Department of Home Economics

Displaying 101 - 150 of 595 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 It's a fact--UNI liberal arts graduates outnumber teachers
UNI Century 6:2, p.6
Administrators outline latest trends for students in their departments.
102 Professionalism marks interior design Showhouse project
UNI Century 6:2, p.4
Interior design students will design room at Omaha show; photo.
103 Corrections
Northern Iowan 74:38, p.2
Corrections from the past Northern Iowans, about Orchesis modern dance, Home Ec pictures, and Diane Opatz.
104 UNI's Home Ec. major--more than cooking and sewing: modern laboratory added
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.4
James Canada talks about the curriculum; photo.
105 Home Ec sure ain't what it used to be¿
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.4
Students participate in activities in the new laboratory for Home Economics; photo.
106 UNI's Home Management House: more than just a classroom
Northern Iowan 74:15, p.7
Professor Pershing describes the home economics program carried out in the building.
107 Banquet
Northern Iowan 73:55, p.6
Norge Winifred Jerome will speak at Home Economics banquet.
108 Regents approve projects totaling over $800,000
Northern Iowan 73:45, p.1
Will make improvements in Bartlett Hall and Redeker Center; new home economics lab in Wright Hall; pick architects for additional units of Married Student Housing.
109 Home Ec evaluates recipes
Northern Iowan 73:38, p.1
Test Rath contest recipes.
110 UNI home economics granted full accreditation
UNI Century 5:1, p.1
Professional council announces decision.
111 First male head in home ed dept.
Northern Iowan 73:28, p.7
Profile of James Canada.
112 Home Economics accredited
Northern Iowan 73:23, p.5
Department of Home Economics has been granted full accreditation by the American Home Economics Association.
113 Cooking class
Northern Iowan 73:18, p.5
Adult education cooking class is scheduled for Tuesday evenings.
114 Sexuality workshops to begin; deals with attitudes towards sex
Northern Iowan 73:8, p.3
UNI scheduled a series of human sexuality programs.
115 Leading the "blind"
Northern Iowan 73:2, p.1
Students participate in blindfold activity; photo.
116 New heads
Northern Iowan 72:57, p.1
David Duncan will head Math Department; James Canada will head Home Economics; Joseph Ruffo will head Art; and Jan Robbins will head English.
117 Design class creates ideas for Karmelkorn Shoppe
UNI Century 4:2, p.4
Students study shop in College Square mall; photo.
118 Fiber talk today
Northern Iowan 72:26, p.7
Jon Story will talk about fiber in diet.
119 Metric, UNI and you
UNI Century 3:4, p.4
Survey of efforts at UNI to teach metric system; photo.
120 Home Ec students teach adults money tips
UNI Century 3:3, p.
Professor Barbara Pershing teaches adult course on inexpensive cooking.
121 Principles into practice
Northern Iowan 71:17, p.7
Description of the program in the Home Management House.
122 'Holiday happenings'
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.4
Adult education classes offered.
123 Men among changes in home ec
UNI Century 2:3, p.7
Some men now take home economics courses; photo.
124 Parenting
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.11
Professor Franken will offer course on parenting.
125 Home ec. no longer off-limits for men; tired of sewing darts?
Northern Iowan 70:54, p.8
Survey of home economics programs; photo.
126 New class offered
Northern Iowan 70:49, p.1
Home economics students will offer adult education class on vacations.
127 Marriages helped by new course
Northern Iowan 70:3, p.6
Home Economics Department will offer Marriage Enrichment for Today.
128 Course offers tips to "hassled housewives"
Northern Iowan 69:60, p.4
129 Men changing female image of Home Economics Department
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.8
Department head encourages men to enroll in classes.
130 What is the family game?
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.10
Adult Education group will offer classes; photo.
131 Home Economics Department
Northern Iowan 68:51, p.8
Will hold annual banquet.
132 The role of the woman is . . ?; home economics conference hashes it out
Northern Iowan 68:16, p.4
Speakers discuss variety of viewpoints on appropriate roles for women.
133 Holidaze
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12
Will offer craft classes.
134 Two UNI Students Receive Graduate Scholarshops in Home Economics
Public Relations News Release 1972:56, p.1
Verla Wachsman and Bonnie Rohlena were each awarded $1250 Iowa Home Economics Association graduate scholarships.
135 Adult education offered
Northern Iowan 67:59, p.6
Will present series of classes.
136 Adult Education Classes to be Offered by UNI Home Ec. Department
Public Relations News Release 1971:709, p.1
"Carnival of Summer Experiences" will be the subject of seven adult education classes being held at UNI and hosted by the home economics department; list of participants
137 UNI Home Economics Dept. Offers Adult Crafts Class
Public Relations News Release 1971:474, p.1
Home Economics department offering "Crafts for Home Improvement" class beginning April 5 and running every Monday until May 17 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
138 Experiment with programmed instructions now in use
Northern Iowan 67:37, p.1
Being introduced in Home Economics Department.
139 Roadblocks in new general education
Northern Iowan 67:20, p.3
Professor Story believes that "areas" may correspond too closely with department lines; unhappy that home economics courses are not included in general education.
140 UNI Schedules Montessori Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:717, p.1
A teacher from England will conduct a two-week workshop on the Montessori method of education for 71 students at UNI from August 3rd to the 14th; list of participants
141 Home economics dept. sponsors classes
Northern Iowan 66:61, p.4
Students will teach classes on cooking, clothing, and vacations.
142 UNI Home Econ. Department Sponsors Adult Classes
Public Relations News Release 1969:669, p.1
The classes (for adults) will be taught by home economics seniors, under the supervision of Dr. Story; class listings
143 New honorary fraternity to Install 50 members Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1969:479, p.1
Installation of members in Phi Upsilon Omicron; list of members.
144 New honorary fraternity to be installed at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:455, p.1
Phi Upsilon Omicron, national honoary fraternity in home economics, will be installed at UNI. Reception for the new chapter is in the Georgian Lounge of the Commons with a banquet in the Towers Dining Room.
145 Mothers-to-be to learn creativity
Northern Iowan 66:38, p.3
Home economics students will offer free, six-lesson class.
146 Home Ec
Northern Iowan 65:16, p.6
Adult classes available.
147 Home Ec majors offer adult course
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.5
Senior Home Economics majors will offer a six week course entitled "Let's Go Shopping" to local housewives beginning November 6.
148 'Summer living' adult classes offered by UNI
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.7
Will offer ways to enjoy summer.
149 McCollum named as dean of Natural Sciences College
Northern Iowan 64:56, p.1
Administrative appointments announced.
150 Kathy Wright selected top Home Ec major
Northern Iowan 64:52, p.5
Short sketch.