Displaying 151 - 200 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft shortcut courses Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Courses on Microsoft Word and Excel to be taught by Chris McGregor-Case. | |
152 | Miller talks about computer ethics in a 'make-believe world' Northern Iowan 100:25, p.1 |
Keith Miller explains the importance and dangers of computers in research. | |
153 | Personal Wellness increases mind/body awareness Northern Iowan 100:24, p.6 |
Feels Personal Wellness class increases a person's quality of life and a keyboarding class would not do the same. | |
154 | Replace Personal Wellness with computer course Northern Iowan 100:23, p.9 |
Believes students should not graduate from college without learning to operate a computer. | |
155 | Academic planning goes online with user friendly program Northern Iowan 100:23, p.1 |
Plan of Study is available for students online to help them plan their semesters at UNI. | |
156 | UNI honor society to host speaker on computer and ethics Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Keith Miller to speak on computers, technology, and the search for knowledge. | |
157 | Spam clogs UNI inboxes Northern Iowan 100:21, p.1 |
Filters and anti-spam software can prevent E-mail boxes from being filled with unwanted mail. | |
158 | UNI to host Science, Mathematics, and Technology Symposium Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Presentation to be given on computer science as well as student competition for scholarships in math, science, and technology. This symposium will be the university's 41st annual event. | |
159 | What's up Northern Iowan 100:17, p.5 |
Events planned; Harold Volkmer to visit campus; Cedar LUG to present session. | |
160 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Access and Microsoft Outlook courses Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Courses to be taught be Chris McGregor-Case. | |
161 | Web offers free anti-virus software Northern Iowan 100:15, p.1 |
ResNet users can download the anti-virus software to avoid possible widespread viruses. | |
162 | You just can't compete with 'free' Northern Iowan 100:13, p.7 |
Likes downloading music from the Internet. | |
163 | Don't blame ITS for ResNet gaffs Northern Iowan 100:8, p.9 |
Wants students to be polite when they call about Internet issues. | |
164 | RIAA sues 261 for file swapping Northern Iowan 100:6, p.1 |
UNI has policies in effect on the sharing of copyright protected materials; photo. | |
165 | Virus rocks ResNet Northern Iowan 100:4, p.1 |
Blaster virus affected computers with Windows 2000 and XP on campus and forced residence hall Internet service to be shut down for the first three weeks of school. | |
166 | Letters to the Editor Northern Iowan 100:4, p.8 |
Does not believe ResNet should have been shut down in an attempt to fix the Blaster virus. | |
167 | UNI Regional Business Center announces fall training schedule Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Variety of workshops and seminars offered, beginning in mid-September. | |
168 | UNI business center to offer software training course Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Quick Books Pro usage will be taught by Judy Schindel, certified Quick Books trainer. | |
169 | Safety emphasized in UNI Web workshop for middle school students Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Students in the ECHOES program attend the "Creating Web Pages" workshop held on campus through July 24. | |
170 | Technology in the classroom Northern Iowa Today 87:2, p.4 |
Students and faculty talk about new trends in classroom technology; photo. | |
171 | UNI business center to offer software training course Public Relations News Release 2002:539, p.1 |
Regional Business Center will offer Quick Books Pro software training course beginning June 9. | |
172 | What's up Northern Iowan 99:47, p.4 |
Meetings and activities planned. | |
173 | UNI hosts technology symposium Public Relations News Release 2002:418, p.1 |
April symposium schedule is announced by Information Technology Services. | |
174 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Quick Books accounting software training beginning April 22 Public Relations News Release 2002:400, p.1 |
Workshop will teach Quick Books Pro 2003; Judy Schindel will lead the workshop. | |
175 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Excel training beginning April 3 Public Relations News Release 2002:382, p.1 |
Ketels Contract Training will co-sponsor hands-on training workshop for Microsoft Excel. | |
176 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training Public Relations News Release 2002:281, p.1 |
