Displaying 351 - 400 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | Fifth candidate declared, wants to restructure UNISA Northern Iowan 76:38, p.9 |
Pete Larson has announced his candidacy for UNISA president; photo. | |
352 | RHA members show support for RHAWS Northern Iowan 76:38, p.2 |
The members of RHAWS support Mary Gannon, Kevin Swartz, and Sue Woodruff. | |
353 | UNISA hopefuls speak Tuesday Northern Iowan 76:37, p.1 |
Candidates for president for UNISA will give a brief presentation. | |
354 | Vote Wednesday, rules explained Northern Iowan 76:37, p.8 |
UNISA election rules are listed. | |
355 | 'Justify words, refute any claims' Northern Iowan 76:37, p.2 |
Believes Bryan Windmark is using the room and board increase issue as a political ploy in upcoming UNISA election. | |
356 | UNISA, RHA applications due Friday Northern Iowan 76:36, p.5 |
Positions are open within UNISA and Residence Hall Association which will be filled in the upcoming election. | |
357 | UPB changes process Northern Iowan 76:36, p.5 |
Members of the Union Policy Board will now be selected by an interview rather than by election. | |
358 | UNISA election set for Feb.27 Northern Iowan 76:33, p.9 |
Election rules for the upcoming UNISA election. | |
359 | None of the above? Northern Iowan 76:27, p.2 |
Voter apathy must be dealt with. | |
360 | UNISA election Northern Iowan 76:9, p.4 |
A special election will be conducted to fill the Bartlett Hall and Rider Hall senator openings. | |
361 | Thank you Northern Iowan 76:7, p.3 |
Jim St. John expressed his appreciation to everyone who supported him in his campaign. | |
362 | UNISA to hold special election Northern Iowan 76:5, p.6 |
A special election will be held to fill the vacant fifteen senate seats. | |
363 | UNISA to hold special election Northern Iowan 76:2, p.16 |
Special election to be held to fill vacant positions. | |
364 | Third time a charm for UNISA elections? Northern Iowan 75:48, p.16 |
The UNISA presidential elections have been held three times this semester. A fifty percent margin is needed to decide the president. | |
365 | Election rules Northern Iowan 75:47, p.12 |
UNISA rules and regulations. | |
366 | UNI voter turnout low Northern Iowan 75:20, p.11 |
Precinct vote tallies. | |
367 | Where do student who live on campus vote? Northern Iowan 75:19, p.8 |
Location of polling places. | |
368 | Know your rights as a voter Northern Iowan 75:19, p.8 |
369 | Voting 1978--apathetic year? Northern Iowan 75:17, p.1 |
Student voter turnout tends to be light in non-presidential election years; Professors Alberts and Ross talk about their survey of students as voters. | |
370 | UNISA election invalid?; questions raised over ballots, other procedures Northern Iowan 75:9, p.1 |
Some students allege that there were irregularities in the way that the ballots were produced. | |
371 | The campaign trail Northern Iowan 73:21, p.6 |
A student campaigns for a position in the Union. | |
372 | Name please Northern Iowan 73:19, p.11 |
Students stand in line to vote. | |
373 | In-decision '76 raises $559 for Cancer Soc. Northern Iowan 73:19, p.1 |
Money was raised for the American Cancer Society from election night in the Union. | |
374 | 'Great job!' Northern Iowan 73:19, p.2 |
Thanks to those who attended the Election Night Program in the union. | |
375 | Senate positions filled Northern Iowan 73:19, p.7 |
UNISA vacant senate positions were filled with a special election. | |
376 | Where to vote Northern Iowan 73:17, p.3 |
List of selected streets in Cedar Falls and the appropriate voting place. | |
377 | Election night program Northern Iowan 73:17, p.1 |
Election night program will be held in the union. | |
378 | Lunar samples to be displayed Northern Iowan 73:17, p.1 |
Twelve lunar samples will be on display next week in the Physics Building; photo. | |
379 | Election night . . . Northern Iowan 73:16, p.9 |
Election Night Results program to be held in the Maucker Union Coffee House. | |
380 | Absentee voters Northern Iowan 73:16, p.1 |
Notary public signature available for absentee ballots. | |
381 | Voting instruction Northern Iowan 73:15, p.5 |
A student learns how to operate a voting machine; photo. | |
382 | RHA elections set for Feb. 25 Northern Iowan 72:34, p.1 |
Rules and regulations for election. | |
383 | Senate notes election Northern Iowan 72:32, p.2 |
Elections rules and regulations. | |
384 | Untitled Northern Iowan 72:30, p.1 |
Students participate in the mock caucuses held by the Political Science department; photo. | |
385 | Mock election to raise awareness; caucus in Union Monday Northern Iowan 72:29, p.1 |
Department of Political Science will sponsor the event. | |
386 | Meet the major contenders to become the next President of the United States Northern Iowan 72:23, p.8 |
1976 Presidential Candidates to speak; Jimmy Carter is among the speakers. | |
387 | UNISA explains election format Northern Iowan 71:39, p.9 |
388 | RHA rules announced Northern Iowan 71:39, p.9 |
Residence Hall Association election procedures. | |
389 | Spring election format explained Northern Iowan 71:36, p.3 |
Election procedures. | |
390 | RHA rules announced Northern Iowan 71:36, p.5 |
Election procedures. | |
391 | Democrats win big Northern Iowan 71:20, p.5 |
Quick results of local and state elections. | |
392 | Voting locations for Cedar Falls Northern Iowan 71:19, p.2 |
393 | Local, state, national election wrap-up 1974 Northern Iowan 71:18, p.6 |
Pictures and brief profiles of candidates; photo. | |
394 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 71:17, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
395 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 71:16, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
396 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 71:13, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
397 | What's Up? ? Northern Iowan 70:55, p.6 |
Activities and meetings. | |
398 | What's Up? ? Northern Iowan 70:49, p.6 |
Activities and meetings. | |
399 | What's Up? ? Northern Iowan 70:39, p.10 |
Activities and meetings. | |
400 | What's Up Northern Iowan 70:2, p.9 |
Activities and meetings. |