
Displaying 201 - 250 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Results of Iowa State Legislative races
Northern Iowan 93:20, p.4
Election results of the Iowa Senate and Iowa House.
202 Election '96 reactions
Northern Iowan 93:20, p.4
Individuals comment on the 1996 election results.
203 Dems dancing, GOP optimistic; moods vary between party celebrations in Des Moines
Northern Iowan 93:20, p.1
Democrats celebrated the results of the election in Des Moines while many Republicans conceded; photo.
204 Surviving poll anxiety
Northern Iowan 93:20, p.6
Columnist votes for the first time in a national election.
205 Elections: Russia vs. U.S.
Northern Iowan 93:19, p.1
Structure of elections in Russia and the U.S. are compared.
206 Can history predict our next president?
Northern Iowan 93:19, p.10
Voters can predict the outcome of elections based on history.
207 Your vote doesn't matter? Try again, Jerky
Northern Iowan 93:19, p.5
Editorial encourages students to vote in the elections.
208 Campaign '96: The Aftermath
Public Relations News Release 1996:137, p.1
Sandra Vergari will analyze the Presidential and Congressional election results.
209 Will a low voter turnout today affect the election
Public Relations News Release 1996:137, p.1
Chris Hadjiharalambous says voter turnout does not affect the end result.
210 Tipper talks: get out, vote
Northern Iowan 93:18, p.1
Tipper Gore campaigned for Democratic candidates at Iowa State University Monday; photo.
211 Why all the student apathy?
Northern Iowan 93:18, p.1
Low student attendance marred the three political presentations sponsored by Rider Hall.
212 Get out and vote
Northern Iowan 93:16, p.5
Editorial encourages students to vote in the November 5 elections.
213 Area residents can vote in Union tomorrow
Northern Iowan 93:15, p.4
Students can vote via absentee ballot in the Union Hemisphere Lounge Tuesday.
214 NISG fall elections next week
Northern Iowan 93:15, p.3
Upcoming NISG elections will be the first to follow new election rules.
215 Forum focuses on education; debate wasn't only thing political Wednesday
Northern Iowan 93:14, p.2
Undergraduate Teachers Education Student Advisory Committee held "Candidate Seminar: Election 1996" to hear legislative candidates views on education; photo.
216 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:14, p.4
Activities and meetings.
217 Be aware of local elections as well as national
Northern Iowan 93:12, p.8
Faculty member asks students to support Bill Witt for Representative.
218 Political parties a bridge apart
Northern Iowan 93:12, p.3
Voters will decide who will run the government in twenty-five days.
219 Debate did little to alter opinions; a few sparks, but no fireworks¿
Northern Iowan 93:11, p.1
Debate between presidential candidates Bill Clinton and Bob Dole was held Sunday in Connecticut.
220 Dole slumps again in polls
Northern Iowan 93:10, p.2
Presidential candidate Bob Dole slips in the polls to 34%.
221 Students need to become more aware of politics
Northern Iowan 93:7, p.6
Editorial comments on the involvement of college students in politics.
222 Perot has fallen again
Northern Iowan 93:6, p.1
Ross Perot will not be allowed to run for President.
223 Clinton comes to Iowa
Northern Iowan 93:5, p.1
President Clinton and Tom Arnold spoke at Tom Harkin's 19th Annual Steak and Chop Fry; photo.
224 Gov. Arnold?
Northern Iowan 93:5, p.1
Comedian Tom Arnold warmed up the crowd at Tom Harkin's 19th Annual Steak and Chop Fry.
225 Pre-election gridlock: sacrificing good of nation
Northern Iowan 93:5, p.9
Columnist comments on Bob Dole's latest activities in Washington, D. C.
226 After the election: Where does Bosnia go from here?
Public Relations News Release 1996:31, p.1
Ken Basom will comment on the Bosnian elections.
227 Election '96: political update
Northern Iowan 93:4, p.2
Media coverage changes, campaign updates and recent legislation.
228 What's in store for Russia after the elections?
Public Relations News Release 1995:452, p.1
Timothy O'Connor will discuss the implications for Russia following the runoff election.
229 The political candidates issue
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.159
The Board of Education changes its rules and permits political candidates to speak on campus.
230 Progressive thinkers needed
Northern Iowan 91:28, p.6
Concerned that recent elections will leave 'little people' out of the picture.
231 NI endorses candidates
Northern Iowan 91:21, p.4
Endorses Bonnie Campbell for governor, Dave Nagle for Congress, and Bill Witt for General Assembly.
232 Better do your duty . . . vote!
Northern Edition 2:26, p.2
Urges everyone to vote.
233 Founding fathers would not sing 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'
Northern Iowan 91:20, p.5
Critical of television ads run by political candidates.
234 Everyone pays for election apathy
Northern Iowan 90:23, p.5
Tiny turnouts make for joke elections.
235 Choosing Sides: UNI Loses Apathy
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
Al Gore spoke in Waterloo on the eve of the election; photo. Ron Woodall also spoke on UNI's campus; photo. A record number of students came out to vote; photo. Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke in support of Congressman Nagle; photo.
236 Registrations never turned in
Northern Iowan 89:21, p.2
States that campus voter registration table did not turn in voter registration cards.
237 Making a choice
Northern Iowan 89:20, p.1
Students vote in Russell Hall; photo.
238 Prochoice about individual freedom
Northern Iowan 89:17, p.3
Notes candidates who support abortion.
239 Campus organizations push for voter registration
Northern Iowan 89:13, p.1
Political and interest groups attempt to get students to register to vote in upcoming election.
240 All eyes are on V-P--Quayle. The man who could be president.
Public Relations News Release 1989:459, p.1
Professor Robert Ross tracks Dan Quayle's popularity with Iowan media outlets, and how political advisors are affecting the presidential candidate's campaign.
241 Northern Iowa graduate student was nanny for President Bush's grandchildren during presidential campaign
Public Relations News Release 1989:448, p.1
Nancy Fopma received a position as nanny of President George Bush's grandchildren. Fopma accompanied the family at political conventions throughout Bush's run for the presidential office.
242 Sidestepping political issues--the ramifications of addressing abortion
Public Relations News Release 1989:339, p.1
Professor Robert Ross discusses political candidates' avoidance of abortion while campaigning. Ross states that such sensitive issues are not likely to be addressed until late in the election.
243 Outside Looking In
Northern Iowan 85:22, p.2
Reflections on voting.
244 The Five Minute Dilemma
Northern Iowan 85:21, p.10
Humorous advice on casting a vote.
245 Who do you plan to vote for and what issues are important as you enter the voting booth?
Northern Iowan 85:20, p.7
Students express views on election; photo.
246 Untitled
Northern Iowan 85:16, p.2
Urges students to vote.
247 Students' voices need to be heard
Northern Iowan 85:7, p.3
248 Biggest prize of '88 campaign? Democrats choose 'super delegates' today
Public Relations News Release 1987:369, p.1
Professor Robert Ross discusses Jesse Jackson's chance of being selected as a Democratic super delegate.
249 New York primary today: A surprise for Jackson, last gasp for Gore?
Public Relations News Release 1987:369, p.1
Professor Robert Ross determines that the New York primary may be Senator Al Gore's last chance for the election, but the state's high level of voter diversity makes the conclusion difficult to predict.
250 How deep should journalists dig to get "dirt" on candidates?
Public Relations News Release 1987:305, p.1
Professor Bill Kunerth visits to discuss the limitations of journalism when researching presidential candidates.