
Displaying 101 - 150 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Voting for justice(s)
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.5
The Family Leader taken to task for 2010 campaign to vote out Iowa Supreme Court judges. Persons voting today urged to vote for leaders who have integrity and courage.
102 From the archives
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.11
Information from the November 3, 1992, Northern Iowan.
103 Crews delivers results
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.4
Cedar Falls industrial park, trail system, fiber optics system, local option sales tax, and award winning downtown mentioned as past accomplishments of Mayor Crews. Challenges are ahead that he can handle.
104 Vote for Wieland for Council at Large
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.5
Current member of the Cedar Falls city council asks for the student vote in the upcoming election; photo.
105 Re-elect mayor Crews
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.4
Professor Thomas Thompson supports Mayor Jon Crews for reelection.
106 Take action on November 8
Northern Iowan 108:19, p.5
Students encouraged to participate in the upcoming elections. Groups are not mutually exclusive. They may have slight differences, but hopefully these can be put aside and groups work together; photo.
107 Get to know the Fourth Ward candidates
Northern Iowan 108:17, p.3
Jim Miller, Carol Hanson, Marie Schmidt, and Carol Cooper are running for the Cedar Falls city council from the Fourth Ward. This area includes the UNI campus.
108 Asking for support
Northern Iowan 108:17, p.4
Jon Crews states his desire to be re-elected as mayor of Cedar Falls. He provides contact information and his Web site. Mayor Crews shares some ways the city has joined with the University on projects.
109 On-campus voting begins
Northern Iowan 108:17, p.1
Students may cast their ballots for Cedar Falls city officials in Maucker Union for the next two days. Jon Crews, Frank Darrah, and Larry Quigley are running for mayor; photo.
110 Slactivism at its finest
Northern Iowan 108:16, p.4
Writer observes that many "just show up" for activities where they can be seen and don't pull their weight in actually doing something productive. Marching and manning phone banks are not equal; photo.
111 Straw Poll surveys yield new results
Public Relations News Release 2011:87, p.1
UNI Professor Donna Hoffman and Chris Larimer recently completed a study that used information form the 2011 Iowa Straw Poll to measure the conservatism of Iowa republicans.
112 University of Northern Iowa and Iowa Public radio seek presidential candidates for forums Elevating Education platform in Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2011:86, p.1
Presidential hopefuls for the election in 2012 are invited to discuss their views on education as part of UNI's Presidential Candidate Education Forums along with Iowa public Radio.
113 There is a problem with this "choice"
Northern Iowan 108:13, p.5
Students, faculty, and staff urged to research political candidates prior to going to the polls. Forced decisions at the ballot box are not the best option.
114 Letter to the Editor
Northern Iowan 108:10, p.3
Students urged to vote in the upcoming District 18 Iowa Senate seat race.
115 Marriage equality is at risk
Northern Iowan 108:9, p.3
With the appointment of Swati Dandekar, her senate spot is up for a special election. Liz Mathis is the Democratic candidate. If you wins the Democrats will hold the majority in the Iowa Senate.
116 The Don or the Dunce?
Northern Iowan 107:51, p.12
Donald Trump has started talking like a candidate for President. Will he succeed? Writer believes that he is taking advantage of a timid Republican party and hoping for better ratings for his television show; photo.
117 spencer--ian--WIN
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.1
Spencer Walrath and Ian Goldsmith named president and vice-president of the student body. The victory comes following a transportation error in the election votes; photo
118 Mistakes were made
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.9
Misspelled words, the lack of a comma, and improper counting of votes have recently happened to the NI staff and the NISG election commission. Luckily students point out these mistakes, so they may be corrected.
119 A human error
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.1
Trevor Boeckmann and Adam Haselhuhn filed a grievance with the NISG election committee following an examination of the off-campus voting. A scheduled run-off election was cancelled.
120 Fellow Panthers
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.9
Former candidate for president of the student body expressed disappointment in the election process, but will not call for a recount. Election reform and oversight are needed.
121 A response to 'The Northern Iowan's influence on the election'
Northern Iowan 107:39, p.8
Editorial staff defends their coverage of the election. Northern Iowan urges readers to air their concerns on the reporting of campus events.
122 NISG to hold runoff election next week
Northern Iowan 107:39, p.1
None of the tickets in this week's election won over fifty per cent. A runoff election between the Walrath and Goldsmith ticket and the Greenway and Beaves ticket will be held; photo.
123 Vote Spencer and Ian
Northern Iowan 107:37, p.7
Support shown for Spencer and Ian in the NISG elections; photo.
124 Take an interest
Northern Iowan 107:37, p.7
The Northern Iowa Student Government elections will soon be drawing to a close. NISG does affect students by sponsoring the Panther Shuttle, SafeRide, and making student voices heard at the Board of Regents. Become involved.
125 NISG Debate 2011
Northern Iowan 107:37, p.2
Scenes from the town hall style debate; sponsored by the NI and the Political Science Society. Three tickets for NISG president and vice president debated. Full length video available; photo.
