
Displaying 151 - 200 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft shortcut courses
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Courses on Microsoft Word and Excel to be taught by Chris McGregor-Case.
152 Miller talks about computer ethics in a 'make-believe world'
Northern Iowan 100:25, p.1
Keith Miller explains the importance and dangers of computers in research.
153 Personal Wellness increases mind/body awareness
Northern Iowan 100:24, p.6
Feels Personal Wellness class increases a person's quality of life and a keyboarding class would not do the same.
154 Replace Personal Wellness with computer course
Northern Iowan 100:23, p.9
Believes students should not graduate from college without learning to operate a computer.
155 Academic planning goes online with user friendly program
Northern Iowan 100:23, p.1
Plan of Study is available for students online to help them plan their semesters at UNI.
156 UNI honor society to host speaker on computer and ethics
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Keith Miller to speak on computers, technology, and the search for knowledge.
157 Spam clogs UNI inboxes
Northern Iowan 100:21, p.1
Filters and anti-spam software can prevent E-mail boxes from being filled with unwanted mail.
158 UNI to host Science, Mathematics, and Technology Symposium
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Presentation to be given on computer science as well as student competition for scholarships in math, science, and technology. This symposium will be the university's 41st annual event.
159 What's up
Northern Iowan 100:17, p.5
Events planned; Harold Volkmer to visit campus; Cedar LUG to present session.
160 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Access and Microsoft Outlook courses
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Courses to be taught be Chris McGregor-Case.
161 Web offers free anti-virus software
Northern Iowan 100:15, p.1
ResNet users can download the anti-virus software to avoid possible widespread viruses.
162 You just can't compete with 'free'
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.7
Likes downloading music from the Internet.
163 Don't blame ITS for ResNet gaffs
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.9
Wants students to be polite when they call about Internet issues.
164 RIAA sues 261 for file swapping
Northern Iowan 100:6, p.1
UNI has policies in effect on the sharing of copyright protected materials; photo.
165 Virus rocks ResNet
Northern Iowan 100:4, p.1
Blaster virus affected computers with Windows 2000 and XP on campus and forced residence hall Internet service to be shut down for the first three weeks of school.
166 Letters to the Editor
Northern Iowan 100:4, p.8
Does not believe ResNet should have been shut down in an attempt to fix the Blaster virus.
167 UNI Regional Business Center announces fall training schedule
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Variety of workshops and seminars offered, beginning in mid-September.
168 UNI business center to offer software training course
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Quick Books Pro usage will be taught by Judy Schindel, certified Quick Books trainer.
169 Safety emphasized in UNI Web workshop for middle school students
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Students in the ECHOES program attend the "Creating Web Pages" workshop held on campus through July 24.
170 Technology in the classroom
Northern Iowa Today 87:2, p.4
Students and faculty talk about new trends in classroom technology; photo.
171 UNI business center to offer software training course
Public Relations News Release 2002:539, p.1
Regional Business Center will offer Quick Books Pro software training course beginning June 9.
172 What's up
Northern Iowan 99:47, p.4
Meetings and activities planned.
173 UNI hosts technology symposium
Public Relations News Release 2002:418, p.1
April symposium schedule is announced by Information Technology Services.
174 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Quick Books accounting software training beginning April 22
Public Relations News Release 2002:400, p.1
Workshop will teach Quick Books Pro 2003; Judy Schindel will lead the workshop.
175 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Excel training beginning April 3
Public Relations News Release 2002:382, p.1
Ketels Contract Training will co-sponsor hands-on training workshop for Microsoft Excel.
176 UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training
Public Relations News Release 2002:281, p.1
Training courses will be offered in "Microsoft Access" and "Microsoft Excel"; both will be taught by Chris Case.
177 Alumni Association introduces on-line directory service
Northern Iowa Today 87:1, p.22
Dues-paying members can get contact information about alumni.
178 October is Computer Learning Month
Public Relations News Release 2003:102, p.1
Benefits of computer knowledge explained.
179 ResNet revamped
Northern Iowan 99:3, p.11
One improvement to the Resnet system has been its speed.
180 UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training
Public Relations News Release 2002:56, p.1
The Regional Business Center will partner with Ketels Contract Training to offer computer software workshops.
181 UNI Regional Business Center to offer business software training
Public Relations News Release 2002:44, p.1
Training programs for "Quick Books Pro," "Microsoft Excel," and "Microsoft Access" will be offered by the Regional Business Center.
182 Outdated databases
Public Relations News Release 2002:3, p.1
Provides information on databases used to track criminals.
183 Communication tip: usage survey respondents lean toward tradition
Campus News Network 12:18, p.2
The results of an online survey of five computer-related terms and five editing issues were given.
184 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Quick Books accounting software training
Public Relations News Release 2001:463, p.1
Judy Schindel will lead a Quick Books Pro Training workshop on May 21 and 28, and June 4 at the Regional Business Center.
185 Hands-on computer training offered
Northern Iowan 98:46, p.2
The Regional Business Center will offer a computer workshop entitled, "Introduction to Computers."
186 UNI Regional Business Center offers computer training Wednesday, April 10
Public Relations News Release 2001:386, p.1
The Regional Business Center will host a workshop, "Introduction to Computers," which is intended for people with little or no computer experience.
187 Communication tip
Campus News Network 12:15, p.2
Merry Bruns, Web producer for ScienceSites Communications, give tips on using hypertext.
188 Communication tip
Campus News Network 12:14, p.2
Author Kathy Henning provides tips on cutting a web copy.
189 On this day in history . . . .
Northern Iowan 98:43, p.13
Reviews events in history that occurred from March 10 through March 16.
190 'Developing an Online Presence' to be topic for free computer training workshop in New Hampton March 5
Public Relations News Release 2001:311, p.1
"Developing an Online Presence" will be held as a part of the 2002 New Hampton Area Business Development Program.
191 The use and misuse of e-mail
Campus News Network 12:11, p.3
E-mails should be sent only if that is the best option and responded to as quickly as possible.
192 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Microsoft Access training beginning Jan. 22
Public Relations News Release 2001:250, p.1
Chris Case will introduce participants to Microsoft Access.
193 Using Internet for Business Research topic for UNI workshop Dec. 6
Public Relations News Release 2001:225, p.1
A computer training workshop will be held at the Regional Business Center and will be free and open to the public.
194 UNI opens high-tech classroom
Public Relations News Release 2001:215, p.1
Information Technology Services will open StudioIT for faculty use on November 27.
195 StudioIT offers faculty and students new age, high-tech classroom
Campus News Network 12:7, p.2
Lang Hall 245 is the new home of ITS's "StudioIT". It is designed for faculty to learn new integrated technology.
196 UNI Regional Business Center to offer Quick Books accounting software training
Public Relations News Release 2001:197, p.1
Businesses in the Cedar Valley will be able to participate in a Quick Books training program.
197 Microsoft Excel Training for small area businesses to be offered Oct. 18
Public Relations News Release 2001:153, p.1
A Microsoft Excel training course will be offered by the UNI Regional Business Center on Oct. 18, for $75.
198 New screensavers debut
Campus News Network 12:2, p.2
Twenty designs, ranging in subject from athletics to UNI smiley faces, are available online.
199 Columnist experiences computer, landlord woes
Northern Iowan 98:1, p.9
Describes problems experienced while trying to connect to the Internet.
200 Sircam virus
Public Relations News Release 2001:26, p.1
Tom Peterson talks about the latest computer virus.