
Displaying 701 - 750 of 769 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
701 Social events at Gym much enjoyed
College Eye 13:22, p.1
Enjoy movies and then have party.
702 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 13:8, p.4
Students answer the question, "Should Teachers College have more College Parties than are now allowed?"
703 Let's be kids
College Eye 13:7, p.1
Students should dress like children for the post-game party.
704 The cabin
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
A camping place on the river; photo.
705 The Marionettes
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.3
The Lillian Owen's Marionettes gave two plays March 16 for students and the public.
706 Social matters
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.3
Social events January through March listed.
707 Editorially speaking; attendance at the "all school" party
College Eye 12:26, p.4
Cannot continue calling events "all school parties" when a large portion of the students are not in attendance, nor are they really parties.
708 Waterloo Chautauqua this week; eighteenth annual convention of the International Lyceum and Chautauqua Association. Waterloo, Iowa.
College Eye 12:3, p.2
Schedule of program.
709 Famous prima donna coming; will be at Cedar Falls October 6
College Eye 12:3, p.1
Contralto Frances Ingram will be performing.
710 Hear Ellis Parker Butler
College Eye 11:25, p.1
Comedian will perform.
711 "The Only Girl" musical comedy has clever lot
College Eye 11:16, p.4
"The Only Girl" will be performed at the Regent Theatre on January 21st.
712 County Fair comes Saturday; waffles and band will be features
College Eye 10:25, p.1
713 Social life at Iowa State Teachers College
College Eye 10:23, p.2
Believes that the social life at Iowa State Teachers College is not very exciting.
714 Freshman P.T.'s entertain Juniors and Seniors
College Eye 10:21, p.4
With program of dance and costumes.
715 New social plans
Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.1
Social dancing will be authoized as an official function, and reorganization of the social acitvities will be done by General Social Committee.
716 Spring term "mix" for men tonight
College Eye 10:20, p.1
All men invited to YMCA get together.
717 New social function regulations approved by faculty; dancing is allowed; committee of seven in charge
College Eye 10:19, p.1
Passes faculty by 2-1 majority; dancing to be allowed on campus.
718 Referendum petition allowed by faculty; vote to remove present status of social functions. Petition made by Student Council
College Eye 10:14, p.1
Dancing at formal social functions will now be allowed; President Seerley organizes Committee on Social Activities.
719 A large number
College Eye 8:27, p.8
Faculty and students went to Waterloo to see a show.
720 "The Unborn" coming to Cedar Falls
College Eye 8:18, p.7
Production to be presented at Cotton Theatre.
721 The Bohemian Orchestra coming; splendid six-piece orchestra with noted Italian tenor as soloist a number on Lyceum Course
College Eye 8:17, p.7
Orchestra to perform at the Cotton Theatre.
722 Social hour
College Eye 8:4, p.8
Women's social hour at the Gymnasium reported as drawing large crowds.
723 The social whirl
College Eye 8:3, p.6
Recap of events and opinions on the mixer in the Gymnasium.
724 Wm. Braid White recital
College Eye 7:29, p.1
Played music mostly by Edward Alexander McDowell.
725 Monsieur Beaucaire; Miss Shanewise again pleases audience
College Eye 7:13, p.1
Review of Lenore Shanewise's reading.
726 Untitled
College Eye 7:11, p.3
Professor Fullerton gives Victrola recital.
727 Impertinence
College Eye 7:10, p.4
Encourages use of ushers at concerts to eject loud audience members.
728 Matzenauer concert much enjoyed; large crowd heartily applauds noted artist
College Eye 7:7, p.1
Review of the performance.
729 The Wednesday afternoon tea
College Eye 7:6, p.6
Wednesday afternoon tea is held from 2:30 to 4:30 every week.
730 B. A.'s have first party; Killian's is the scene of fun
College Eye 7:4, p.1
Lengthy account of entertainment.
731 College calendar
College Eye 2:30, p.8
Meetings and events planned.
732 College calendar
College Eye 2:29, p.8
Meetings and events planned.
733 College calendar
College Eye 2:25, p.8
Meetings and events planned.
734 Biggest event of the season
College Eye 2:18, p.6
A circus will be held.
735 Football team entertained; Frank Cotton shows his loyalty to the college athletes; action much appreciated
College Eye 2:12, p.1
Frank Cotton hosted the football team at the Cotton Theater.
736 College carnival the greatest success ever; Young Women's Christian Association pull off the biggest stunt of the year, attendance estimated at 900
College Eye 1:14, p.1
Enjoyed parade, music, and food; raised $300.
737 The great social function of the year; "Stunt Night"
College Eye 1:5, p.81
A night of music, dances, and food from people of various lands will occur in the new Gymnasium.
738 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:24, p.395
Uniformity among three state schools welcome; extensive entertainment during winter term hurt schoolwork; petty theft occurring on campus; get your reports to the paper on time; photo.
739 Two hundred and fifty students
Normal Eyte 19:30, p.476
Took excursion to Dubuque.
740 Unique reception given; critic teachers entertain their students at English tea
Normal Eyte 19:20, p.310
Training School room teachers entertain student teachers.
741 Official
Normal Eyte 18:17, p.259
Charles Farnsworth gave the chapel address; Ida Agnes Baker visited; anniversary announcement for former Professor Hull; candidates for graduation listed; students need to order their alumni badges; Lecture and Entertainment Course review.
742 An excursion party
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.46
Ten students visited the cider mill on Saturday.
743 A number of the Normal faculty and students
Normal Eyte 17:1, p.14
Attended Thomas Orchestra concerts in Waterloo.
744 Last week a party
Normal Eyte 16:4, p.61
Normal students went nutting.
745 A party of Normalites
Normal Eyte 15:22, p.350
Attended a comic opera.
746 Last Friday evening
Normal Eyte 12:13, p.204
Seniors get together for entertainment.
747 A farewell party
Normal Eyte 12:12, p.187
Held at Kroesen Hall for those who would not be returning for the winter term.
748 The lady members of the faculty
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.142
Women come in costume.
749 Miss Oliver
Normal Eyte 12:7, p.106
Entertained a group of students with games.
750 Official; beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School; students' day
Normal Eyte 11:33, p.807
Professor Wright recalls the old days when students lampooned faculty.