
Displaying 101 - 150 of 712 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Homecoming fun starts next week at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:11, p.5
Schedule of events taking place at Homecoming 2005.
102 History of Homecoming involves struggle, accomplishments
Northern Iowan 102:9, p.7
Brief history of Homecomings at UNI; photo.
103 Students of UNI
Northern Iowan 102:1, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government leaders Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy welcome students and encourage them to become active in student organizations and other activities; photo.
104 Sadness for the silent bells
Northern Iowan 101:54, p.7
Discusses the death of Robert Byrnes and the now silent bells of the Campanile.
105 Lighting up the holidays
Northern Iowan 101:27, p.1
Trees are decorated near the Campanile; photo.
106 Saturday, Oct. 9
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Karel Keldermans will play the Campanile bells from 11:15 a. m. to noon; McLeod Center groundbreaking will take place at 2:15 p. m.
107 Friday, Oct. 8
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Karel Keldermans will play the campanile bells; dance class by Janet Wong in the WRC is open to public.
108 Untitled
Northern Iowa Today 88:2, p.
Spring scenes; Prexy's dining court in Maucker Union; photo.
109 Campanile silent after Bob Byrnes dies
Northern Iowa Today 88:2, p.16
Carillonneur and Varsity Men's Glee Club Director Bob Byrnes died May 28, 2004; immediate search for successor not planned; photo.
110 UNI says farewell to influential director
Northern Iowan 101:1, p.3
Robert Byrnes died May 28, 2004, due to complications from a stroke.
111 Welcome back Panthers!
Northern Iowan 101:1, p.1
Campus scenes; photo.
112 UNI says farewell to influential director
Northern Iowan 100:56, p.1
Robert Byrnes died on May 28, 2004, due to complications of a stroke; photo.
113 Student disappointed by ad defacing Campanile
Northern Iowan 100:10, p.6
Wants students to advertise by hanging posters for coming speakers, not writing with chalk on buildings.
114 On your campus
Northern Iowan 100:3, p.2
Meetings and activities planned.
115 Campanile more than just a tower
Northern Iowan 99:51, p.9
History of Campanile.
116 Campaniling more than 'just a kiss'
Northern Iowan 99:10, p.15
Campaniling became officially recognized as a part of Homecoming in 1982, although the tradition began much earlier; photo.
117 UNI remembers 9/11
Northern Iowan 99:4, p.1
Students attend a moment of silence at the Campanile in honor of those who died in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; photo.
118 9/11 remembrances cannot be overlooked
Northern Iowan 99:3, p.7
Encourages students to take the time to remember September 11, 2001; announces events on campus including a Remembrance concert at the GBPAC and a moment of silence at the Campanile.
119 UNI observes 9/11 anniversary
Public Relations News Release 2002:60, p.1
Events for remembering the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 include an address by Jennifer Read Hawthorne, a forum in the Union, a moment of silence at the Campanile, and a Remembrance Concert in the GBPAC.
120 Campus in bloom
Campus News Network 12:18, p.2
A look at the campanile through the spring flowers; photo.
121 Homecoming 2001
Campus News Network 12:5, p.3
Fireworks behind the campanile at the 2001 Homecoming celebration.
122 Books in the grass
Northern Iowan 98:15, p.1
Luann Jackson, Megan Erickson, and Nancy Jackson study outside; photo.
123 UNI marks tragedy with moment of silence
Public Relations News Release 2001:88, p.1
A moment of silence is observed at the Campanile in remembrance of the victims of the recent terrorist attack.
124 Yearlong celebration marks UNI's 125th anniversary
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.2
A look at the important anniversaries and programs; UNI presidents comment on their achievements; photo.
125 Celebrating UNI's 125th anniversary
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.4

Highlights events during UNI milestones,25, 30, 50, 75, and 100 years of groups, individuals, activities, athletics, and facilities; photo.

126 Kiss not just a kiss at UNI's Campaniling
Northern Iowan 97:10, p.11
Campaniling has been a stronger tradition since 1982 when the Homecoming Committee began offering buttons for those attending; photo.
