Displaying 351 - 400 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | Tips, warnings for computer buyers Northern Iowan 94:24, p.4 |
Information that students need when buying a computer. | |
352 | UNI course lets you learn computer programming on the Internet Public Relations News Release 1997:123, p.1 |
UNI Assistant Professor of Management Rex Karsten reports on the popularity of Visual Basic programming class offered over the Internet. | |
353 | Technology theft strikes Wright Hall Northern Iowan 94:19, p.1 |
Computer equipment valued at $15,000 stolen from Wright Hall computer laboratory. | |
354 | Getting "wired" at UNI Campus News Network 8:6, p.1 |
Information Technology Services office has been upgrading and improving wiring in campus buildings. | |
355 | What's Up Northern Iowan 94:16, p.3 |
Schedule of activities and meetings. | |
356 | Computer geek Bill Gates does business at our expense Northern Iowan 94:16, p.7 |
Believes Microsoft is unfair competitor. | |
357 | Laptop computers in the classroom benefits teachers and students Public Relations News Release 1997:87, p.1 |
Gary Bozylinsky, UNI Associate Vice President of Information Technology, reports that equipping teachers with laptop computers would be beneficial. | |
358 | Emerging technologies may give children greater motivation to read Public Relations News Release 1997:66, p.1 |
Dale Johnson reports that kids are realizing the importance of literacy, especially when using technology. | |
359 | Building a first-class computer network at UNI Public Relations News Release 1997:57, p.1 |
Garry Bozylinsky, UNI Associate Vice President of Information Technology, reports an upgrade in the University's computer network, adding network connections for more than 230 faculty and staff. | |
360 | Achieving computer literacy is first step in college education Public Relations News Release 1997:38, p.1 |
Classes are held at the beginning of the academic year to introduce freshmen to new computer skills. | |
361 | Union computers find a new home Northern Iowan 94:3, p.1 |
About twenty computers, formerly housed in Keyhole Lounge, now in State College Room of Maucker Union; will soon move to renovated Student Organization Center in Union lower level; photo. | |
362 | Residence halls get summer face-lifts Northern Iowan 94:1, p.7 |
Several residence halls undergoing interior and exterior renovations including doors, tuckpointing, and data and telephone lines; photo. | |
363 | Avoiding overload on e-mail and voice mail Campus News Network 8:1, p.1 |
Tips for avoiding E-mail and voice mail overload. | |
364 | Waiting for the crash of the century: the millennium bug Public Relations News Release 1996:471, p.1 |
Director of Information Services Dennis Linder talks about the Y2k bug and the effect it could have on computers. | |
365 | NISG thanks students, reminds not to forget project initiators: New administration needs to bring new ideas Northern Iowan 93:54, p.9 |
NISG representatives thank students and address current issues. | |
366 | Internet: way too hyped Northern Iowan 93:54, p.6 |
Comments on meeting people on the Internet. | |
367 | Keep off-campus Web access Northern Iowan 93:52, p.6 |
Student encourages others to call Governor's office to express views on limiting off-campus Internet access. | |
368 | Pay for off-campus internet access? What??? Northern Iowan 93:51, p.5 |
Comments on proposed bill that would require off-campus students to pay for dial-in access to Internet. | |
369 | Hooking up on the 'net' Northern Iowan 93:44, p.8 |
Comments on meeting people over the Internet. | |
370 | ITS needs to offer off-campus computer users better solutions Northern Iowan 93:35, p.8 |
Off-campus students need better access to computing resources. | |
371 | Take a byte out of old files: National Clean Out your Computer Day Public Relations News Release 1996:256, p.1 |
University of Northern Iowa offers help to students on removing and deleting old computer files. | |
372 | Britannica Online available Campus News Network 7:12, p.3 |
UNI community can now get access the Encyclopedia Britannica online from the library's homepage. | |
373 | AOL refunds users; UNI offers Ethernet service Northern Iowan 93:34, p.3 |
UNI computers use fast Ethernet system to access Internet. | |
