
Displaying 51 - 100 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 No more fliers in dorm halls
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.1
Department of Residence will no longer accept materials to be posted within the residence halls. Postings on MyUniverse News is the alternative; photo.
52 UNI Regional Business Center to offer QuickBooks Pro training
Public Relations News Release 2009:2, p.1
A three-session class, it will focus primarily on the basics of QuickBooks Pro including setting preferences, establishing charts of accounts, entering invoices and bills and creating basic financial statements; classes will be taught by Judy Schindel.
53 What is up with myUNIverse
Northern Iowan 105:60, p.3
Questions the need for long passwords, including a symbol and number. Forgetting the password and missing the deadline to change your password can be troublesome.
54 Twitter: the other Facebook
Northern Iowan 105:46, p.3
Technology continues to advance. Twitter works in a manner similar to Facebook, except it has a one hundred forty character limit. It has been called a micro-blog; photo.
55 Writing or typing?
Northern Iowan 105:41, p.3
Writing by hand is becoming a lost art.
56 Think before you download
Northern Iowan 105:40, p.7
Students urged to keep personal information private. Many companies and individuals are seeking information to steal identities.
57 Please comment responsibly
Northern Iowan 105:36, p.7
Readers urged not to use the Northern Iowa website comment section to point out editing errors, attack another person, or use profanity. Please identify yourself. Comments will be periodically screened for offensive content.
58 New site offers forum, advice
Northern Iowan 105:35, p.7
Web site devoted to social networking dealing with the good, bad, and ugly of love lives.
59 Different doesn't mean worse
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.7
Change happens all the time. Advantages seen for Microsoft's Vista program.
60 NISG Senate meeting: January 28
Northern Iowan 105:32, p.1
Siobahn Morgan, coordinator of the Liberal Arts Core, met with NISG to answer questions about classes and programs. Reports received concerning harassment policies inclusion of gender, a request for funding for NISG debates, and office computers
61 Facebook virus affects users
Northern Iowan 105:28, p.3
Computer virus found in Facebook. Students urged to change to stronger passwords. Stronger passwords are longer and may include numbers or symbols.
62 A snapshot of working success
Northern Iowan 105:28, p.7
Korey Bachelder, a 2003 graduate, develops a photo recovery system called MediaRECOVER; photo.
63 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:24, p.8
Melodie Kapping joins other students for a computer workshop in the ITTC Building; photo.
64 Bring on the cold
Northern Iowan 105:23, p.7
Urges discretion and calming of emotions before posting on Facebook.
65 Students should use the Internet to make life easier
Northern Iowan 105:18, p.6
Google products recommended for helping students organize their time and keep track of assignments.
66 Why the Mac is not for me
Northern Iowan 105:14, p.6
The software and hardware used by Macs are not a problem, but the constant pressure from Mac users to switch is overwhelming; photo.
67 Professor of an unusual subject
Northern Iowan 105:3, p.16
Ben Schafer, an associate professor of computer science, feels his days of teaching middle school made him a better teacher. Schafer enjoys his hobby of brewing beer at home. He teaches a class at Hawkeye Community College on the brewing of beer.
68 The do's and don'ts of Facebook
Northern Iowan 105:2, p.11
Facebook has advantages and disadvantages. Students urged to use caution in posting personal information..
69 College Bound: Beyond books and backpacks --Buying a computer for college
Public Relations News Release 2008:2, p.1
Tom Peterson, director of the Technology Services-User Services, suggests that if soon-to-be college students plan to buy a computer for college but haven't purchased one yet, they should find out if their college or university has discount programs.
70 NUHS claims first place at state cyber defense competition
Public Relations News Release 2007:704, p.1
The Cyber Defense Team who took first place at the third-annual state cyber defense competition in Ames will be featured this month in the national magazine "NetWork World." The purpose of the competition is to generate interest in computer science.
71 YouTube
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.7
Believes YouTube to be a useful tool for social communication; urges people to be cautious in using YouTube.
72 Not different enough in our thinking
Northern Iowan 104:49, p.7
Discussion of Apple Computer advertising.
73 Book sale gone bad
Northern Iowan 105:42, p.8
Resale of books is a risky business online; photo.
74 Listening to the silence in our daily world
Northern Iowan 104:40, p.5
Sound and noise are all around us. Students urged to pause, on occasion, to observe and ponder what is going on around them; photo.
