
Displaying 301 - 350 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Professors advise new teachers via Internet
Northern Iowan 95:27, p.11
"Teacher Helpline" gives assistance to first-year teachers over the Internet.
302 Managing e-mail
Campus News Network 9:9, p.3
Strategies for coping with too many e-mail messages.
303 Student grades just a phone call away
Northern Iowan 95:26, p.1
Students will be able to get access to their grades via telephone and Internet.
304 Plenty of technology gifts this holiday season
Public Relations News Release 1998:165, p.1
Rich Varn talks about the number of laptop computers available for the holiday season.
305 Virus infects computers
Northern Iowan 95:21, p.1
ITS shut down campus computer labs to deal with CIH virus infection.
306 Grades to be easier for students to access
Northern Iowan 95:21, p.4
Students will be able to access grades over Internet through Access UNI and Voice FX Company.
307 Expanded Internet service offered to campus community
Campus News Network 9:7, p.2
New Internet service provider Simply Internet offers better and faster access to the Internet.
308 UNI vs. Y2K; campus tackles the year 2000 computer problem
Campus News Network 9:6, p.1
UNI continues work on updating systems to eliminate year 2000 problems.
309 Where are they now? Chris Pirillo caught in net; class of '96
Northern Iowan 95:15, p.9
1996 graduate Chris Pirillo runs his own company, Lockergnome, which produces a widely-distributed computer newsletter; photo.
310 PCs becoming almost human-like
Public Relations News Release 1998:83, p.1
Rich Varn discusses the perfection of technology's artificial intelligence.
311 Students find upgraded computer centers on campus this fall
Public Relations News Release 1998:69, p.1
UNI's Information Technology Services has completed major upgrades to student computer labs on campus.
312 Computer lab expands hours
Northern Iowan 95:11, p.4
Computer lab in the former Student Organization Center in Maucker Union will maintain the same hours as the Union.
313 ResNet: New wave for net surfers
Northern Iowan 95:9, p.10
New ResNet, Residential Network, allows students in the dorms to access the Internet; photo.
314 Free computer training workshops - October schedule
Northern Iowan 95:8, p.7
October schedule for free computer training.
315 Should very young children learn to use a computer?
Public Relations News Release 1998:52, p.1
Dean Primrose states that software programs are beneficial to a child's education but that there are also other important factors to consider.
316 Right to privacy at UNI greatly ignored
Northern Iowan 95:6, p.6
Believes UNI does not respect privacy when it puts personal information on the Internet.
317 Lexis-Nexis now more accessible to students, faculty and staff
Campus News Network 9:3, p.2
UNI now has easier Web access to Lexis/Nexis called Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe.
318 Online parking permit registration tested
Campus News Network 9:3, p.2
Staff members tested online parking permit registration service; new service should be available spring 1999.
319 Free computer training workshops
Northern Iowan 95:3, p.7
September computer training workshop schedule and course descriptions.
320 Party of 1999 could end in disaster
Northern Iowan 95:3, p.13
UNI continues to work on solving the problems the Year 2000 will have on computer systems.
321 UNI vs. Y2K
Northern Iowa Today 27:1, p.1
Survey of UNI efforts to prepare computer systems for the year 2000.
322 New ethical dilemmas are being born out of new technologies
Public Relations News Release 1998:12, p.1
UNI Associate Vice President of Information Technology Garry Bozylinsky discusses the problems new technologies have made in the workplace.
323 Teacher Helpline throws a lifeline to new teachers
Campus News Network 9:1, p.1
New computerized helpline offers assistance to beginning teachers.
324 New teachers can find help through UNI's teacher helpline
Public Relations News Release 1997:419, p.1
Help for new teachers is available through UNI's Teacher Helpline.
325 Videoconferencing comes to the common man through the Internet
Public Relations News Release 1997:415, p.1
Videoconferencing is becoming more readily available to the common person.
326 Teacher Helpline provides valuable link for first year teachers
Northern Iowa Today 82:1, p.7
Internet-based service to help new teachers.