374 | Student computer fee questioned Northern Iowan 93:32, p.1 |
Use of student computer fees is questioned; photo. | |
375 | Now it's our turn Northern Iowan 93:31, p.5 |
Many improvements still need to be made on campus. | |
376 | Grab your board, surf the net, make sure to watch for sharks Northern Iowan 93:31, p.6 |
More people are spending time surfing the Internet. | |
377 | Finding Better Ways to do Research Public Relations News Release 1996:235, p.1 |
Marjorie Pappas shares that the use of search engines for the World Wide Web enable the student to find a lot of useful material. | |
378 | Little-known laptops Northern Iowan 93:23, p.2 |
Students can check out laptop computers for short-term home use. | |
379 | Closed? What do you mean closed? Northern Iowan 93:22, p.5 |
Editorial comments on registering by computer and dealing with closed classes. | |
380 | Spring registration from any computer! Northern Iowan 93:18, p.2 |
Students may register beginning November 8 via computer. | |
381 | Keyhole center temporarily down for rewiring Northern Iowan 93:11, p.1 |
Computer lab in Maucker Union's Keyhole Lounge will be temporarily shut down due to power problems. | |
382 | Thrills of e-mail, 'Oregon Trail' Northern Iowan 93:10, p.5 |
Columnist comments on his addiction to e-mail and using computers. | |
383 | Apple computers no. 1 in quality, customer satisfaction Northern Iowan 93:7, p.10 |
Apple computer representative responds to Scott Medhaug's letter of September 20 regarding his new computer system. | |
384 | Unhappy Mac Northern Iowan 93:6, p.8 |
Student was not satisfied with his Macintosh computer purchased through the University. | |
385 | Teaching on the 'net: UNI program helps Iowa teachers Northern Iowa Today 24:2, p.2 |
Institute offers teachers information about technology. | |
386 | Perspective: seeing the invisible, reaching the unreachable Northern Iowa Today 80:1, p.36 |
Benefits and consequences of technology; photo. | |
387 | Serving campus and business communities; UNI offers new services Campus News Network 6:19, p.1 |
ITS Production Department is now providing multimedia conferencing and electronic meeting support to educators and businesses; photo. | |
388 | Computers help make summer learning fun Public Relations News Release 1995:413, p.1 |
Sharon Smaldino talks about ways to use computer games to promote learning. | |
389 | News via Internet; and in Usenet News Today . . . . Northern Iowan 92:52, p.13 |
Description of the many news groups on the Net. | |
390 | Free scholarship information available to students Northern Iowan 92:48, p.4 |
New software package available. | |
391 | How to get on this thing called Internet; WWWhat is this all about? Northern Iowan 92:46, p.11 |
Gives basics on getting access to Internet; photo. | |
392 | Jobs listings offered on the Internet Northern Iowan 92:45, p.5 |
Summer jobs will be listed. | |
393 | Tomorrow's election to decide NISG president; Harms/Abbott know what limits are, what they can take Northern Iowan 92:43, p.1 |
Northern Iowan asks candidates questions relating to their plans; photo. | |
394 | Surf's up on ISCA . . . catch the wave; first in series of computer consultation Northern Iowan 92:42, p.12 |
Describes experiences with Iowa Student Computer Association bulletin board; photo. | |
395 | NISG elections held tomorrow in Maucker Union; Wild Wednesday to decide next President/Vice President Northern Iowan 92:41, p.1 |
Candidates outline views at forum; photo. | |
396 | New lawsuit against Communications Decency Act right on target Northern Iowan 92:39, p.8 |
Believes act was poorly written; should be overturned. | |
397 | Telecommunications bill infringes freedom of speech rights Northern Iowan 92:35, p.7 |
Believes portions of bill pertaining to sexually explicit material will be difficult to enforce. | |
398 | NISG and ISCS looking into new computer lab in Maucker Union Northern Iowan 92:32, p.3 |
Consider modifying Keyhole Lounge into computer site. | |
399 | Computer registration has its bugs; still good idea, much quicker Northern Iowan 92:27, p.6 |
Likes new registration system; offers tips on using it. | |
400 | NISG asks computer labs to adhere to finals week policies Northern Iowan 92:26, p.3 |
Asks that at least one lab be open twenty-four hours and that recreational use be limited. |