Displaying 401 - 450 of 712 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
401 | Eighteen organizations will participate in the third annual open air sing Wednesday evening, May 16, at the college Public Relations News Release 1950:364, p.1 |
Baker hall, men's residence hall, has twice won the traveling trophy presented to the winning group. If the Baker men win again this year they will keep the trophy permanently. | |
402 | Untitled College Eye 42:25, p.1 |
Two aerial views of campus with buildings identified. | |
403 | Three departments, home economics, mathematics, and science,will sponsor Open House Sunday, April 8 Public Relations News Release 1950:288, p.1 |
Visitors may inspect any of the departments between 2 and 4:30 p.m. in the Vocational building, southeast of the campanile. | |
404 | "Religion in Life" week starts Sunday at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:188, p.1 |
A theme of personal religion, "What Religion Means to Me," will culminate the four-day "Religion in Life" week. Student-led groups will meet the first three nights in eleven student centers to discuss the campus, job, and world-outlook phases of the theme | |
405 | Teachers College Campanile houses world famous clock College Eye 42:15, p.2 |
History of the chimes and clock. | |
406 | "Religion in Life" week at ISTC is January 28-31 Public Relations News Release 1950:180, p.1 |
Three religious leaders, representing Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths, will keynote this year's four-day program. The theme is "What Religion Means to Me." The leaders are: Harold E. Bernhard, Rabbi Joseph Buchler, and Father James A. Vanderpool. | |
407 | Christmas Season Opens at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:152, p.1 |
Over seven inches of snow has given the campus a Christmas card setting, certainly appropriate for the round of Christmas events which started last night with the tree lighting ceremony. | |
408 | President Maucker to open ISTC Christmas season Public Relations News Release 1950:149, p.1 |
The season will open officially with President J. W. Maucker's lighting of the college Christmas tree. Carols will be played on the campanile chimes just before the tree-lighting ceremony south of the Commons. Group caroling will follow the ceremony. | |
409 | Iowa State Teachers college Campanile Public Relations News Release 1950:91, p.1 |
The 15 bells in the campanile at the college, Cedar Falls, are more and heavier (15 tons) than on any college campus in the nation. | |
410 | Fasoldt clock Public Relations News Release 1950:91, p.1 |
The famous Fasoldt clock, world prize winner over Swiss and French competition at the Philadelphia Centenial exposition in 1876, is housed in the 100-foot campanile at the college in Cedar Falls. | |
411 | Twice a day except Saturday a music student climbs a circular iron stairway to the "control" floor of the 100-foot high campanile Public Relations News Release 1950:92, p.1 |
Fifteen mammoth bells, rung by hand, peal out musical reminders to oldtimers on the 250-acre campus--reminders of the unique history of the campanile's world-famous Fasoldt clock, and of the equally renowned Meneely Bell foundry. | |
412 | Rich Autumn setting greets TC homecomers Public Relations News Release 1950:71, p.1 |
O. R. Latham stadium will be the scene of most of Saturday night's action. President J. W. Maucker will crown the Homecoming "I" Queen. On Saturday morning's program are a girls' field hockey game, and the judging of house decoration contest entries. | |
413 | No conflict in time; Campanile now fixed College Eye 42:3, p.6 |
Clock faces now tell correct time. | |
414 | The 1949 Homecoming Old Gold 0:0, p.18 |
Important events; photo. | |
415 | Seen from the Campanile Old Gold 0:0, p.8 |
Brief description of the campanile; photo. | |
416 | Tree-lighting program will open season College Eye 41:12, p.1 |
A Campanile concert will call students to the ceremony; photo. | |
417 | Campanile clock chimes again Alumnus 33:3, p. |
Electromagnetic coils have been replaced so that hours can be chimed again; had malfunctioned during World War II; photo. | |
418 | Campanile chimes again mark passing of each quarter hour College Eye 40:31, p.6 |
Strike each quarter between 7AM and 10PM; brief history of the Campanile and its chimes; photo. | |
419 | The Campanile Old Gold 0:0, p.4 |