Training courses will be offered in "Microsoft Access" and "Microsoft Excel"; both will be taught by Chris Case. | |
177 | Alumni Association introduces on-line directory service Northern Iowa Today 87:1, p.22 |
Dues-paying members can get contact information about alumni. | |
178 | October is Computer Learning Month Public Relations News Release 2003:102, p.1 |
Benefits of computer knowledge explained. | |
179 | ResNet revamped Northern Iowan 99:3, p.11 |
One improvement to the Resnet system has been its speed. | |
180 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training Public Relations News Release 2002:56, p.1 |
The Regional Business Center will partner with Ketels Contract Training to offer computer software workshops. | |
181 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training Public Relations News Release 2002:44, p.1 |
Training programs for "Quick Books Pro," "Microsoft Excel," and "Microsoft Access" will be offered by the Regional Business Center. | |
182 | Outdated databases Public Relations News Release 2002:3, p.1 |
Provides information on databases used to track criminals. | |
183 | Communication tip: usage survey respondents lean toward tradition Campus News Network 12:18, p.2 |
The results of an online survey of five computer-related terms and five editing issues were given. | |
184 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Quick Books accounting software training Public Relations News Release 2001:463, p.1 |
Judy Schindel will lead a Quick Books Pro Training workshop on May 21 and 28, and June 4 at the Regional Business Center. | |
185 | Hands-on computer training offered Northern Iowan 98:46, p.2 |
The Regional Business Center will offer a computer workshop entitled, "Introduction to Computers." | |
186 | UNI Regional Business Center offers computer training Wednesday, April 10 Public Relations News Release 2001:386, p.1 |
The Regional Business Center will host a workshop, "Introduction to Computers," which is intended for people with little or no computer experience. | |
187 | Communication tip Campus News Network 12:15, p.2 |
Merry Bruns, Web producer for ScienceSites Communications, give tips on using hypertext. | |
188 | Communication tip Campus News Network 12:14, p.2 |
Author Kathy Henning provides tips on cutting a web copy. | |
189 | On this day in history . . . . Northern Iowan 98:43, p.13 |
Reviews events in history that occurred from March 10 through March 16. | |
190 | 'Developing an Online Presence' to be topic for free computer training workshop in New Hampton March 5 Public Relations News Release 2001:311, p.1 |
"Developing an Online Presence" will be held as a part of the 2002 New Hampton Area Business Development Program. | |
191 | The use and misuse of e-mail Campus News Network 12:11, p.3 |
E-mails should be sent only if that is the best option and responded to as quickly as possible. | |
192 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Access training beginning Jan. 22 Public Relations News Release 2001:250, p.1 |
Chris Case will introduce participants to Microsoft Access. | |
193 | Using Internet for Business Research topic for UNI workshop Dec. 6 Public Relations News Release 2001:225, p.1 |
A computer training workshop will be held at the Regional Business Center and will be free and open to the public. | |
194 | UNI opens high-tech classroom Public Relations News Release 2001:215, p.1 |
Information Technology Services will open StudioIT for faculty use on November 27. | |
195 | StudioIT offers faculty and students new age, high-tech classroom Campus News Network 12:7, p.2 |
Lang Hall 245 is the new home of ITS's "StudioIT". It is designed for faculty to learn new integrated technology. | |
196 | UNI Regional Business Center to offer Quick Books accounting software training Public Relations News Release 2001:197, p.1 |
Businesses in the Cedar Valley will be able to participate in a Quick Books training program. | |
197 | Microsoft Excel Training for small area businesses to be offered Oct. 18 Public Relations News Release 2001:153, p.1 |
A Microsoft Excel training course will be offered by the UNI Regional Business Center on Oct. 18, for $75. | |
198 | New screensavers debut Campus News Network 12:2, p.2 |
Twenty designs, ranging in subject from athletics to UNI smiley faces, are available online. | |
199 | Columnist experiences computer, landlord woes Northern Iowan 98:1, p.9 |
Describes problems experienced while trying to connect to the Internet. | |
200 | Sircam virus Public Relations News Release 2001:26, p.1 |
Tom Peterson talks about the latest computer virus. |