127 Make the world a better place--smile
Northern Iowan 96:55, p.9
Has some suggestions on how to improve the university.
128 Campanile time stands still
Northern Iowan 96:36, p.1
History of Campanile; awaiting motor repair to start clocks again.
129 And the winner is. . .
Campus News Network 10:2, p.2
Beginning last year, I.D. cards include one of twelve campus scenes on front and a magnetic cash stripe on back; scene of the campanile in the fall was the most popular.
130 People to know: Robert Byrnes; playing a treasure for pleasure
Northern Iowan 95:14, p.9
Profile on Campanile carillonneur Robert Byrnes; photo.
131 Campaniling: Is a kiss just a kiss?
Northern Iowan 95:14, p.9
A kiss means different things to different people; campaniling will begin at 11:45 tonight; photo.
132 25 years!
Campus News Network 8:11, p.2
Robert Byrnes has played UNI's carillon for twenty-five years; photo.
133 A quarter century atop the bell tower
Northern Iowa Today 81:2, p.20
Biographical sketch of carillonneur Robert Byrnes; photo.
134 Don't miss time honored kiss
Northern Iowan 94:12, p.12
Brief history of Campanile and tradition associated with it; photo.
135 AHH! Amore
Northern Iowan 94:10, p.6
Two students become engaged to be married after proposal under Campanile; glad that romantic love is still alive.
136 A grand proposal
Northern Iowan 94:10, p.12
Ryan Oppedahl proposes marriage to Shaelyn Bonwell under Campanile; photo.
137 The Campanile highlighted during a recent electrical storm
Campus News Network 8:3, p.
Campanile during recent storm; photo.
138 P. Buckley Moss painting captures UNI landmarks; proceeds to create scholarship
Northern Iowa Today 80:2, p.23
Triptych includes Seerley Hall, Campanile, and Bartlett Hall; photo.
139 Is UNI behind in fundraising?
Northern Iowan 93:17, p.1
Large donation to Iowa State University has some questioning the success of fundraising at UNI.
140 How many steps to 47 bells?
Northern Iowan 93:17, p.12
Robert Byrnes plays the Campanile's carillon almost every evening; photo.
141 Seventy years of smooching
Northern Iowan 93:12, p.11
History of campaniling during Homecoming at UNI and other traditions.
142 Save the Campanile--win a date with Mochal
Northern Iowan 93:11, p.7
Columnist comments on not having participated campaniling during Homecoming while at UNI.
143 Campanile presentations need to be rescheduled
Northern Iowan 93:9, p.9
Believes that playing the Campanile after 7:00 p.m. disturbs people who are studying in the library and taking classes.
144 P. Buckley Moss painting captures UNI landmarks; proceeds to create scholarship
Northern Iowa Today 24:2, p.4
Moss triptych features Seerley Hall, Bartlett Hall, and the Campanile; photo.
145 University of Northern Iowa to celebrate its 120th anniversary with variety of activities April 20-27
Public Relations News Release 1995:324, p.1
Activities are announced for the celebration of the 120th anniversary of UNI.
146 University of Northern Iowa to host annual holiday tree lighting ceremony, crafts and arts sale, Tuesday November 28
Public Relations News Release 1995:140, p.1
UNI welcomes the holiday season with the annual tree lighting ceremony.
147 Continuing construction causes consternation in college students at UNI
Northern Iowan 92:22, p.10
Believes construction projects should move more quickly.
148 Construction dampers midnight campaniling; as Homecoming approaches
Northern Iowan 92:12, p.1
Campanile area littered with construction equipment and supplies; project begun in 1993 will conclude this November; photo.
149 Campaniling: kiss & tell
Northern Iowan 92:11, p.
Brief history of Campanile and campaniling; photo.
150 The University of Northern Iowa to celebrate "Beach Party UNI" during Homecoming 1995, October 2-7
Public Relations News Release 1995:50, p.1
Homecoming activities are announced.