126 Walrath-Goldsmith found not guilty of early campaigning allegations
Northern Iowan 107:37, p.1
NISG Attorney General Andrew Miller accused the Walrath-Goldsmith ticket of making two videos prior to the start of the election process. The videos were posted on Facebook. The election committee found in the ticket's favor.
127 Elections 2011: get to know the candidates
Northern Iowan 107:33, p.1
Short biographies on the candidates for president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government; photo.
128 What did it mean?
Northern Iowan 107:23, p.1
Professor Donna Hoffman led a discussion forum on what messages were sent during the election of 2010; believes that there was no mandate this year and that negative ads are not well received by Iowa voters; photo.
129 Life after the elections
Northern Iowan 107:21, p.12
Readers urged to decide and think for themselves on key issues, even after the elections; photo.
130 Joe the Plumber, M. D.
Northern Iowan 107:20, p.7
Discussion of the recent election results that removed three members of the Iowa Supreme Court discussed.
131 Think
Northern Iowan 107:19, p.9
Students urged to think before forwarding messages via E-mail that may or may not be true factual. Think before you vote. Become informed on the issues and where the candidates stand. VOTE.
132 The voting bloc that could
Northern Iowan 107:19, p.9
The case is made that students should vote in Cedar Falls. Their voice could make candidates take more seriously the concerns of students and the University. Students urged to get out and vote. Be informed; photo.
133 State of affairs
Northern Iowan 107:19, p.11
Politics and today's election bring out the best and worst in individuals. The negative campaigning seems more prevalent every year. Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but few seem willing to listen to other views.
134 Letter to the editor
Northern Iowan 107:16, p.12
Students urged to vote for Bob Kressig and Doris Kelly; for retention of the Iowa Supreme Court justices; and against the constitutional convention in the upcoming election.
135 Libertarians five views on political issues
Northern Iowan 107:15, p.1
Nick Taber and Eric Cooper visit with students concerning the fundamentals of the libertarian political philosophy; photo.
136 Are Dems doomed?
Northern Iowan 107:15, p.9
With the mid term elections two weeks away, Democrats are fighting to hold the majority in the House and Senate. The high unemployment rate and weak economy are the focus of voters. The results will be interesting.
137 Don't 'just' vote
Northern Iowan 107:14, p.8
Students urged to make informed decisions when voting in November. Elected officials will determine the direction of the state. Listen, read, and examine their positions before you vote.
138 Election 2010
Northern Iowan 107:13, p.1
Candidates from both major parties for governor, senator, and state and federal representative share their views on same-sex marriage, energy, the economy, and education.
139 Tea time isn't racist time
Northern Iowan 107:8, p.5
Tea Party movement strives for smaller government, especially at the federal level. The movement is stronger than anticipated; taking credit for upset victories in several states; photo.
140 Ku Klux Klan Chapter denies involvement with UNI vandalisms, assault
Northern Iowan 106:43, p.1
Brother Douglas, Imperial Wizard of the Fraternal White Knights, states that the Ku Klux Klan has groups of seven or more members in eleven Iowa towns. Waterloo and Cedar Falls are included; photo.
141 Anderson and Hashman elected president, vice president of student body
Northern Iowan 106:39, p.1
Election of officers for the Northern Iowa Student Government resulted in Joel Anderson and Emma Hashman named president and vice president. Sustainability is a primary focus of the pair. Other results noted; photo.
142 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:54, p.
Scenes from sand volleyball court and the John McCain rally in the West Gym; photo.
143 The news is making me sick
Northern Iowan 105:54, p.4
24 hour news cycle has the potential to turn people away from the news. The attention placed on seemingly unimportant matters makes people lose interest.
144 NISG Supreme Court faces a potential investigation
Northern Iowan 105:41, p.1
The 2009 election of the Northern Iowa Student Government was filled with lawsuits, forced resignations, and Supreme Court decisions; photo.
145 Court decides Kahler v. Boeckmann & Palomo
Northern Iowan 105:40, p.1
Supreme Court of the Northern Iowa Student Government found Boeckmann & Palomo campaign guilty of sending mass emails to resident assistants, maintaining a web site, and placing advertisements on Union monitors prior to the start date for campaigning.
146 Timeline of events
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.1
Chronology of events leading to the postponement of the election for the Northern Iowa Student Government.
147 NISG election postponed
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.1
Early campaigning controversy, trials, and appeals force the postponement.
148 NISG announces election petition forms availability
Northern Iowan 105:28, p.2
Petition forms for senate positions on the Northern Iowa Student Government will be available January 22 and must be returned by February 3.
149 Election affects Iowans
Northern Iowan 105:23, p.1
Panel discusses meaning of recent elections; Ronald Walters also speaks on campus.
150 Don't stop believin'
Northern Iowan 105:20, p.3
Believes that it is important to continue to be aware of what is going on in the political arena, now that the election is over.