
Displaying 601 - 650 of 1644 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
601 Faculty offices cramped
Northern Iowan 65:23, p.5
Professor Pendergraft discusses problem of finding space for offices; new buildings will help.
602 New communication link; from the President
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.3
President Maucker may use Northern Iowan as means of communicating with students.
603 Six black proposals
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.16
Proposals from Afro-American Society include a culture house, a student recruitment program, naming a building after Dr. King, more African-American faculty, African-American entertainment, and a fund drive for scholarship funds.
604 'Meet them halfway!'
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.2
Letter addresses student perceptions of faculty indifference and suggests that students must take first step if they desire more personal attention from faculty.
605 Faculty challenge 'demure'
Northern Iowan 65:6, p.2
Faculty challenge to university authority has been milder than student challenge, but is increasing.
606 Newly organized AFT grows at Northern Iowa
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.1
Group was officially chartered on July 6, 1968; description of purpose and proposals as submitted to President Maucker.
607 Faculty meeting dates announced
Northern Iowan 65:3, p.8
President Maucker announces schedule of faculty meetings for 1968-69 academic year; topics of discussion are given.
608 Maucker appoints 124 new staff members
Northern Iowan 65:2, p.5
List of new appointments and assignments for faculty, staff, and students..
609 Maucker given permission to change comparison schedule; Regents' summer action
Northern Iowan 65:1, p.1
Lists of schools, salaries, technology degree, teaching centers, budget, enrollment, and public safety were topics of summer Regents' meetings.
610 AFT local members present Maucker with proposals
Northern Iowan 64:60, p.1
Presents list of thirty-two proposals including matters relating to professional authority, salary, and PDLs.
611 Promotion of 41 faculty members approved by Regents
Northern Iowan 64:59, p.3
List of those who were promoted.
612 Plus-minus grades approved by faculty
Northern Iowan 64:58, p.4
Also approve new student grievance procedure.
613 'Best system now; need no union'
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.3
Believes faculty achieve significant gains without unions.
614 Faculty to discuss student grievance proposal
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.3
Text of proposed grievance procedure.
615 Collective bargaining and professionalism
Northern Iowan 64:56, p.3
Outlines belief that AFT can solve faculty problems.
616 Which showed open discussion April or May?
Northern Iowan 64:56, p.2
Professor Crownfield has question.
617 Impressed by freedom
Northern Iowan 64:54, p.2
Professor Oates responds to Professor Fox's comments on professional freedom; Professor Oates believes that he has sufficient freedom to do his job.
618 On UNI's unprofessional profs
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.2
Professor Fox believes that administrative power and authority lead to unprofessional faculty; he finds the lack of authority to select textbooks particularly odious.
619 'Grade the Prof' polling begins Monday
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.1
General results may be made public.
620 'Time to halt faculty sacrifice'
Northern Iowan 64:43, p.2
Professor Fox believes that progress at UNI has been bought with sacrifices in faculty comfort and welfare; dislikes notion of Saturday classes.
621 Charges 'bigotry'
Northern Iowan 64:43, p.1
Senator Hougen addresses problems with faculty to Regents.
622 We're well on our way
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.2
Critical of performance of some faculty.
623 SS will administer 'grade your prof' poll
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.5
Cyndi Hovden gets matters organized.
624 Faculty members to meet, talk to Regents today
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.1
Group will exchange ideas.
625 'But who grades educators?'
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.4
Questions strength, value, and currency of education.
626 Election 'death' if gap not closed
Northern Iowan 64:39, p.3
Believes that candidates ignore the question of the quality of teaching.
627 Workers vote to remove faculty from committee
Northern Iowan 64:38, p.1
Physical Plant Committee formerly included two faculty members; Physical Plant workers vote to exclude faculty and to add three more members from Physical Plant.
628 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:37, p.8
Activities and meetings.
629 Neglect most important problem; ROC and RAP platforms
Northern Iowan 64:36, p.2
Believes quality of teaching is most important thing.
630 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:35, p.8
Activities and meetings.
631 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:33, p.12
Activities and meetings.
632 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:30, p.4
Activities and meetings.
633 President discusses security, instruction
Northern Iowan 64:26, p.1
President Maucker reports to faculty on recent theft of examinations.
634 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:25, p.4
Activities and meetings.
635 Reserve seat plan means second class citizens
Northern Iowan 64:21, p.2
Critical of plan to reserve seats at basketball games only for faculty.
636 Faculty to reserve seats at basketball games
Northern Iowan 64:21, p.1
A reserved area will be available to faculty, but not to students, at games.
637 To be a UNI teacher . . .
Northern Iowan 64:16, p.2
Offers ironic description of UNI faculty.
638 2 1/2 bushels?
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.2
Professor Howard's humorous reaction to Professor Hearst's suggestion.
639 Suggests 'Two bushels of words'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Professor Hearst makes ironic comments on the length of faculty letters in the student newspaper.
640 'UNI may not be receiving allocated funds'--Flatt
Northern Iowan 64:9, p.1
Administrators address legislators on facility needs and overcrowding; classroom and parking shortages; faculty recruiting; Senator Flatt says that UNI might need to be more aggressive with the Regents.
641 Previews
College Eye 64:6, p.8
Activities and meetings.
642 Students discuss policies at EPC open hearing
College Eye 64:6, p.4
Topics include grading system, general education, quality of instruction, and comprehensive exams.
643 Over 100 join UNI faculty
College Eye 64:2, p.3
List of new faculty.
644 Dinner series with Profs to begin
College Eye 64:2, p.4
Series schedule.
645 Nine per cent salary raise
College Eye 63:60, p.1
Faculty to receive 9% raise.
646 Senator says academics a concern of SS
College Eye 63:47, p.2
Argues that students don't want control over academic requirements, only uniformity.
647 Jacobs startled, disturbed by 'shut faculty up' policy
College Eye 63:46, p.3
Feels the new policy will only widen the communication gap between faculty and students.
648 Fox resigns in protest
College Eye 63:46, p.3
The professor officially ends his column writing until the current editorial policy problems can be rectified.
649 Policy 'unfair' discrimination
College Eye 63:46, p.3
Feels the new editorial policies are unfair because faculty "are just as much a part of [the college] as the students."
650 Board of Control discusses editorial
College Eye 63:46, p.1
Considers editorial policy that seems to favor letters from students over those from faculty.