Photo. | |
420 | Campanile will chime on each quarter hour College Eye 40:30, p.3 |
Mechanism repaired so that Westminster changes will be rung for first time in seven years. | |
421 | Perrine visits Teachers College College Eye 40:10, p.3 |
Profile of J. O. Perrine, who was involved in bringing the Fasoldt clock to campus. | |
422 | Victory bells will tell of Panther victory College Eye 40:9, p.8 |
Women's League attempting to establish new tradition; if Panthers win, the Campanile bells will toll. | |
423 | More and heavier bells puts Campanile first in country College Eye 39:40, p.3 |
Lengthy description of the physical structure of the Campanile. | |
424 | Progressive education today will provide for a strong and peaceful nation tomorrow Old Gold 0:0, p.286 |
Brief description of the school year; photo. | |
425 | Lawther Hall Addition Old Gold 0:0, p.5 |
An air view of the campus shows the work being done on Lawther Hall, also showing the Campanile, Women's Gym, and other buildings on campus; photo. | |
426 | Campanile Old Gold 0:0, p.7 |
A view from the ground of the Campanile with the trees framing the photo; photo. | |
427 | The 1947 Christmas Holidays Old Gold 0:0, p.102 |
A lighted Christmas tree with the Campanile in the background gives off a holiday glow. President Price lights the tree. Wayne Gard plays holiday music in the Georgian Lounge; photo. | |
428 | Campi snaps Old Gold 0:0, p.50 |
Photo. | |
429 | Christmas Holidays Old Gold 0:0, p.156 |
Photos. | |
430 | The Campanile Old Gold 0:0, p.52 |
Brief description of the building; photo. | |
431 | Old Gold snap shot contest Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
Contest winners; photo. | |
432 | The campanile Old Gold 0:0, p.15 |
Photo. | |
433 | Prexy's Pond and the Campanile Alumnus 31:2, p. |
Summer scene. | |
434 | The Campanile is the No. 1 campus tradition and a nationally famous timepiece Alumnus 30:4, p.6 |
Dr. J. O. Perrine tells of his efforts to secure the Fasoldt clock for ISTC; photo. | |
435 | Campanile center of college campus College Eye 37:36, p.1 |
History of the Campanile and its clock. | |
436 | Old Gold 1946 Old Gold 0:0, p.1 |
Half title page; photo. | |
437 | Campanile bells weigh 30,000 pounds, total cost of 100 foot tower $100,000 College Eye 37:28, p.6 |
History of the Campanile; clocks will soon be synchronized with campus system and will not be run by the Fasoldt mechanism. | |
438 | Letter to the editor College Eye 37:9, p.2 |
Student wonders about the Campanile clock and campaniling. | |
439 | "Cut Day" Public Relations News Release 1945:272, p.1 |
Band went through buildings leading students to the auditorium. Coach Starbuck spoke, eleven girls presented a skit about the football team, and cheerleaders led yells. Hobo lunch was served followed by a pep rally and snake dance. | |
440 | All fathers will be guests at the football game with Loras Public Relations News Release 1945:240, p.1 |
Dad's Day highlight will be the football game with Loras. A pep ralley, luncheon, and campanile concert will help fill the weekend. | |
441 | Campanile holds charm for coeds College Eye 37:1, p.1 |
An increased number of men may mean that campaniling activity will once again pick up. | |
442 | We'll remember 1944-1945 Old Gold 0:0, p.2 |
Title page of the 1945 Old Gold; photo. | |
443 | Christmas events begin; tree lighting opens weeks festivities College Eye 36:14, p.1 |
Schedule and description of Christmas events. | |
444 | Campanile rings 'The' hour for the coeds College Eye 36:3, p.1 |
Clock needs repairs, but the Campanile still signals the time for campaniling. | |
445 | View your 210 acre college "home" College Eye 36:1, p.6 |
Aerial view of campus with a lengthy description of its features; photo. | |
446 | Campanile 'on blink' College Eye 35:41, p.3 |
Part malfunctions; will not be replaced for duration of wartime shortages. | |
447 | Why the red lights on college Campanile College Eye 35:38, p.4 |
Red light is signal to watchmen to call headquarters. | |
448 | Don't you fib, say big clock hands College Eye 35:38, p.3 |
Howard Reeder explains the automatic clock system; Campanile clock is not connected to this system. | |
449 | Cut Day Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Photo. | |
450 | athletic fields Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Photo. |