75 Web based mail poses problems for students
Northern Iowan 104:31, p.1
Following an upgrade, Web Based Mail has been replaced temporarily while problems are addressed; photo.
76 Microsoft suit may pay Iowans
Northern Iowan 104:27, p.2
Purchasers of Microsoft products between May 1994 and June 2006 may be entitled to compensation from a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice and twenty states in 1998.
77 Passwords abound
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.7
The use of multiple passwords in the name of security questioned.
78 Houston, we have a problem
Northern Iowan 104:17, p.9
New technology on campus needs to be compatible with other systems. Instructors need to be shown the basics of operating this new systems.
79 New technology beams lectures to UNI students' computers
Public Relations News Release 2007:70, p.1
A new technology, the Accordent Capture System, allowed students to watch and listen to lectures on their computers.
80 Iowa veterinarians to get computer training at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
About thirty Iowa veterinarians will be participating in the Iowa Livestock Traceability Project computer training May 30.
81 "QuickBooks Pro Training" offered to area businesses
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Regional Business Center/Small Business Development Center will be offering a three-session QuickBooks Pro Course in June.
82 RE: "Somebody needs to become a millionaire" by Benjamin Doughan on Friday, March 23, 2007
Northern Iowan 103:46, p.8
Response to letter calling for a single password for university computer access.
83 Somebody needs to become a millionaire
Northern Iowan 103:45, p.8
Request of a single password to access computer systems on campus.
84 Facebook phenomenon examined by UNI undergrad
Northern Iowan 103:35, p.3
Facebook's role in social networking being researched by Dan Rhodes; photo.
85 UNI computer server breached
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
During the holiday break, a breach was detected on a computer server in the Wellness/Recreation Center.
86 Components donated to computer cluster designed in part by UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
LittleFe, a portable computational cluster, was developed by a team including Paul Gray.
87 New e-mail service means fewer passwords
Northern Iowan 103:27, p.1
Collaboration Suite, a new e-mail system, will be in place by the end of December 2006 at UNI; photo.
88 Computer programming students hone problem-solving skills during collegiate contest at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Mark Fienup, Jeremiah Philipp, James Kosar, and Fedor Korsakov will compete against five other teams in the International Collegiate Programming Contest.
89 ONE noble gesture supporting the troops
Northern Iowan 103:15, p.1
Operation Noble E-mail is a volunteer organization collecting donated computers to give to families of soldiers serving overseas, who cannot afford computers; photo.
90 Lazy in the information age
Northern Iowan 103:11, p.7
Believes that modern communication technology has made people lazy; urges people to communicate face-to-face.
91 Recent changes to Facebook making users more leery
Northern Iowan 103:9, p.9
Facebook is now open to the public, including potential employers. This change has many students concerned; photo.
92 Resting your eyes can help save your sight
Northern Iowan 103:5, p.11
Computer vision syndrome is caused by the constant refocusing when viewing images on a computer screen. Taking breaks from the computer, using eye drops, and wearing proper contacts help; photo.
93 New software designed to prevent plagiarism
Northern Iowan 103:5, p.3
Provost's office has purchased an anti-plagiarism computer program for use by UNI professors.
94 UNI enrolls in Open Science Grid
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Open Science Grid allows UNI to be networked with groups like Fermilab, Indiana University, and the University of Iowa.
95 New search engine allows one to surf and donate
Northern Iowan 102:51, p.11
GoodSearch donates approximately one cent to an organization of the user's choice for each search done on the search engine. Good Search is connected to Yahoo; photo.
96 Computer fees explained
Northern Iowan 102:51, p.8
Factual information presented concerning computer fees.
97 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 102:51, p.11
Students respond to the question, "What is your favorite search engine?"
98 Computer fees a mystery
Northern Iowan 102:49, p.8
Critical of computer and building fees.
99 W-2 leak shows need for security
Northern Iowan 102:44, p.3
Some believe that there is a need to investigate the recent exposure of confidential information; others believe that officials simply need to be more careful.
100 Presidential search committee offering streamlined video, wants students, faculty, staff involved in candidates' visits
Northern Iowan 102:41, p.6
Committee hopes to hold open forums for candidates; considering video streaming of candidates' presentations.