photo.
65 H1N1 to Z-day: always be prepared
Northern Iowan 106:18, p.5
Tips on where best to survive the dreaded flu or zombie day. The dorms, Campanile, McCollum Hall, Rialto, and Rod Library all have pluses and minuses; photo.
66 The identities of the Campanile carilloneurs revealed
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.7
The Campanile will come alive during Homecoming weekend thanks to Isaac Brockshus and Will Beyer. They will play the bells following the clock striking midnight and the kissing of lovers; photo.
67 UNI Homecoming celebration to feature week of activities
Public Relations News Release 2009:111, p.1
Homecoming committee members are encouraging students, faculty, and staff to wear purple and gold on Friday, October 16. The festivities will begin on October 11 with residence halls window painting and continue through October 17.
68 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.3
Scenes from the "Salute to Service" celebration in Campanile Plaza; photo.
69 UNI salutes those who serve the campus, community, country
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.1
President Ben Allen and members of the executive cabinet served cake and ice cream to students and faculty near the Campanile as a way to celebrate service; photo.
70 UNI hosts Salute to Service event
Public Relations News Release 2009:29, p.1
In celebration of providing service to others, President Ben Allen will host a reception to honor those who give back to their campus, community and country. Attendees as asked to consider a donation of school supplies for Black Hawk Elementary.
71 Alumni Association; alma mater affinity
Northern Iowa Today 93:2, p.5
Brief history of the Alumni Association, which was founded in 1879; raised funds for the Campanile; established Seerley Foundation; now has seven thousand members; photo
72 Building history
Northern Iowa Today 93:2, p.4
Tribute to James E. Robinson, who planned many of the older buildings on campus; photo.
73 UNI Campanile bells ring once more
Northern Iowan 105:53, p.7
Karel Keldermans made the Campanile come to life Friday with a concert; began with a piece composed by long time carillonneur Robert Byrnes. Keldermans concert caused passersby to stop, listen, and appreciate the beautiful sounds; photo.
74 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:53, p.3
Scenes from the carillon concert from the Campanile and the "sweatshop" tent outside the Union; photo.
75 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:50, p.2
Scenes from "Panther Bash", Honors Week, the Earth Science Seminar, and a gathering surrounding a speaker outside the Union; photo.
76 UNI to host carillonneur Karel Keldermans in concert
Public Relations News Release 2008:467, p.1
Guest artist Karel Keldermans, a carillon bells historian, will perform in a concert at noon, April 24, at the Campanile on the campus. The performance will include original compositions and arrangements by Keldermans as well as others.
77 This week at UNI
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.4
Dates, times, and locations of upcoming events on campus.
78 A chance to leave a print on UNI
Northern Iowan 105:47, p.11
Student Gift Committee and Department of Residence join forces to encourage student financial giving to the University; photo.
79 UNI students sell campanile memorabilia clocks
Public Relations News Release 2008:243, p.1
Student-made clocks in the shape of the campanile are on sale by the Alumni Association. They were made as part of a project for the Product Development and Enterprise class, taught by Doug Hotek.
80 Things to do before leaving UNI
Northern Iowan 105:15, p.8
Consider an astronomy class, go to a theatre event, take a walk on campus, listen to the Campanile, play with the squirrels, take a road trip with friends, attend an athletic event, and go to College Hill at least once.
81 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:13, p.3
Homecoming scenes; photo.
82 Students stand united against hate crimes
Northern Iowan 105:13, p.1
The ten year anniversary of the death of Matthew Shepard was remembered with a candlelight vigil around the Campanile; photo.
83 Week-long homecoming celebration, Oct. 5 - 11, 'Pump up the Purple' at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2008:113, p.1
The Homecoming celebration begins with window painting in the residence halls, and continues with activities for students, faculty, staff, alumni and the community. Campus tours will depart from the Alumni House before the football game.
84 Photo opportunity: Students, faculty, staff join Ben and Pat Allen for third-annual Bash with Ben
Public Relations News Release 2008:35, p.1
President Ben Allen and his wife, Pat Allen, along with Student Government President Pernell Cezar and new Athletic Director Troy Dannen will join hundreds of students, faculty and staff for a picnic lunch and fall celebration on the Campanile Plaza.
85 UNI classes begin Monday, Aug. 25; 'Panther Fest' offers variety of activities
Public Relations News Release 2008:15, p.1
The welcome week festival will kick off Thursday in the McLeod Center south lawn with a Panther Picnic. There will be free food for the first 1,000 students, outdoor games and music.
86 A Special Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.5
Date, time, and agenda for a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.; photo.
87 NISG sheds light on dark sides of campus
Northern Iowan 104:18, p.1
Safety walk around campus included President Allen, Director of Public Safety, several NISG members, faculty, and staff; walk comes in wake of several reported assaults; photo.
88 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.13
Thursdaze, campaniling, Marching Band, and T-shirts; photo.
89 Homecoming Out Day, Matthew Shepard vigil and other events educate students
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.1
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Ally Union holds events during Homecoming to educate the public; photo.
90 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Campanile's 80th Birthday Concert and Celebration will take place at 6:30 p.m. with a guest performer.
91 Rejuvenating sound for Campanile is building's b-day present
Northern Iowan 103:6, p.12
Celebration of the Campanile's 80th year serves as a kickoff for a renovation project. Carillonneur Karel Keldermans will perform; photo.
92 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Campanile 80th Birthday Concert and Celebration will be taking place Monday, September 18.
93 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
A moment of silence will be observed at the Campanile, Monday, September 11.
94 UNI Carillon bells to ring out with two recitals this week
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Two recitals will take place, the first with a guest performance, and the second with UNI students.
95 Friday, April 28
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
Cinco de Mayo celebration will take place; UNI Campanile Organ students will perform.
96 Winter hits almost overnight
Northern Iowan 102:24, p.1
Campanile and campus trees lightly covered in first snow of the season.
97 This week at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:14, p.6
Calendar of upcoming events at UNI.
98 Correction
Northern Iowan 102:13, p.1
In last Friday's issue, it was mistakenly written that there was not a carillonneur at Homecoming last year, when in fact there was. It is also noted that the petition signed by faculty strictly says they do not think ID is a scientific theory.
99 Carillon bells to ring again on UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Campanile will have music ringing again, recitals given on October 14, special social performance for students will occur that night.
100 Thanks to NISG et al, Campanile rings again
Northern Iowan 102:12, p.1
NISG has decided to hire a temporary carillonneur for homecoming until a permanent one is hired; photo.