327 Home PC market is booming
Public Relations News Release 1997:375, p.1
Home computer use is on the rise; nearly four out of ten homes have a computer.
328 University of Northern Iowa graduate students provide computer orientation workshops for senior citizens
Public Relations News Release 1997:350, p.1
Graduate students developed and taught workshops to familiarize senior citizens with computer technology.
329 Setting up vacation E-mail/voice mail messages
Campus News Network 8:18, p.2
Ways to prepare messaging systems for vacation.
330 Grade distribution modified; students assigned viewing times
Northern Iowan 94:53, p.2
Students may view their grades via the Internet at assigned times according to their social security number.
331 RESNET will connect UNI dorms on-line
Northern Iowan 94:48, p.1
Students will have direct network connections from their dorm rooms in fall 1998.
332 On-line book swap coming soon to make selling, buying books easier
Northern Iowan 94:43, p.2
Northern Iowa Student Government and Tomahawk are working on getting an online bookstore to make buying and selling textbooks easier.
333 College Jeopardy offers big prizes; on-line participation easily accessible, fun
Northern Iowan 94:37, p.3
College students can now play Jeopardy online through Sony.
334 UNI residence hall students getting "wired"
Public Relations News Release 1997:217, p.1
ResNet will provide direct connections to the UNI computer network and the Internet.
335 Library offers help to prevent computer difficulties
Northern Iowan 94:34, p.3
Rod Library will offer workshops on electronic reference sources throughout the semester; photo.
336 W2 . . . 1040A . . . Schedule C . . . audits! Find tax help on the Internet
Public Relations News Release 1997:196, p.1
UNI associate professor of accounting Dennis Schmidt advises on how to get tax help over the Internet.
337 Upgrading your computer
Public Relations News Release 1997:196, p.1
Director of Production Services Rich Varn offers advice on when to upgrade your computer or buy a new one.
338 UNI residence halls "wired"
Campus News Network 8:11, p.1
ResNet system now connects each dorm room directly to the campus network and Internet; photo.
339 Access UNI no longer inaccessible
Northern Iowan 94:29, p.1
Many students encountered problems when trying to view their grades on the Web via UNI's new Access UNI system; photo.
340 UNI calendar goes interactive
Campus News Network 8:10, p.1
UNI Calendar of Events is now accessible via AccessUNI and allows users to search for events.
341 Q-W-E-RT-Y U-I--O-P
Northern Iowa Today 81:2, p.7
Professor Dean Primrose believes keyboarding should be taught to young students.
342 The next great thing; the World Wide Web means great opportunities for higher education
Northern Iowa Today 81:2, p.2
Extensive survey of ways in which UNI faculty and students use the Web; photo.
343 Video conferencing comes home
Public Relations News Release 1997:167, p.1
Rich Varn of UNI's Information Technology Services outlines the benefits of computers supporting video and audio.
344 Staying at the forefront of technology isn't easy
Public Relations News Release 1997:149, p.1
Bob Hardman says to obtain high-tech equipment while maintaining a budget the University should lease instead of purchase.
345 Access UNI: the next generation of on-line resources
Campus News Network 8:9, p.1
Students, faculty, and staff can access a variety of information and forms via Access UNI; photo.
346 Access UNI makes grade cards obsolete
Northern Iowan 94:26, p.4
Grades will be available by computer at end of this semester; photo.
347 Santa goes high-tech: 1997's hottest computer gifts and gadgets
Public Relations News Release 1997:142, p.1
Rich Varn will discuss technological gifts for everyone.
348 Students turning more often to electronic research
Public Relations News Release 1997:135, p.1
Kate Martin, Head of Collection Management and Special Services at UNI, reports that students would rather use electronic sources to prepare research.
349 WWW.Visual Basic
Campus News Network 8:8, p.2
Roberta Roth, Shashi Kaparthi, and Rex Karsten are teaching Visual Basic course through the Internet.
350 Tips, warnings for computer buyers
Northern Iowan 94:24, p.4
Information that students need when buying a computer.