Displaying 251 - 300 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
251 | Paul Simon: Going with a whimper or a bang in today's Illinois primary? Public Relations News Release 1987:305, p.1 |
Professor Robert Ross predicts the fate of Senator Paul Simon in the Illinois primary, where he will have to face off with Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis. | |
252 | Collapse of Iowa winners Gephardt, Dole to raise opposition to caucuses? Public Relations News Release 1987:305, p.1 |
Professor Robert Ross discusses the impact of the dropping out of caucus winners Dick Gephardt and Bob Dole from the presidential election. | |
253 | Northern Iowa political analyst previews Super Tuesday primary Public Relations News Release 1987:297, p.1 |
Professor Robert Ross analyzes presidential candidates for their chances of victory at the Primary. | |
254 | Kanter tells of television's impact on vote Northern Iowan 84:37, p.4 |
Paul Kanter delivers lecture. | |
255 | Second test of 1988 presidential candidates tonight in New Hampshire Public Relations News Release 1987:258, p.1 |
Professor Robert Ross analyzes the presidential candidates' chances of success in the New Hampshire Primary. | |
256 | Tips given to caucus-goers Northern Iowan 84:35, p.1 |
257 | Is there life after the caucuses? Public Relations News Release 1987:251, p.1 |
Professor Robert Ross explains the importance of Iowans supporting their preferred presidential candidate after the conclusion of the caucuses. | |
258 | Expert on campaign commercials assesses '88 presidential candidates' Public Relations News Release 1987:251, p.1 |
The University of Oklahoma's Professor Julian Kanter visits Maucker Union to lecture on political advertising in the 1988 presidential election. | |
259 | The Human Element Northern Iowan 84:34, p.2 |
A look at the candidates. | |
260 | Political commercial archive curator to analyze television political advertising Feb. 10 at the University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1987:247, p.1 |
Professor Julian Kanter, of the University of Oklahoma, holds a lecture on political advertising in University Hall. The presentation is sponsored by the Speakers Committee, and funded by student activity fees. | |
261 | George Bush enters the ring at Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1987:237, p.1 |
Vice President George Bush visits UNI to discuss his plans for the presidential election. | |
262 | Democratic candidates reviewed Northern Iowan 84:32, p.2 |
263 | Caucuses of two parties differ Northern Iowan 84:31, p.4 |
A look at caucus procedures. | |
264 | Registration explained for caucuses Northern Iowan 84:31, p.7 |
Rules for participation. | |
265 | Top five Iowa news stories in 1987 covered politics, farm economy, schools, taxes, population decline, says UNI prof Public Relations News Release 1987:191, p.1 |
Professor Thomas Ryan discusses the importance of the Iowa caucuses in presidential nominations. Agricultural exports and income see a significant increase. Low state birthrate and high migration results in a net decrease in Iowa's population. | |
266 | Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs Public Relations News Release 1987:173, p.1 |
Clemens Bartollas relates toy guns to violence in children. Senator Gary Hart speaks on Democratic challenges of the Nineties. Tom Remington speaks on the purchase of term papers. Al Pelham speaks on an increased popularity of catalog shopping. | |
267 | Sen. Gary Hart returns to Iowa to address University of Northern Iowa community, Dec. 14 (Monday) Public Relations News Release 1987:162, p.1 |
Coloradoan senator and former presidential candidate, Gary Hart, appears to speak on potential challenges for the Democratic party in the Nineties. Hart's speech was sponsored by the University Speakers Committee. | |
268 | Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs Public Relations News Release 1987:145, p.1 |
Ivan Eland gives winter driving tips. Robert Ross analyzes the presidential election. Presidential candidate Governor Bruce Babbit visits the UNI campus. Ronald Chung explains the Thanksgiving restaurant trend. Nancy McGraw shares dieting strategies. | |
269 | Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs Public Relations News Release 1987:132, p.1 |
Michael Sonnleitner scrutinizes public officials. Joanne Spaide dispels vitamin C myths. Jane Richards discusses hypnotherapy. Jesse Jackson appears at the Auditorium. Barbara Pershing speaks on the dangers of coupon shopping. | |
270 | Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs Public Relations News Release 1987:111, p.1 |
Robert Clark explains the importance of cafes in small town economies. Robert Ross speaks on how the poor economy affects the presidential election. Paul Tenney expresses concern over adolescent hearing loss. Vince Faherty looks at poverty in Iowa. | |
