
Displaying 401 - 450 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 What's Going On . . .
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.12
Activities and meetings.
402 What's Going On . . .
Northern Iowan 69:41, p.8
Activities and meetings.
403 League of Women Voters focus on state and local issues
Northern Iowan 69:34, p.8
Group platform.
404 Ryan views election from historical perspective
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.4
Professor Ryan analyzes the recent elections; notes trends and anomalies.
405 Elections memo: C. F. vote bucks past traditions
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.6
Professor Ryan analyzes Cedar Falls voting patterns.
406 No bias
Northern Iowan 69:18, p.2
Editor claims that NI showed no bias during recent election; published what it received.
407 "Outwit the pollsters"
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.2
Pollers take most of the mystery out of elections.
408 The ultimate contest
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.3
Election year experiences.
409 Continuity plus . . . .
UNI Quarterly 3:3, p.134
A look at the politics of student government; photo.
410 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 68:23, p.12
Activities and meetings.
411 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 68:10, p.8
Activities and meetings.
412 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12
Activities and meetings.
413 Oh I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy
Northern Iowan 68:8, p.2
South Viet Nam elections are corrupt.
414 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1971:464, p.1
Left to right: Jane Leonard, Shirley Linn, and Keith Stamp, each were elected to the top three offices of the UNI Student Association (UNISA).
415 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 67:33, p.8
Activities and meetings.
416 Untitled
Northern Iowan 67:15, p.2
With no major sporting events to contend with, a special election is held.
417 Untitled
Northern Iowan 67:14, p.2
Voting requirements hinder the process.
418 Untitled
Northern Iowan 67:13, p.2
Some choice is better than none at all.
419 Vote A.P.A.T.H.Y.
Northern Iowan 66:40, p.2
New political party is just for the student.
420 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 66:34, p.5
Activities and meetings.
421 Oppose voting bill; act now
Northern Iowan 66:3, p.2
Urges opposition to bill which might effect residency requirements for students.
422 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:48, p.8
Activities and meetings.
423 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.16
Activities and meetings.
424 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:40, p.8
Activities and meetings.
425 Remind victors of moral responsibility
College Eye 63:31, p.2
Believes that elected student positions should be based on qualifications, not just popularity.
426 341 ballots cast for mock elections Monday
College Eye 63:15, p.1
Governor Harold Hughes is reelected in mock elections; vote tallies of other elections.
427 Mock elections will be Monday at Crossroads
College Eye 63:13, p.1
Mock elections planned to increase student awareness of the voting process.
428 Election year brings questions on how to vote
College Eye 60:54, p.2
An explanation of the registration and voting process.
429 Ayers gives appreciation
College Eye 60:46, p.2
Praises Phillip Jennings for helping realize the goals in PiLL Party Platform and for his interest in married student housing areas.
430 Untitled
College Eye 60:43, p.2
Student tells her friend that she didn't vote, but she used the campaign posters for decoration.
431 From me to you: Radical platform offered for next year
College Eye 60:42, p.2
Believes it is strange that no candidates presented a radical platform this year and provides suggestions for next year.
432 Individual, not political issue should win AMRH votes
College Eye 60:8, p.2
Discusses whether or not candidates should have a platform.
433 Kroll suggests advisors will give political parties power
College Eye 59:39, p.2
Power of student government is limited, so students don't see point in voting.
434 Responsibility for mind changing should not be Nagle's alone
College Eye 59:30, p.2
Organizations Committee should have dealt with irregularities in voting.
435 Final decision fair but wrong
College Eye 59:30, p.2
Voting procedure could have been handled better, but final decision was made fairly.
436 Students' election interest encouraging
College Eye 59:30, p.2
Fight over SLB control shows more interest than in past ten years.
437 Mock election results
College Eye 59:5, p.3
Vote tallies.
438 Democratic candidates roll to triumph in mock election
College Eye 59:5, p.1
Vote tallies.
439 Eligible voters should obtain ballots
College Eye 59:4, p.3
Information about absentee ballots.
440 Election ballot form needs serious revision
College Eye 58:22, p.2
Suggests that a separate ballot be made for each student group.
441 Reapportionment requires sequential thought: Plaehn
College Eye 57:35, p.2
Believes upcoming elections deserve serious thought.
442 A few suggestions for the parties
College Eye 56:16, p.2
Suggestions for getting more students involved in the Student League Board elections.
443 Asserts campus politicians active
College Eye 53:11, p.2

Responds to a letter written in a previous College Eye; claims that the Young Republicans are very active and explains some of what they have done.

444 '60-'61 in review . . . .
College Eye 52:33, p.4
A collection of photos taken during the past school year; photo.
445 Area student elected officer of ISTC business club
Public Relations News Release 1960:315, p.1
Students are given officer positions in the Phi Beta Lambda business education fraternity. Students listed by office.
446 Local student elected officer in business fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1960:312, p.1
Pat Noid is elected president of the Gamma chapter of the Pi Omega Pi national business education honorary fraternity.
447 Local student elected officer in business fraternity correction
Public Relations News Release 1960:311, p.1
Joyce Peters is elected vice president of Pi Omega Pi's Gamma chapter, not president as previously reported.
448 Local student elected officer in business fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1960:310, p.1
The Gamma chapter of Pi Omega Pi elects a new president, secretary, treasurer, and historian. Newly elected students listed by office.
449 ISTC Phi Delta Kappa elects officers
Public Relations News Release 1960:290, p.1
Phi Delta Kappa grants officer positions to Professors Caryl Middleton, Gordon Rhum, Cecil Phillips, Robert Paulson, Fred Cram, and Clifford Bishop.
450 Local student elected officio at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:285, p.1
Student government elections are held. Appointed students are listed with their hometown and office.