Fuller--Albert C. (Class of 1899; Extension Faculty; Alumni Director)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 448 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Institutional evaluation and administrative change A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17 |
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo. | |
2 | The impact of World War II A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.111 |
President Price manages the college during the War; effects of the WAVES and the Army Air Corps; the effects of the returning veterans; photo. | |
3 | A. C. Fuller dies at 80 Alumnus 42:3, p.20 |
Died May 4, 1958; photo. | |
4 | Seventy third annual Alumni Reunion will present honors College Eye 47:32, p.7 |
Brief profiles of those who will be honored. | |
5 | Directors meet, consider plans Alumnus 38:1, p.27 |
Consider ways to strengthen organization; photo. | |
6 | Lawton glad to be back College Eye 45:2, p.6 |
Profile of Milo Lawton. | |
7 | And so to school again College Eye 44:1, p.5 |
The registration process; photo. | |
8 | Maude Gilchrist, 90, daughter of the first president, died Thursday in Ft. Dodge, according to word received at the college Public Relations News Release 1952:553, p.1 |
Funeral services will be at Laurens, Monday. Gilchrist was a member of the first graduating class, then Iowa State Normal School, in 1878. Her father, the late James Cleland Gilchrist, served as head of the school from its founding in 1876 to 1886. | |
9 | A. C. Fullers ...on their golden wedding day¿ Alumnus 35:3, p.15 |
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with their friends and family; photo. | |
10 | Nearly 250 alumni, faculty and friends attended Sunday's 68th annual reunion and luncheon Public Relations News Release 1950:383, p.1 |
Celebrating their 25th year anniversary of graduation were 39 members of the class of 1926. Alice F. Burbeck Harker, Sac City, represented the oldest class present. She was graduated 68 years ago, in the class of 1883. | |
11 | Twice a day except Saturday a music student climbs a circular iron stairway to the "control" floor of the 100-foot high campanile Public Relations News Release 1950:92, p.1 |
Fifteen mammoth bells, rung by hand, peal out musical reminders to oldtimers on the 250-acre campus--reminders of the unique history of the campanile's world-famous Fasoldt clock, and of the equally renowned Meneely Bell foundry. | |
12 | A. C. Fuller Alumnus 34:3, p.1 |
Supervised census in this congressional district. | |
13 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.210 |
List of faculty, emeritus staff, and faculty on leave; photo. |
14 | Alumni to hold reunion in Madison, Wisconsin College Eye 41:28, p.6 |
Staff of Teachers College attend reunion. | |
15 | A. C. Fuller continues work with Crippled Children Soc. College Eye 41:16, p.6 |
Albert Fuller serves as vice president of the Iowa Society for Crippled Children and Adults as well as Program Planning Committee chair. | |
16 | Former alumni director to supervise census College Eye 41:14, p.3 |
Appointed as supervisor for the third congressional district. | |
17 | Returning Alumni Hold Short Reunion Alumnus 34:1, p.17 |
List of attending alumni; photo. | |
18 | Teachers college predominates in December Midland Schools magazine College Eye 41:13, p.3 |
Several T.C. students, faculty, and graduates are pictured in the December issue of Midland Schools. | |
19 | Fuller assumes emeritus status Alumnus 33:4, p.11 |
Professor Fuller retires after thirty-two years of service; photo. |
20 | Untitled Alumnus 33:4, p. |
A. C. Fuller talks with student Ned Smith; photo. | |
21 | Appoint 95 new faculty members to complete staff College Eye 41:1, p.1 |
The large number of new faculty is due to the heavy post war enrollment. | |
22 | Chapel fund reaches 10% of $70,000 goal College Eye 40:37, p.1 |
Contributions received from nine hundred alumni. | |
23 | Emeritus granted to Fuller College Eye 40:35, p.1 |
Lengthy profile of A. C. Fuller. | |
