College Hill
Displaying 651 - 688 of 688 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
651 | We can now live in hopes Normal Eyte 6:24, p.285 |
Three means of transportation to Normal Hill proposed: a railroad, an electric street railway, and gasoline-powered vehicles. | |
652 | Mr. Bender Normal Eyte 6:19, p.224 |
Is renting a house for his family; will soon build on Normal Hill. | |
653 | Untitled Normal Eyte 5:35, p.374 |
View of College Hill; photo. | |
654 | And still the houses on Normal Hill Normal Eyte 5:34, p.341 |
More houses continue to be built. | |
655 | The fire laddies Normal Eyte 5:26, p.239 |
College Hill fire company, Hose Company No. 4, formed a year ago for the protection of the neighborhood. | |
656 | Winter does not put an end Normal Eyte 5:19, p.175 |
House building continues on the Hill. | |
657 | The edict has gone forth Normal Eyte 5:17, p.155 |
Sledding on Normal Hill has been prohibited. | |
658 | Telephones Normal Eyte 5:12, p.105 |
Have been installed in several College Hill homes. | |
659 | You have no doubt noticed Normal Eyte 5:2, p.14 |
Houses on College Hill have been re-numbered. | |
660 | The faculty: how and where they spent their vacation Normal Eyte 5:1, p.2 |
Description of how the individual faculty members spent their time. | |
661 | Five years of rapid growth Normal Eyte 4:36, p.567 |
Good look at development of College Hill after Boarding Department closed; development of housing and other improvements including Seerley Park. | |
662 | Normal Hill Normal Eyte 4:36, p.606 |
A view of College Hill from the northeast; photo. | |
663 | Miss Baker's new house Normal Eyte 4:33, p.523 |
Nearing completion. | |
664 | Painters are abroad in the land Normal Eyte 4:32, p.507 |
Houses painted on College Hill. | |
665 | Plans are being made Normal Eyte 4:31, p.489 |
Considering electric railway between Cedar Falls and the Normal School. | |
666 | Harry Aldrich Normal Eyte 4:31, p.487 |
Opening new College Hill addition; will auction lots. | |
667 | Excavating for Miss Baker's cottage Normal Eyte 4:30, p.474 |
Growth continues on College Hill. | |
668 | The new addition Normal Eyte 4:28, p.444 |
Harry Aldrich's College Hill addition is under development. | |
669 | Prof. Wright's new house Normal Eyte 4:26, p.409 |
Under construction on the Hill. | |
670 | Everyone is pleased Normal Eyte 4:22, p.348 |
Badly-needed sidewalks have been repaired in most places. | |
671 | Cedar Falls experienced quite a severe fire Normal Eyte 4:20, p.315 |
Fire at oat meal mill on Washington Street; Normal hose company called out. | |
672 | Our Normal Street fire company Normal Eyte 4:20, p.315 |
Fireman surprised that there was a fire. | |
673 | There seems to be a great building boom Normal Eyte 4:12, p.187 |
Following annexation by Cedar Falls, there is much activity on College Hill; new bookstore, grocery store, houses; can electric light be on the way? | |
674 | The foundation for a store building College Eye 4:11, p.170 |
Foundation laid near Normal bridge for C. A. Wise Company. | |
675 | While the advisability of voting the Normal into the city Normal Eyte 4:9, p.139 |
Student shows lack of understanding about political matters. | |
676 | The one new house on Normal Street Normal Eyte 4:2, p.26 |
Harry Aldrich builds a new house over the summer. | |
677 | It is shameful Normal Eyte 3:27, p.209 |
Finds conditions of sidewalks on Normal Hill deplorable; cannot believe that property owners will not keep them in repair. | |
678 | Another new home Normal Eyte 3:10, p.78 |
New house being built on College Hill. | |
679 | Those who have labored to ascend Normal Avenue Normal Eyte 2:21, p.166 |
Hill has been icy. | |
680 | When closing a term's work Normal Eyte 2:14, p.107 |
A look at the achievements and improvements on campus. | |
681 | At 8 o'clock Thanksgiving evening Normal Eyte 2:13, p.104 |
Fire discovered in roof of Patterson Hall; Normal students help put out fire; speculates on adequate fire protection on Normal Hill. | |
682 | Although there is a great and ever increasing number of cottages near the buildings Normal Eyte 2:7, p.57 |
Students seeking nearby accommodations this winter may be unable to find them. | |
683 | Improvements are quite the go this fall Normal Eyte 2:5, p.38 |
Hitching posts installed at Cotton Hall. | |
684 | Miss S. A. McAlvin Normal Eyte 2:4, p.33 |
Visits niece Nellie McAlvin; will build house on Normal Hill. | |
685 | Wright's Hall Normal Eyte 2:4, p.34 |
New rooming house nearing completion at 18th and Normal (College) Streets; other rooming houses may be built. | |
686 | Shall the Normal have a new building this year? Normal Eyte 1:10, p.73 |
Prospects for new building dim; Boarding Department will probably close and be converted to classroom space; Normal Hill real estate will boom as entrepreneurs build boarding houses. | |
687 | Chas. Wiler Normal Eyte 1:9, p.70 |
Will build large residence and boarding house on Normal Hill. | |
688 | Once more the chestnut Normal Eyte 1:2, p.2 |
Prospects improving for electric street railway; Waterloo and Cedar Falls may be connected and Normal Hill may be connected to Cedar Falls. |