
Displaying 551 - 600 of 1644 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
551 General Ed. is only theoretically sound
Northern Iowan 66:42, p.3
Professor Fox admits shortcomings of program, but maintains that curricular modification is faculty job.
552 A direct challenge to faculty
Northern Iowan 66:32, p.3
Critical of faculty for failing to maintain a quorum at recent meeting.
553 My Favorite Prof #3 The Intellectual Intellectual
Northern Iowan 66:32, p.2
Professor is a "God" in his own mind.
554 Faculty passes total program on black demands
Northern Iowan 66:30, p.1
Excerpts from faculty debate; special attention to issue of culture house.
555 My Favorite Prof #2 The Incredible Bore who teaches The Incredibly Boring General Ed. Class
Northern Iowan 66:30, p.2
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, and the professor lectures on.
556 My Favorite Prof #1 The Liberal Agitator Marching for a Cause
Northern Iowan 66:29, p.2
The Liberal Prof. tries to be a friend of the New Left.
557 Table resolutions; faculty meeting
Northern Iowan 66:29, p.1
Table resolutions on selecting new president; receive report on matters pertaining to African-American students.
558 Union protects
Public Relations News Release 66:27, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld outlines differences with Senator Messerly on faculty status.
559 University exists in brains of faculty
Northern Iowan 66:26, p.4
Believes that the essence of a university is its faculty.
560 And they just sat..
Northern Iowan 66:25, p.2
Columnist's quick notes on Henry Johnson's remarks at recent faculty meeting.
561 Students need to vocalize
Northern Iowan 66:24, p.2
Believes students should speak up in appropriate places about poor teaching.
562 "Faculty avoiding problems of blacks"; UNI-CUE director:
Northern Iowan 66:24, p.1
Faculty committee outlines six areas of study.
563 Is the curriculum irrelevant?
Alumnus 54:4, p.7
Professor Fox examines object and value of what is learned in college.
564 Presents the facts
Northern Iowan 66:23, p.2
Professor Crownfield addresses issues of the pre-planned structure of a recent faculty meeting.
565 Faculty will study minority problems
Northern Iowan 66:23, p.1
Interim report due December 1.
566 Video-tape syndrome exists at UNI faculty meetings
Northern Iowan 66:22, p.4
Peg Wherry analyzes recent faculty meeting.
567 Student voice may eliminate demands
Northern Iowan 66:22, p.2
Believes faculty meetings are ineffective.
568 Faculty votes to study minority needs
Northern Iowan 66:22, p.1
Resolution calls for committee of five to study and report on minority matters.
569 Drop adaptability question in probe
Northern Iowan 66:20, p.1
Subcommittee will not consider "social adaptability" of faculty.
570 Forum informed of minority group education hiring
Northern Iowan 66:11, p.8
Considers further the issue of hiring minority faculty and staff.
571 Money strain makes costly brain drain
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.3
Professor Fox believes that a true efficiency program would seek ways to make best use of student and faculty brain power.
572 Discussion with profs
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.6
Group of faculty and students discuss campus and larger issues.
573 Previews
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.12
Activities and meetings.
574 Minority group committee tells of recruiting needs
Northern Iowan 66:9, p.1
Outline of current recruiting efforts.
575 Patton on dialog
Northern Iowan 66:8, p.3
Continues to urge dialogue with faculty, despite lack of response to previous call.
576 Accuse faculty of hypocrisy
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.2
Phil Patton criticizes faculty for failing to endorse proposal for two days of dialogue with students.
577 Use skip day for dialogue
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.2
Proposes use of day before Homecoming as time for dialogue with students.
578 We should follow the city's example
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.2
Praises decision of Cedar Falls City Council to make the City Hall available for discussion; urges students to make efforts to engage faculty in discussion.
579 Questions interest
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.2
Professor Clausen points out existing program for faculty to hold discussions with students.
580 Faculty downs dialog plan; recommended by forum
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.1
Faculty defeat Professor Poage's proposal; cite academic freedom and own competence to determine what to do in class.
581 Fox "unhappy" with dialog recommended by forum; "disturbing implications"
Northern Iowan 66:4, p.2
Professor Fox believes that he does not need the moratorium structure in order to discuss what he deems appropriate to his class; also dislikes someone else telling him what to do with his class on a certain day.
582 Untitled
Northern Iowan 66:3, p.2
Professors are too intelligent.
583 Consultant to study financing
Northern Iowan 66:2, p.1
Al Baxter, consultant hired by General Assembly, will survey campus for employees earning more than $18,000, organizational structure, needs, and policies used to determine professional ability and "social adaptability of faculty".
584 Faculty season tickets on sale
Northern Iowan 66:1, p.6
Tickets for faculty and staff are now available; outline of new rules for seating.
585 Probe will include "social adaptability"
Northern Iowan 65:65, p.1
Description of proposed investigation of fitness of academic personnel.
586 Questions probe
Northern Iowan 65:65, p.2
Professor Hellwig questions intent of proposed investigation of faculty.
587 Probe to cover SDS, "Mystery Prof"; plan study of financial operations
Northern Iowan 65:62, p.1
Senator Messerly outlines plans for upcoming session.
588 Will the real mystery professor please sit down?
Northern Iowan 65:62, p.1
Humorous attempt to find Senator Messerly's unnamed professor.
589 Crownfield defends faculty resolution
Northern Iowan 65:57, p.2
Professor Crownfield believes that the General Assembly should allow the Regents to distribute funds, but that the Regents should revise their distribution formula.
590 Ombudsman
Northern Iowan 65:52, p.2
Questions about food service and faculty salaries.
591 Asks faculty to reconsider
Northern Iowan 65:52, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld criticizes decision to support increased tuition and fees.
592 AFT endorses posts
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.4
Endorses candidates for faculty offices.
593 Fees burden UNI
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.2
Believes faculty recommendation was inappropriate and that higher fees will drive students away.
594 Faculty asks tuition hike
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.8
Faculty asks for substantial, one-year increase.
595 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:47, p.8
Activities and meetings.
596 Enrollment discussed
Northern Iowan 65:42, p.5
Motion to limit enrollment narrowly defeated.
597 Asks faculty aid
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.3
Urges faculty to contact the legislators.
598 Faculty to study strike bill
Northern Iowan 65:34, p.1
Committee will study proposed bill which would curb strikes and protests.
599 UNI needs alumni help to continue progress
Alumnus 54:1, p.3
Professor Keefe remembers crowded days of 1949; says that 1969 is very crowded again; calls for new buildings and support for other needs.
600 University interests have common ground; Hovden
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.7
Cyndi Hovden and others address faculty on current Student Senate initiatives.