24 | Alumni Service Old Gold 0:0, p.17 |
Brief description of the position; photo. | |
25 | McCuskey and Strayer speakers at banquet College Eye 40:11, p.4 |
For Chicago alumni. | |
26 | Fuller attends meeting of Alumni council College Eye 40:11, p.4 |
In Madison, Wisconsin. | |
27 | A. C. Fuller will attend convention in Chicago College Eye 40:9, p.6 |
28 | Chicago alumni to give banquet College Eye 40:9, p.7 |
Several ISTC faculty will attend. | |
29 | Alums from 1898 to 1948 exchange old and new memories Alumnus 32:3, p.4 |
Highlights of reunion; photo. | |
30 | Alumni Service Old Gold 0:0, p.24 |
Mr. A. C. Fuller heads the service by keeping track of all graduates and informing them on recent event on campus through The Alumnus pamphlet. This department makes it possible for old friends to reconnect; photo. | |
31 | Fuller, Bodein to alumni meeting College Eye 39:9, p.8 |
Will meet with Chicago area alumni. | |
32 | Alumni banquet to be held tonight at Des Moines College Eye 39:8, p.1 |
In association with the ISEA convention. | |
33 | Fuller closes his files to meet alumni first hand on Homecoming College Eye 39:6, p.2 |
Profile of A. C. Fuller. | |
34 | Distribution of Alumnus under way says Fuller College Eye 39:3, p.1 |
35 | Alumni Service Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Brief description of the bureau; photo. | |
36 | Teacher College's oldest faculty member dies Alumnus 31:1, p.3 |
Anna McGovern died September 13, 1946; tributes and obituary; photo. | |
37 | Alumni attend their first post-war reunion Alumnus 30:3, p.3 |
Over three hundred alumni attend first reunion since 1942; description of program; photo. | |
38 | The duties of the Director of the Bureau of Publications and the Director of Alumni Service Old Gold 0:0, p.25 |
George H. Holmes is credited for the publications at ISTC as the director of the Bureau of Publications. Albert C. Fuller sees over the relations with alumni as the Director of Alumni Service; photo. | |
39 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:170, p.1 |
Over three hundred alumni gathered for the sixty third reunion. Ten members of the class of 1896 attended. | |
40 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:167, p.1 |
Ten members of the class of 1896 returned for the 50th reunion. Over three hundred alumni returned for the annual reunion day. | |
41 | Commencement plans announced Public Relations News Release 1946:163, p.1 |
Nearly 200 will receive degrees and diplomas. Reverend Jseph Sittler will give the address. Annual alumni days will resume. | |
42 | Alumni Day festivities resume Public Relations News Release 1946:158, p.1 |
Alumni Day has not been held since 1942. Annual class reunions resume. Classes of 1918, 1919. and 1920 will hold postponed twenty fifth reunions. | |
43 | Alumni attend Des Moines reunion Alumnus 30:2, p.6 |
Highlights of reunion; many faculty participated in ISTA convention; photo. | |
44 | Faculty vacation at conferences thru Middle West College Eye 37:12, p.1 |
45 | E. L. Ritter and A. C. Fuller attend delegate assembly Public Relations News Release 1945:277, p.1 |
Iowa State Teachers Association holds delegate assembly in Des Moines. The assembly has replaced the annual convention, postponed due to transportation issues. | |
46 | A. C. Fuller, Director of Alumni Affairs Old Gold 0:0, p.27 |
The duties and responsibilities of A. C. Fuller, director of the Bureau of Alumni Service, are reviewed; photo. | |
47 | Hake, alumni quiz kids entertain at reunion College Eye 36:9, p.1 |
Will hold annual dinner and reunion in Des Moines; will be recorded and broadcast on radio. | |
48 | Alumnus follows grads to many distant lands Alumnus 28:4, p.3 |
Description of system used to get Alumnus delivered safely to all alumni; subscription list now at 18,000; photo. | |
49 | T. C. Service Men Old Gold 0:0, p.218 |
Photo. | |
50 | Deans and Officials Old Gold 0:0, p.19 |
Summary of the duties of the deans and administrative officials; photo. |