
Displaying 651 - 700 of 769 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
651 Navy band comes to Waterloo
College Eye 30:9, p.2
652 Students from Clarion plan dinner party
College Eye 30:7, p.3
653 Large audiences see Rufus Rose Puppets
College Eye 30:6, p.3
Six hundred attend puppet show.
654 Rufus Rose Marionettes will come to campus
College Eye 30:5, p.3
Will present plays and features.
655 First college sing is this evening
College Eye 30:3, p.3
Will feature Baker, Seerley, and Bartlett Halls.
656 Ex-coeds entertain at Hollywood Club
College Eye 29:16, p.1
Erma Guckenberger, Virginia Sipes, and Norma Atwood are performing as "The Three Sweethearts"; Fred Feldman is arranging their music.
657 Wedding bells, horse racing at fun fest
College Eye 29:10, p.3
Will feature county fair theme.
658 Rustic couples meet at country fair
College Eye 29:9, p.3
Fun Fest will feature country theme.
659 Recreation program planned for year; survey determines adequacy in filling students' needs
College Eye 28:34, p.1
Will collect samples of opinions at performances and entertainment.
660 It's the Gypsy in us
College Eye 28:26, p.2
Believes that a more varied selection of entertainment on campus would keep students from going off campus for recreation.
661 Let's have some more fun!
College Eye 28:18, p.2
Would like to have more play nights.
662 Fall fun fest will be tonight
College Eye 28:9, p.3
Will include orchestra and activities.
663 Peering forward
College Eye 28:1, p.2
Gives predictions for the upcoming school year.
664 "Campus Three-Paw Circus" features tight-rope walker, "Woofus dancers"; unusual animal and people add color to original presentation
College Eye 27:38, p.2
Campus School puts on carnival; photo.
665 Booster Day is festival of raspberry pie and Kittenball; Erbe, Bender tackle pie; but frosh emerge victorious
College Eye 27:16, p.4
Entertainment for men students included a pie-eating contest, a potato race, and kittenball.
666 Leisure hours begin Sunday; musical offerings by Kurtz, Barker, Freeman open new schedule
College Eye 26:1, p.1
Performers and their programs.
667 All-student Christmas supper gives promise of being a festive affair; music, dancing, group singing, and clowns on program
College Eye 25:25, p.1
Description of entertainment.
668 New series of after-dinner events planned
College Eye 25:21, p.1
Schedule of speakers and topics.
669 Evening hour's program made for next week
College Eye 25:20, p.1
Schedule of Commons entertainment.
670 Chorus, pickaninnies, dragons, and minstrels to act here; famous performers will arrive tied up in bags
College Eye 25:20, p.1
Sue Hastings and her Marionettes will put on show.
671 Mother's Day celebration
Public Relations News Release 1932:297, p.1
Approxiamtely two-hundred mothers are expected to visit the college this week, May 12-14.
672 Fourth annual Mother's Day festivities planed
Public Relations News Release 1932:288, p.1
Students are making extensive plans for the entertainment of their mothers for the festivities on May 12-14.
673 Associated council moves to revolutionize weekend social program during spring term; temporary committee is appointed to draw up plans
College Eye 24:19, p.1
Will plan weekly movies and dances.
674 Bret Harte story is theme of movie at Regent Sunday
College Eye 24:12, p.3
New movie opens December 4.
675 Campus playboys will play tonight's dance
College Eye 24:12, p.3
Details for upcoming dances.
676 Burt Welty compares college life of '96 with that of today
College Eye 24:12, p.1
Donald Barker reflects on the different activities of students now compared to when he was in college.
677 Untitled
College Eye 23:11, p.2
Recap of events and construction during summer term.
678 Social events are listed in new handbook; seventy-one major events are included on social calendar for the next academic year
College Eye 23:7, p.1
Richard Shane has edited new guidebook.
679 County groups are active in spite of rising temperature; Island Park is most popular site with college golf course running a close second
College Eye 23:5, p.4
680 Untitled
College Eye 23:4, p.1
Twenty-one county groups attended campus entertainment.
681 Something should be done so that "when it rains it won't pour"; for one things we want news every week; not all of it at once
College Eye 22:21, p.2
Clustering of events at the same time on campus seen as a problem; suggests Student Council takes action.
682 Vaudeville actors to entertain students
College Eye 21:11, p.1
YMCA and YWCA will offer entertaining show.
683 Madam Jarley to entertain with wax figures
College Eye 19:40, p.1
Sponsored by CHIC women.
684 The T. C. circus and performers
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Parties and entertainment; photo.
685 Teachers College High School to present plays
College Eye 19:8, p.5
Two one act plays: "The Flattering World" and "The Diabolical Circle."
686 Swiss Bell-Ringers here Saturday in three full concerts
College Eye 18:38, p.1
687 Tripping the light fantastic
College Eye 18:12, p.4
States that entertainment, such as dances, are good for students' well-being.
688 Famous woman humorist makes great hit here; large college audience gives hearty applause to fine characterizations
College Eye 18:7, p.1
Audience enjoyed Roselth Knapp Breed; description of her performance.
689 Electric Park arrange big program July 5
College Eye 18:3, p.2
Will feature fair rides, movies, dancing, and boxing.
690 Frosh and senior enjoy novel mix
College Eye 17:28, p.1
Enjoy competitive games and entertainment.
691 Jazz; an attempt at a definition
College Eye 17:26, p.4
Discusses the good and bad points of jazz.
692 Bulletin of events
College Eye 16:3, p.1
Schedule of activities for the week.
693 The pop-off
College Eye 15:13, p.5
Encourages students to support high quality entertainment.
694 Student Loan Fund benefit Thurs. night; excellent entertainment provided for student body; Eugene Laurant famous magician and company will appear here
College Eye 15:6, p.1
Fundraiser for Student Loan Fund; many more requests for funds than there are funds to loan; photo.
695 Fun and fellowship
College Eye 15:6, p.1
Brief history of YWCA on campus; has been source of entertainment and good works.
696 All-college mix Friday night in gym
College Eye 15:2, p.1
Opportunity to get acquainted.
697 Organ recital tonight in Aud.
College Eye 14:53, p.1
Dr. Andrews will perform.
698 Untitled
College Eye 14:50, p.1
699 Gene hears about "Passing Show of 1923"
College Eye 14:38, p.1
Fictional character tells of his experience watching "Passing Show of 1923," put on by the Alphil Company of I. S. T. C.
700 Summer entertainment
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.1
The committee charged with organizing summer entertainment courses presents Elias Day, Coffer-Miller, Brown Jubilee Co., Sarah M. Wilmer, and Professor S. Sadler. The Concert Band delivers four performances on the library steps.