
Displaying 601 - 650 of 769 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
601 Cortez Peters, proficient typist performs on Tuesday
College Eye 41:23, p.8
Cortez Peters' appearance on campus is courtesy of the Royal Typewriter Company.
602 Slow social life--need fast carnival
College Eye 41:19, p.2
Believes campus should have an all-college carnival.
603 Jamvets music, games at registration romp
College Eye 41:18, p.6
604 Wed. Play Night offers games, square dancing
College Eye 41:17, p.5
After Play Night badminton practice will begin.
605 Lawther, Seerley, Baker plan informal party
College Eye 41:16, p.7
Games, mixers, and social dancing will be taking place.
606 Snow Fun party features races
College Eye 41:16, p.7
A student-faculty tug-of-war is being planned along with a dance in the evening.
607 Two PJ parties take Bartlett Hall spotlight
College Eye 41:16, p.6
Women from Section A and B enjoy a pajama party.
608 Spot entertainment to follow meet Sat.
College Eye 41:16, p.4
Entertainment will begin at 10 p.m. in the Commons.
609 Puppet show, mixer, snow fun scheduled
College Eye 41:16, p.8
Puppet show will be presented in the Commons on January 20, 1950.
610 TC balancing team entertains at carnival
College Eye 41:6, p.7
Performed at the Dinsdale High School carnival.
611 Original musicians recital is Sunday
College Eye 41:4, p.1
Concert is sponsored by the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Sigma Alpha Iota.
612 Charles will play at Club Commons
College Eye 41:4, p.7
Intermission entertainment will be provided; committee members are listed; photo.
613 All faculty party at Commons October 8
College Eye 41:3, p.3
Games, dancing, refreshments, and a program will be provided.
614 Commons will receive popular record weekly
College Eye 41:3, p.6
Latta's will donate the record.
615 Student faculty mixer tonight; annual party will feature '49ers skits
College Eye 41:1, p.1
A program for the evening is listed along with the names of the committee members.
616 . . . . What's within
College Eye 41:1, p.1
Students and faculty practice skit for mixer; photo.
617 Sister-brother team to entertain graduates May 21
College Eye 40:27, p.6
Teresita and Emilio Osta will perform.
618 Party will feature faculty floor show
College Eye 40:23, p.1
Description of the games party; photo.
619 Games party will feature contests
College Eye 40:22, p.4
Will feature card and parlor games.
620 Show to feature college talent
College Eye 40:17, p.8
Will hold cabaret in Commons.
621 Bartlett music hour held in Green Lounge
College Eye 40:13, p.8
622 Lawther has fireside sing after the game
College Eye 40:12, p.7
623 Psychology needed
College Eye 40:11, p.2
Discusses outlawing of comic books, radio programs, and motion pictures.
624 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 40:11, p.1
Schedule of events on campus.
625 Bouquets--Ellington concert handled well
College Eye 39:18, p.2
Thanks the people who brought Duke Ellington to TC.
626 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:17, p.6
Comments on the changing face of the TC campus, recent concerts, and the problems of the Old Gold staff.
627 Ellington tickets go on sale
College Eye 39:16, p.1
Preview of the Duke Ellington performance.
628 Red Skelton skit, McCabes featured at 'Rehab Rambles'
College Eye 37:39, p.1
629 Game night scheduled as Commons activity
College Eye 37:35, p.1
630 Special Events
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
The Special Events on campus include dancing, laughing, and learning.
631 Summer quarter events announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:174, p.1
Lectures, concerts, and entertainment will highlight the summer quarter. The summer play will be a comedy. A faculty recital, college symphony concert, and a concert by a college quartet will be featured.
632 Thomas Job's perfect crime murder mystery, "Uncle Harry" to be presented
Public Relations News Release 1945:82, p.1
Local play is under the direction of Hazel B. Strayer. Faculty and students make up the cast.
633 'Folk Festival' activities announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:59, p.1
Danish, Swedish, and English folk dances in addition to American square dancing will be available during the festival. Admission is free.
634 Mildred Hach gives first vocal senior recital of season
College Eye 35:29, p.5
635 Fun-day for visiting high schools
College Eye 35:20, p.6
636 Women's physical education department plans fun-day activities; all-college folk festival; fun-day for schools scheduled this week
College Eye 35:20, p.6
637 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:17, p.1
Events and meetings scheduled; playnight; singing.
638 Sunday community sing may become tradition
College Eye 35:16, p.5
Held in Georgian Lounge.
639 Army show hailed as one of best presented in Aud
College Eye 35:16, p.4
640 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:16, p.1
Events and meetings scheduled; ice carnival; playnight.
641 Marian Anderson in war benefit
Alumnus 26:3, p.1
Crowd of four thousand enjoys concert.
642 Marionette show slated tonight
College Eye 32:9, p.4
Stevens Marionettes will perform.
643 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:7, p.3
Social events and happenings on campus.
644 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:3, p.3
Social events and happenings on campus.
645 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 31:2, p.1
Schedule of events on campus.
646 A social 'I'
College Eye 31:1, p.5
Social events on campus.
647 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 31:1, p.1
Schedule of events on campus.
648 Rudolph Reuter to give concert
College Eye 30:43, p.2
649 Modern music to be played and discussed
College Eye 30:43, p.3
Last performance of Musings in Music will be on Thursday, August 3.
650 Waterloo host to navy band
College Eye 30:10, p.5