
Displaying 51 - 100 of 775 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 UNI Presidential Search and Screen Committee meeting notice
Public Relations News Release 2012:191, p.1
The UNI Presidential Search and Screen Committee will meet to discuss the presidential election.
52 Third UNI presidential candidate to visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:184, p.1
The third presidential candidate will be visiting campus and speaking in the Old Central Ballroom. This is the final candidate to visit.
53 Professors analyze 2012 election results
Northern Iowan 109:26, p.1
Political science faculty analyze election results. Campaign tactics, issues, and advertisements were topics of discussion.
54 UNI's political science department to host 'Election 2012: What did it mean?'
Public Relations News Release 2012:144, p.1
UNI's Department of Political Science is hosting a discussion on the 2012 elections. This discussion will include possible implications of electing officials.
55 Bipartisan event celebrates end of election
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.1
Students celebrate the end of this year's elections with a party in the Maucker Union ballroom. Entertainment and refreshments were included. The event was entitled "Election: 2012: Thank God It's Over Celebration"; photo.
56 It's time to come together
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.4
Column points out this was the most expensive election in American history. Author feels nothing has changed. President Obama needs to change his style of government and work with both parties. America needs to build a better future.
57 What really changes (a reflection on the effect of the election)
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.4
Column underscores how citizens affect their own life by the choices they make and the relationships they experience. People should define for themselves what is most important and what does not change.
58 Don't get comfortable
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.4
Column advises not to let recent political triumph cause us to turn a blind eye or deaf ear to the actions of the present government. Democratic victory is a relief, but is not end of the struggles we face as a nation.
59 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 109:22, p.2
Students answer the question, "What do you think about the election results?"
60 Obama, Kressig, Danielson, Braley, Rogers reelected
Northern Iowan 109:22, p.1
Election results.
61 Paul Ryan speaks to crowd of around 1,000 at UNI
Northern Iowan 109:21, p.1
Republican vice presidential candidate spoke at UNI. Ryan criticized President Obama's leadership; encouraged Iowans to vote Republican.
Northern Iowan 109:21, p.1
Election Day 2013; information on voting locations on campus.
63 Candidates need to be open and accessible
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.6
Student letter addresses issues with Matt Reisetter's campaign to students. Letter alleges that he worked for an extreme right organization for five years.
64 Presidential campaigns still avoid negative tone in storm's aftermath
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.1
President Barack Obama and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie visit shelter in Brigantine to survey damage from Hurricane Sandy. Negative comments continue in campaigns for presidency; photo.
65 Who's to blame for apathy?
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.5
Author raises concern for students' lack of involvement with and interest in current events. Suggests adopting new perspective; encourages students to seek more from education; photo.
66 Vote for Ben Lange
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.7
Reasons why Ben Lange is the best candidate in upcoming election for U. S. House of Representatives.
67 The American political scene lacks proper discussion
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.6
Election season fosters negative attitude in politics. Author encourages readers to judge rationally and fairly. We must try to judge each candidate based on their individual merits and shortcomings.
68 Election 2012: a look at the candidates
Northern Iowan 109:17, p.2
A look at candidates for the US House of Representatives; photo.
69 Elections 2012: a look at the candidates
Northern Iowan 109:16, p.2
A look at the views of candidates for President and House of Representatives; photo.
70 Get ready to vote and get to know local candidates
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.3
Information on upcoming election dates and candidates. Brief summaries of each candidate's platform.
71 The right's war on facts
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.4
Student gives information on Republican candidate platforms for local elections.
72 Consumerism, sincerity and integrity in politics
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.4
Discussion of the meaning of consumerism, sincerity, and integrity. Author expresses concern for lack of integrity and information in upcoming elections. Provides information on access to more resources. Readers encouraged to be critical.
73 Letter to the editor
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.4
Student expresses concerns regarding financial aid and tuition. Analysis of presidential candidate positions and the reasons to vote for President Obama.
74 $en, CHuck GR@ssley vs. the machine
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.4
Senator Chuck Grassley causes controversy with shorthand messages on Twitter. Some see messages as borderline offensive. Grassley is accused of attacking President Obama's intelligence; photo.
75 A failed presidency: do the right thing in November
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.4
Students encouraged to consider national debt and staggering unemployment rates before voting in upcoming election. President Obama's first term as president discussed; author supports Mitt Romney's plans for the future.
76 Early voting continues on UNI campus
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.1
Several locations on campus allow early voting to accommodate student schedules. Iowa makes it easy for people to vote, offering many different options. Students encouraged to get involved and participate in voting.
77 UNI professors weigh in on presidential debate
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.1
Professors Justin Holmes and Donna Hoffman discuss presidential debate and implications for college students. Students encouraged to listen to upcoming debates for the election; photo.
