
Displaying 101 - 150 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 UNI employees' W-2 forms exposed to virus; advised to proceed with caution
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.1
Information for six thousand UNI employees was subjected to corruption; photo.
102 Carelessness causes identity theft concern
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.7
Recent computer breach due to improper care.
103 UNI computer security breached
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
A virus was detected on a computer that was being used to review the W-2 generation process, immediate steps were taken to protect identity theft.
104 CourseCasting creates capability for lectures via iPods
Northern Iowan 102:33, p.9
New technology allows students to download lectures from their classes and listen to them at their convenience; photo.
105 E-waste a nationwide concern, recycling options available
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.1
There are places in Cedar Falls that offer recycling centers for old electronics, thereby reducing waste; photo.
106 UNI RBC launches MyEntreNet
Northern Iowa Today 90:1, p.23
Regional Business Center introduces rural business development program; photo.
107 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 102:27, p.7
Students respond to the question, "How do you feel about the potential consequences of downloading music?"
108 National Computer Security Day -- Nov. 30
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Computer Security Day reminds people to protect their computers, programs, and data at home and at work.
109 Web CT an unappreciated tool; teacher and students can benefit from reliable program
Northern Iowan 102:23, p.5
Teachers urged to use WebCT for communication since UNI E-mail has been unreliable lately; photo.
110 UNI MailMan slow as snail
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.5
Decides that students should not be in charge of fixing recent E-mail problems.
111 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.9
Students respond to the question, "What do you think of UNI E-mail currently?"
112 Redesigned Public Safety Web site aims to 'help students'
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.4
Updated website offers more information and resources for students and staff.
113 MailMan a 'mess,' say students
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.4
Students say that MailMan is unreliable; Information Technology Services recommends installing Thunderbird to meet your email needs.
114 UNI Regional Business Center to offer QuickBooks Pro training
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Regional Business Center will offer three classes for those who want to learn how to use QuickBooks Pro software.
115 UNI participates in WebCT's ePortfolio design group
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
A new branch of WebCT, called the ePortfolio, is being designed to help students preserve their work and keep records to be used in the future.
116 Let us in!; students lament reduced hours at campus labs
Northern Iowan 101:58, p.1
With only three labs on campus open during the summer session, some students are upset over shorter hours; photo.
117 UNI's Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Excel course
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Excel course will cover basic to advanced comprehension over three courses; also sponsored by Ketels Contract Training.
118 Challenging the computer addiction
Northern Iowan 101:54, p.7
Encourages students to take a day away from their computer.
119 KUNI computer system hacked
Northern Iowan 101:53, p.1
Actions were taken to fix the security invasion and increase security. Letters were also sent to donors alerting them to the breach.
120 Security breach found in KUNI computer system
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
A security breach into KUNI's server was found, which contains information about donations made, including credit card numbers.
121 'Microsoft Access' dates changed
Northern Iowan 101:46, p.2
The Regional Business Center has changed the dates for their "Microsoft Access" courses.
122 UNI's Regional Business Center has openings in courses
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
"Microsoft Access" and "Smart Start" programs still have openings.
123 IM dominates communication
Northern Iowan 101:44, p.5
Discusses the impact on society of increased instant messaging.
124 "Microsoft Excel,Smart Start" offered
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.2
The Regional Business Center is offering training on Excel and Smart Start software.
125 UNI's Regional Business Center has openings in courses
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Openings still available in Microsoft Excel course and "Smart Start" programs.
126 ITS purchasing program helps students pick out "right computer"
Northern Iowan 101:28, p.1
Explanation of Information Technology Services computer sales below retail price; photo.
127 Web registration a pain for some; students offer advice for improvement
Northern Iowan 101:27, p.9
Suggestions include lengthening the time available for registration and moving the survey to the end of the registration process; photo.
128 Regional collegiate computer programming competition Saturday, Nov. 13 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
One hundred seventy-three teams from eleven colleges and universities will rely on their creativity and programming skills while trying to solve between six and eight real world problems.
129 Technology: the real-life horror movie
Northern Iowan 101:20, p.5
Questions whether or not modern society's embrace of technology is an entirely good thing.
130 UNI Health Center goes paperless
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Health Center uses Medicat software for everything from check-ins to insurance claims.
131 UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Will offer training sessions for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint; cost is $99 for each.
132 UNI Regional Business Center to offer software training courses in October
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Will offer courses in "Microsoft FrontPage,QuickBooks Pro - Advanced", and "Adobe Acrobat PDF".
133 UNI students benefit from construction software donation
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Department of Industrial Technology received a grant for $145,000 from On Center Software Corporation to help students become familiar with latest digital technology.
134 UNI's Price Lab School to debut new online student information system
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
PowerSchool, when fully implemented, will allow students and parents password protected access to grades, attendance, activities, and homework assignments; designed to encourage a more proactive role of families in the education of their children.
135 UNI receives State Farm gift for computer science program
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation gave $48,000 to fund undergraduate work in networking and system administration, bioinformatics, and other computing applications.
136 Schools 'legitimize' music downloads
Northern Iowan 101:2, p.1
Many universities in America look into instituting legitimate file-sharing programs to cut down on illegal music and software downloads; photo.
137 Facebook provides online community at university
Northern Iowan 100:62, p.1
UNI Facebook provides an online way for students to get to know each other.
138 Ireland Technologies revamped by new management
Northern Iowan 100:60, p.3
Spotlight on Ireland Technologies, soon to be known as iTech, its services, and its new ownership and management.
139 Judges keep act out
Northern Iowan 100:59, p.5
Praises U.S. Supreme Court for extending stay on the implementation of the Child Online Protection Act.
140 UNI to offer new majors this fall
Northern Iowan 100:58, p.1
UNI gains Board of Regents approval to add major programs in network and system administration as well as in bioinformatics.
141 Mysterious e-mail messages help clean-up system
Northern Iowan 100:57, p.1
ITS-User Services tests new software to filter incoming E-mail in an effort to block viruses and unwanted messages.
142 UNI Regional Business Center to offer summer courses
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
RBC to offer 'Smart Start' entrepreneurial training courses as well as Microsoft Excel software course for the summer.
143 UNI to offer the state's sole undergraduate program in networking & system administration
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Program of study to focus on security issues in computer networking.
144 UNI professor publishes book, 'Wrong Turn on the Information Superhighway'
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Bettina Fabos's book gives advice on how teachers and students can best use the internet for academic purposes.
145 U-bills moving to electronic version in August
Northern Iowan 100:52, p.1
Although students will be billed electronically beginning in September 2004, payments will still need either to be mailed or brought to the office; photo.
146 UNI Regional Business Center to offer software training course
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
"Quick Books Pro -- Beginning" will be offered on three consecutive Tuesdays beginning April 20.
147 ITS looks to bid out new computer contract soon
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.1
Spotlight on UNI's computer buying practices; photo.
148 ITS works to fix virus plague as students, faculty suffer
Northern Iowan 100:43, p.1
Recent crop of computer viruses slows down campus networks; photo.
149 UNI's Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Excel course
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Courses will be held on Friday, March 5, 12, and 26.
150 Graduate College goes online
Northern Iowan 100:27, p.1
Graduate College puts their classes on WebCT, which allows distance students to attend class from home; also eliminates paper shuffle.