Displaying 751 - 775 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
751 | Lying is one of the worst habits a person can contract Normal Eyte 13:21, p.321 |
Hopes that candidates will be honest. | |
752 | Proposed amendment Normal Eyte 13:18, p.286 |
To Normal Eyte constitution; sets election time. | |
753 | Remember the Normal Eyte election Normal Eyte 12:30, p.465 |
Election of officers to be held. | |
754 | Remember the Normal Eyte election Normal Eyte 12:28, p.434 |
Staff for 1902-1903 will be elected. | |
755 | Byron and Chas. Lambert, Percy Hunt, and George Hearst Normal Eyte 10:9, p.218 |
Came home to vote. | |
756 | Mr. Arey Normal Eyte 9:9, p.211 |
On duty during election. | |
757 | There were many vacant seats in chapel Normal Eyte 9:9, p.211 |
Many men went home to vote. | |
758 | Since a large number of students Normal Eyte 8:10, p.134 |
Cites difficulties of students who must leave school for a day or two in order to go home to vote. | |
759 | Quite a number of boys Normal Eyte 7:9, p.106 |
Went home to vote. | |
760 | Mr. Arey Normal Eyte 7:9, p.104 |
Had election board duties. | |
761 | Professor Arey Normal Eyte 6:5, p.58 |
Did not meet classes due to city election duties. | |
762 | Prof. Arey Normal Eyte 5:8, p.62 |
Acted as election judge. | |
763 | The Republican rally Normal Eyte 5:5, p.38 |
Politically-minded students attend. | |
764 | John Sogard Normal Eyte 4:13, p.200 |
Still in Pueblo, Colorado; notes that women voted at his schoolhouse. | |
765 | None of the S. N. S. boys Normal Eyte 4:8, p.123 |
Drill dismissed for most so that they could attend rally in Waterloo. | |
766 | Black bows cover the hearts Normal Eyte 3:11, p.87 |
Some are pleased with the recent election results; others mourn. | |
767 | Election results indicate Normal Eyte 3:10, p.74 |
Voters seem to be blaming the Democrats for the Panic of 1893; speculations on the relationship of cause and effect. | |
768 | Matt Cunningham and W. W. Wilson Normal Eyte 2:10, p.81 |
Return to Iowa City after voting. | |
769 | Matt Cunningham and Walter Wilson Normal Eyte 2:9, p.73 |
Came home to vote. | |
770 | Mr. A. E. Felmley Normal Eyte 2:9, p.73 |
Attending University of Michigan; came home to vote. | |
771 | On election day in every college town Normal Eyte 2:9, p.68 |
Looks at the question of where college students should vote: at home or in their college town. | |
772 | This is the first year we've not participated Normal Eyte 2:9, p.72 |
Some students went to Waterloo to hear campaign speeches. | |
773 | Politics is the all-absorbing topic Normal Eyte 2:8, p.66 |
Men are excited by upcoming election; women are calm. | |
774 | Grand Republican rally at Waterloo Normal Eyte 2:7, p.58 |
Railroad will discount fares on trips to Waterloo. | |
775 | The Aristos Normal Eyte 1:12, p.92 |
Favor the Republican ticket. |