271 | Student committees a plus for political candidates Northern Iowan 84:18, p.5 |
A look at the value and work of local campaign committees. | |
272 | Tom Pettit to deliver public address at UNI Monday (July 13) Public Relations News Release 1987:421, p.1 |
NBC's Tom Pettit instructs two broadcasting courses in the Communication Arts Center. The courses cover methods of covering national elections, and public affairs. | |
273 | Dubuque native Michelle Wubben elected UNI Student Association president Public Relations News Release 1987:256, p.1 |
Michelle Wubben is elected president of the Student Association, defeating Carl Blake for the position. Wubben planned on revitalizing the Parent's Information Network, which helped parents lobby on education issues. | |
274 | Next UNI satellite program to feature 'The Presidency' Wednesday (Nov. 12) Public Relations News Release 1987:93, p.1 |
The Presidency was a program broadcast to Maucker Union via the College Satellite Network. It featured commentary from former U.S. presidents and Washington observers, who spoke on the evolution of the executive branch, and election of 1988. | |
275 | Observe right to vote Northern Iowan 83:20, p.2 |
Urges students to vote in the coming election. | |
276 | End finally here Northern Iowan 83:20, p.2 |
Discusses the end of recent political campaigns. | |
277 | Cedar Falls, UNI voting precincts Northern Iowan 83:20, p.1 |
Location of polling places. | |
278 | Election results Northern Iowan 83:19, p.9 |
Terry Branstad, Charles Grassley, and John McIntee are winners. | |
279 | Citizens' rights and duties emphasized Northern Iowan 83:6, p.4 |
Reminds students to vote in a coming election. | |
280 | RHA--Those involved speak the truth Northern Iowan 81:46, p.9 |
RHA candidates state their views on the issues. |
281 | RHA elections Wednesday--New party speaks out Northern Iowan 81:45, p.3 |
Students speak out about the Residence Hall Association with support and suggestions for development. | |
282 | Students endorse candidates Northern Iowan 81:37, p.3 |
Kevin Johnson, John Klotzbach, and Robert Gettemy encourage readers to vote the ACTION party. |
283 | Various factors influence voters Northern Iowan 81:18, p.5 |
Professor Robert Ross comments on what influences voters in elections. | |
284 | Says biases effect the NI's editorial credibility Northern Iowan 81:17, p.2 |
A student comments on the responsibility of the Northern Iowan to remain neutral on the upcoming elections. | |
285 | Polling locations Northern Iowan 81:17, p.5 |
Information on where to vote in the upcoming election. The previous map was incorrect. | |
286 | Elected office not only box to check on ballot Northern Iowan 81:17, p.9 |
Two constitutional amendments will also be included on the ballot. | |
287 | Abortion a major issue Northern Iowan 81:16, p.3 |
Believes abortion issue needs sober consideration. | |
288 | Map outlines area polling precincts Northern Iowan 81:16, p.10 |
A map showing the voting districts in Cedar Falls. | |
289 | Scherzo Northern Iowan 81:16, p.2 |
Thinking about the elections. | |
290 | Women's vote important Northern Iowan 81:15, p.9 |
A program in Campbell Hall entitled "Are you woman enough to vote?" emphasizes the importance of women voters. | |
291 | Immaculate Perception Northern Iowan 81:15, p.2 |
Believes voting options exist other than Republicans and Democrats. | |
292 | Politics and candidates discussed . . . . Northern Iowan 81:14, p.2 |
Dody Olson urges students to pay attention to politics and to vote. | |
293 | PACs attracting more votes Northern Iowan 81:13, p.7 |
Lyle Alberts comments on how people are turning away from traditional parties, and moving towards Political Action Committees. | |
294 | Students step into the political arena Northern Iowan 81:12, p.5 |
PLS students enjoy a two day Political Awareness Program. | |
295 | Professor explains polls Northern Iowan 81:12, p.4 |
Ron Roberts believes that most polls are accurate; offers views on upcoming elections. | |
296 | Opinion Northern Iowan 81:12, p.2 |
An editorial discussing the political year, and what changes need to be brought about. | |
297 | Untitled Northern Iowan 81:12, p.5 |
Bob Case becomes ill at meeting, suffers heart attack, and dies; photo. | |
298 | Candidate to speak Northern Iowan 81:7, p.3 |
UNISA is working towards having appearances by every candidate so that the UNI students will be prepared for the upcoming November elections. | |
299 | Posting regulations cited Northern Iowan 81:4, p.8 |
Jim Dittrich discusses rules regarding posting information. | |
300 | Untitled Northern Iowan 80:39, p.1 |
Tally of Democrat precinct causes. |