78 Voting: it starts with a whisper
Northern Iowan 109:12, p.4
Encourages students to vote in the upcoming election. Voting is a sacred right that dates back to the early days; is an outlet to get your voice and ideas heard ; every vote makes a difference.
79 First lady encourages voting during grassroots event at UNI
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.1
Michelle Obama spoke to UNI students, emphasizing voting and volunteering in campaigns. Highlights President Obama's first term in office. Senator Harkin and Representative Braley also spoke to students; photo.
80 The University of Northern Iowa's student government to host VoterPalooza
Public Relations News Release 2012:65, p.1
UNI's Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) will host VoterPalooza. Students will have the opportunity to register to vote, learn about candidates, and get more information about election season.
81 Elephants, donkeys and the death of civility
Northern Iowan 109:6, p.4
Believes that our political system is designed to encourage discourse. Too often discourse ends up with mudslinging. We need to demand more than a popularity contest. How are the candidates going to lead the country?; photo.
82 Be an informed voter
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.4
Take time to determine what really matters to you in the upcoming election. Are education, women's rights, or international problems high on your agenda? Examine Web sites, newspapers, and voting records of candidates. Young people need to vote; photo.
83 Nov. 6: Mark the date
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.7
Students urged to vote on November 6. Study the candidates and the issues. Remember elected officials make daily decisions that have an effect on our lives. VOTE !!!
84 UNI professor's research discussed in national media
Northern Iowan 108:59, p.1
Chris Martin, UNI professor of communication studies, and Peter Dreier of Occidental College researched the terms "job killing,job killer", or "kills, jobs". They found that these terms were used primarily in national elections; photo.
85 UNI student body elects leaders for the 2012-2013 school year
Public Relations News Release 2011:228, p.1
Jordan Bancroft-Smithe will be the new NISG president with KaLeigh White serving as the vice president.
86 Meditations on the NISG masked vigilante
Northern Iowan 108:43, p.4
The source of 225 tweets between February 10 and March 7 has not been identified. The tweets dealt with the NISG elections and the results.
87 Campaigning continues with presidential debate
Northern Iowan 108:39, p.1
Three slates of candidates are vying for the position of president and vice president of the student body. Maucker Union coffeehouse was the site of the debate; photo.
88 Proud supporter of Kyle and Brendan
Northern Iowan 108:39, p.4
Support expressed for Kyle Burns and Brendan Thompson. Author believes that NISG needs to be fixed from the outside.
89 Campaigning abroad
Northern Iowan 108:35, p.4
Students studying abroad face major hurdles if running for office in the Northern Iowa Student Government. Getting on the ballot is very challenging.
90 Stars and stripes for now
Northern Iowan 108:34, p.5
Believes that Millennial voters are not impressed with the flag waving and nationalist views of the political candidates. They are looking for positions of candidates on the real issues; photo.
91 Caucus 2012
Northern Iowan 108:33, p.1
Romney wins in Florida after second place finish in South Carolina; photo.
92 Challenge your potential president
Northern Iowan 108:33, p.4
Students urged to ask tough questions of those running for NISG president. Would you trust them with your wallet? Ask them to come to your organization and answer questions. Ask their friends why they support the candidate.
93 Republican nomination up in the air
Northern Iowan 108:31, p.1
Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul are still battling for votes for the opportunity to face President Obama in November's election; photo.
94 Romney remains top presidential candidate
Northern Iowan 108:28, p.1
Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. According to recent polls, he is leading by nearly a fifteen point margin in South Carolina; photo.
95 What I learned from Rick Santorum
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.4
Rick Santorum stated that in every society, marriage has always been defined as between a man and a woman; writer believes Mr. Santorum is entitled to his opinion, but urges students to visit with those of differing views; photo.
96 Bachman argues for local control of education
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.1
Presidential candidate, Michelle Bachman, spoke to an estimated crowd of 350 in Russell Hall. Iowa Public Radio and UNI collaborated to host the event. Veteran escorted out after he tried to continue debating; photo.
97 Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann to discuss education at UNI's presidential candidate forums
Public Relations News Release 2011:123, p.1
Michele Bachmann a Minnesota State Senator and presidential hopeful will speak at the educational forums on campus.
98 Mayor Crews wins reelection
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.1
Jon Crews defeated Frank Darrah in the race for mayor of Cedar Falls. A candidate from Ward 4 did not receive the majority and will cause a possible run off election; photo.
99 Wait, there was an election?
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.5
Student voting in the satellite voting booth in the Union was very disappointing. Fewer than 100 students took advantage of this opportunity. This happened in spite of the challenger's promise to have a student sit on the council as a nonvoting member.
100 Voting for justice(s)
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.5
The Family Leader taken to task for 2010 campaign to vote out Iowa Supreme Court judges. Persons voting today urged to vote for leaders who have integrity and courage.