Displaying 301 - 350 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
301 | Party caucuses will be held Monday Northern Iowan 80:37, p.4 |
302 | Caucus information available Northern Iowan 80:37, p.1 |
Professor Ross talks about the caucus process. | |
303 | Year of the attack strategy? Northern Iowan 80:26, p.2 |
A look at the prospects for the upcoming political campaigns. | |
304 | UNISA election lacking needed professionalism Northern Iowan 79:42, p.2 |
Student is upset with the way this year's UNISA election was run. | |
305 | Student says run-off needs rerun Northern Iowan 79:42, p.2 |
Dana Barrer accuses Jim Hessburg of unethical campaign practices. | |
306 | Secret ballot not so secret Northern Iowan 79:41, p.2 |
Student was stunned to receive a letter from Jim Hessburg. | |
307 | Thanks to voters Northern Iowan 79:41, p.2 |
Dave Meeks thanks all who voted. | |
308 | Hessburg defeats Meeks in presidential duel Northern Iowan 79:40, p.1 |
James Hessburg defeats David Meeks, 972-841; photo. | |
309 | Between UNI Northern Iowan 79:39, p.2 |
Jane Rhea encourages all students to vote. | |
310 | UNISA run-off tomorrow Northern Iowan 79:39, p.6 |
Voters will choose between David Meeks and James Hessburg. | |
311 | Thanks for participating Northern Iowan 79:39, p.2 |
A near record 1800 students voted. | |
312 | Editorial Northern Iowan 79:38, p.2 |
Students are encouraged to vote in run off election. | |
313 | UNISA election - on the minds of many Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3 |
Student is upset due to lack of absentee ballot in the UNISA election. | |
314 | Scherzo Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3 |
Student is unaware of the UNISA election. | |
315 | What issues should UNI Student Association presidential candidates deal with during their campaign? Northern Iowan 79:33, p.3 |
Important issues are discussed. | |
316 | Foot Notes Northern Iowan 79:18, p.8 |
Voters' legs; photo. | |
317 | Editorial Northern Iowan 79:17, p.2 |
Encourages students to consider whether candidates support Proposition 12 or not. | |
318 | Vote today Northern Iowan 79:17, p.5 |
Locations of polling places. | |
319 | Voting carries responsibilities; make educated choice at poll Northern Iowan 79:16, p.3 |
Urges students to educate themselves on all candidates before voting. | |
320 | Lab School studies election process; meets candidates Northern Iowan 79:15, p.4 |
Gloria Kirkland talks about the PLS program. |
321 | TV debates scheduled Northern Iowan 79:10, p.6 |
322 | Poll not appreciated Northern Iowan 79:7, p.2 |
Alumnus expresses dissatisfaction with the change in location for voting booths. | |
323 | Registration checked Northern Iowan 79:5, p.2 |
Author comments that the voter registration process is coming along, but it takes a large amount of time. | |
324 | Anticipation mounts for registration cards Northern Iowan 79:4, p.2 |
Student expresses concern about the mailing of voter registration cards. | |
325 | From the Editors Northern Iowan 78:55, p.2 |
Students are encouraged to vote. | |
326 | Cedar Falls precincts change for primaries Northern Iowan 78:55, p.3 |
Polling place locations. | |
327 | 'Show that students care' Northern Iowan 78:55, p.2 |
Student encourages other students to vote. | |
328 | The Panther's Pen Northern Iowan 78:44, p.2 |
Lori Meek comments on the local caucuses. | |
329 | 'Let's not lose Rusty' Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2 |
Graduate student supports Rusty Martin. | |
330 | Equal coverage urged Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2 |
Student wants to see all the candidates covered equally. | |
331 | 'Too much pointless backstabbing' Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2 |
Student wants candidates to stick to the issues. | |
332 | Editorial Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2 |
The UNISA election heats up. | |
333 | UNISA gives election rules Northern Iowan 77:28, p.3 |
334 | Explains recent Republican victories Northern Iowan 77:23, p.2 |
Suggests the Republican Party's perseverance in the 1970s when it was faltering is the reason it came back strong in the recent elections. | |
335 | 'They didn't cry, they regrouped' Public Relations News Release 77:20, p.2 |
Support the Republican party and glad they won many seats in the recent elections. | |
336 | On the other hand Public Relations News Release 77:20, p.2 |
Dismayed at the election results but happy UNI students voted. | |
337 | Find irony in democratic process Northern Iowan 77:19, p.2 |
Feel it is ironic that the democratic process allows voters to choose "ignorant and undesirable candidates." | |
338 | Were you pleased with the results of last Tuesday's elections Northern Iowan 77:19, p.2 |
339 | Large crowd adds to 'confusion' in Union Northern Iowan 77:18, p.1 |
Students have fun, watch election coverage in Union; photo. | |
340 | Long lines boast good student turnout Northern Iowan 77:18, p.1 |
Student voter turnout seems heavy. | |
341 | VOTE TODAY; don't forget Northern Iowan 77:17, p.1 |
Location of polling places. | |
342 | On the other hand Northern Iowan 77:17, p.2 |
Offers his opinion on the best candidates in the upcoming elections. |
343 | Ask 'why no notarization?' Northern Iowan 77:17, p.2 |
Wants to know why the university will not notarize absentee ballots for students who do not want to invalidate their home registrations. | |
344 | Commoner or Clark for President? Alternative party choices Northern Iowan 77:17, p.4 |
A look at smaller parties. | |
345 | UNI's Mauker Union to hold election night party Public Relations News Release 1980:183, p.1 |
The UNI Policy Board will be hosting "Confusion 80", an election night party. | |
346 | Be aware of absentee voting procedure Northern Iowan 77:12, p.4 |
347 | UNISA results inconclusive; run-off election Wednesday Northern Iowan 76:39, p.1 |
A run-off election will be held between Chris Gammack and Kyle Thomas for UNISA president; tabulation of votes cast. | |
348 | No vote--no complain Northern Iowan 76:38, p.2 |
Failing to vote in the elections damages your credibility when you feel like complaining. | |
349 | Fifth candidate declared, wants to restructure UNISA Northern Iowan 76:38, p.9 |
Pete Larson has announced his candidacy for UNISA president; photo. | |
350 | RHA members show support for RHAWS Northern Iowan 76:38, p.2 |
The members of RHAWS support Mary Gannon, Kevin Swartz, and Sue Woodruff. |