
Displaying 301 - 350 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Party caucuses will be held Monday
Northern Iowan 80:37, p.4
302 Caucus information available
Northern Iowan 80:37, p.1
Professor Ross talks about the caucus process.
303 Year of the attack strategy?
Northern Iowan 80:26, p.2
A look at the prospects for the upcoming political campaigns.
304 UNISA election lacking needed professionalism
Northern Iowan 79:42, p.2
Student is upset with the way this year's UNISA election was run.
305 Student says run-off needs rerun
Northern Iowan 79:42, p.2
Dana Barrer accuses Jim Hessburg of unethical campaign practices.
306 Secret ballot not so secret
Northern Iowan 79:41, p.2
Student was stunned to receive a letter from Jim Hessburg.
307 Thanks to voters
Northern Iowan 79:41, p.2
Dave Meeks thanks all who voted.
308 Hessburg defeats Meeks in presidential duel
Northern Iowan 79:40, p.1
James Hessburg defeats David Meeks, 972-841; photo.
309 Between UNI
Northern Iowan 79:39, p.2
Jane Rhea encourages all students to vote.
310 UNISA run-off tomorrow
Northern Iowan 79:39, p.6
Voters will choose between David Meeks and James Hessburg.
311 Thanks for participating
Northern Iowan 79:39, p.2
A near record 1800 students voted.
312 Editorial
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.2
Students are encouraged to vote in run off election.
313 UNISA election - on the minds of many
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3
Student is upset due to lack of absentee ballot in the UNISA election.
314 Scherzo
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3
Student is unaware of the UNISA election.
315 What issues should UNI Student Association presidential candidates deal with during their campaign?
Northern Iowan 79:33, p.3
Important issues are discussed.
316 Foot Notes
Northern Iowan 79:18, p.8
Voters' legs; photo.
317 Editorial
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.2
Encourages students to consider whether candidates support Proposition 12 or not.
318 Vote today
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.5
Locations of polling places.
319 Voting carries responsibilities; make educated choice at poll
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.3
Urges students to educate themselves on all candidates before voting.
320 Lab School studies election process; meets candidates
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.4

Gloria Kirkland talks about the PLS program.

321 TV debates scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:10, p.6
322 Poll not appreciated
Northern Iowan 79:7, p.2
Alumnus expresses dissatisfaction with the change in location for voting booths.
323 Registration checked
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.2
Author comments that the voter registration process is coming along, but it takes a large amount of time.
324 Anticipation mounts for registration cards
Northern Iowan 79:4, p.2
Student expresses concern about the mailing of voter registration cards.
325 From the Editors
Northern Iowan 78:55, p.2
Students are encouraged to vote.
326 Cedar Falls precincts change for primaries
Northern Iowan 78:55, p.3
Polling place locations.
327 'Show that students care'
Northern Iowan 78:55, p.2
Student encourages other students to vote.
328 The Panther's Pen
Northern Iowan 78:44, p.2
Lori Meek comments on the local caucuses.
329 'Let's not lose Rusty'
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2
Graduate student supports Rusty Martin.
330 Equal coverage urged
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2
Student wants to see all the candidates covered equally.
331 'Too much pointless backstabbing'
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2
Student wants candidates to stick to the issues.
332 Editorial
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2
The UNISA election heats up.
333 UNISA gives election rules
Northern Iowan 77:28, p.3
334 Explains recent Republican victories
Northern Iowan 77:23, p.2
Suggests the Republican Party's perseverance in the 1970s when it was faltering is the reason it came back strong in the recent elections.
335 'They didn't cry, they regrouped'
Public Relations News Release 77:20, p.2
Support the Republican party and glad they won many seats in the recent elections.
336 On the other hand
Public Relations News Release 77:20, p.2
Dismayed at the election results but happy UNI students voted.
337 Find irony in democratic process
Northern Iowan 77:19, p.2
Feel it is ironic that the democratic process allows voters to choose "ignorant and undesirable candidates."
338 Were you pleased with the results of last Tuesday's elections
Northern Iowan 77:19, p.2
339 Large crowd adds to 'confusion' in Union
Northern Iowan 77:18, p.1
Students have fun, watch election coverage in Union; photo.
340 Long lines boast good student turnout
Northern Iowan 77:18, p.1
Student voter turnout seems heavy.
341 VOTE TODAY; don't forget
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.1
Location of polling places.
342 On the other hand
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.2

Offers his opinion on the best candidates in the upcoming elections.

343 Ask 'why no notarization?'
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.2
Wants to know why the university will not notarize absentee ballots for students who do not want to invalidate their home registrations.
344 Commoner or Clark for President? Alternative party choices
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.4
A look at smaller parties.
345 UNI's Mauker Union to hold election night party
Public Relations News Release 1980:183, p.1
The UNI Policy Board will be hosting "Confusion 80", an election night party.
346 Be aware of absentee voting procedure
Northern Iowan 77:12, p.4
347 UNISA results inconclusive; run-off election Wednesday
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.1
A run-off election will be held between Chris Gammack and Kyle Thomas for UNISA president; tabulation of votes cast.
348 No vote--no complain
Northern Iowan 76:38, p.2
Failing to vote in the elections damages your credibility when you feel like complaining.
349 Fifth candidate declared, wants to restructure UNISA
Northern Iowan 76:38, p.9
Pete Larson has announced his candidacy for UNISA president; photo.
350 RHA members show support for RHAWS
Northern Iowan 76:38, p.2
The members of RHAWS support Mary Gannon, Kevin Swartz, and Sue Woodruff.