Gilchrist Hall

Displaying 51 - 100 of 212 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 UNI Police investigate numerous fires on campus
Northern Iowan 102:16, p.1
Five fires have done damage on or around campus recently, but no suspects have been named; includes list of temporary office locations as Gilchrist Hall continues to be inspected and repaired.
52 Campus fires show signs of neglect
Northern Iowan 102:15, p.7
Believe fires on campus could have been prevented if surveillance were better.
53 Arsonists set fire to three campus buildings
Northern Iowan 102:15, p.5
Fires in Lang, Baker, and Gilchrist Halls are under investigation; anyone with information should call UNI Public Safety.
54 UNI's Gilchrist Hall to be closed Tuesday, Oct. 18, for clean-up from Sunday Fire
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Early-morning fire on Sunday has shut down operations in Gilchrist Hall.
55 UNI's Gilchrist Hall to be closed Monday, Oct. 17, for clean-up from early morning fire.
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Gilchrist Hall shut down, Student Services Center relocated to Maucker Union.
56 UNI dedicates new Follon Student Services Center
Northern Iowa Today 89:1, p.17
Area on second level of Gilchrist Hall named to honor Sue Follon; center opened August 16, 2004; photo.
57 Integrated Student Services Center next on the agenda
Northern Iowan 100:1, p.3
ISSC will move to Gilchrist Hall to be more centralized and accessible to students; photo.
58 Koob's office finds new home
Northern Iowan 98:29, p.1
Offices have been shifted so that eventually Gilchrist Hall will become an "Integrated Student Services Center"; President and Provost are now in Seerley Hall.
59 Pardon our progress
Campus News Network 6:18, p.4
Report on construction projects underway on campus, including razing of two university-owned houses.
60 Regents approve exterior design modifications for University of Northern Iowa School of Music Classroom Building/Perfoirming Arts Center
Public Relations News Release 1995:316, p.1
Board of Regents approve changes to Performing Arts Center.
61 Construction season continues
Campus News Network 5:22, p.3
Updated list of construction projects and the status of each.
62 'Tis the season (construction, that is)
Campus News Network 5:17, p.6
Calendar of campus construction projects beginning or ending this summer.
63 All dug up: summer construction underway on campus
Northern Iowan 90:59, p.2
Construction projects underway in Gilchrist Hall and Rod Library as well as other places on campus; photo.
64 Pardon our progress: summer construction begins
Campus News Network 4:18, p.1
Summary of summer construction projects; photo.
65 Chinese Everyday Life focus for slide lecture at University of Northern Iowa Sunday, October 24
Public Relations News Release 1993:129, p.1
Miriam Jenkins of Simpson College will speak on the culture of the Chinese ethnic group, the Han.
66 -
Public Relations News Release 1993:34, p.1
A major power outage occurred on the UNI campus today. Nancy Marlin reports class cancellation is being left up the individual instructors.
67 Navigating UNI
Campus News Network 4:1, p.3
Update on campus construction projects; map.
68 Paying the Price: Affording College
Old Gold 0:0, p.22

Students donate plasma to help pay for college; photo. Many other students work off-campus to fund schooling; photo. Students line up to pay for their U-bills; photo. An engaged couple discuss aid for married students; photo. Work-study jobs; photo.

69 What In the World?: How Observant Are You?
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Different photographs from around campus. The object is to guess where the picture was taken to see how observant you are. The answers are in the corner upside down; photo.
70 Gilchrist Hall now smoke-free
Campus News Network 3:7, p.4
Joins UNI-Dome as buildings in which smoking is forbidden.
71 Gilchrist Hall goes smokeless
Northern Iowan 89:25, p.6
Cabinet bans smoking in Gilchrist; smoking already banned in UNI-Dome.
72 University of Northern Iowa's Gilchrist Hall goes smoke-free
Public Relations News Release 1992:211, p.1
Glichrist Hall, UNI's main administration building, is now smoke-free.
73 Media Advisory
Public Relations News Release 1992:150, p.1
Board of Regents will convene, via telephone, in open session October 27,1992. Electronic hook up will be available at UNI in room 207 of Gilchrist Hall.
74 Lines, lines, everywhere a line..
Northern Iowan 88:29, p.1
Students wait to buy books, pick up loan checks, and register for class.
75 Regents approve budget; Seerley renovation planned
Northern Iowan 87:8, p.5
Regents approved $4.7 million budget for Seerley Hall renovations and for other campus improvements; photo.
76 Regents approve project budget, property sale, for University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:62, p.1
Regents approve restoration of Seerley Hall and other projects at UNI.
77 Same faces, new places
Campus News Network 1:1, p.3
Provost and Vice President for Administration and Finance move to Seerley Hall, Department of Mathematics moves to Baker Hall during remodeling projects.
78 Two University of Northern Iowa vice presidents and department of math and computer science temporarily move into new quarters
Public Relations News Release 1990:9, p.1
Office remodeling in Gilchrist Hall and Wright Hall has caused offices to move
79 What's in a name--such as campus buildings
Northern Iowan 86:3, p.7
A brief look at the people for whom campus buildings are named; photo.
80 Sidewalks, courts part of latest project
Northern Iowan 84:66, p.1
Sidewalks and sand volleyball courts under construction between Towers and Campbell Hall; renovation of lower level of Gilchrist Hall nearing completion.
81 UNI pays asbestos fines
Northern Iowan 84:42, p.1
Improper handling of asbestos in Gilchrist Hall project cited; list of violations.
82 Activities galore at Northern Iowa Saturday; Drivers urged to arrive early to find parking
Public Relations News Release 1987:160, p.1
Dean Shoars warns visitors that parking near the West Gymnasium, Strayer-Wood Theatre, and the UNI-Dome may be limited. Additional parking may be available near Latham Field, the Education Center, or Gilchrist Hall.
83 University of Northern Iowa's Mathematics and Computer Science Department to offer classes for spring 1988
Public Relations News Release 1987:150, p.1
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science holds evening classes on curriculum development, problem solving, learning problems, and teaching strategies.
84 Lay it on the line
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.1
Workers lay sod in front of Gilchrist Hall; photo.
85 UNI to fight asbestos citation, $2880 fine
Northern Iowan 84:10, p.1
Citation involves work in Gilchrist Hall project.
86 Accident article did not tell whole story
Northern Iowan 84:4, p.3
Believes story on Gilchrist Hall fire was inaccurate and that effects of fire were substantial.
87 On the road to improvements
Northern Iowa Today 16:1, p.8
Street north of Gilchrist Hall removed; former Latham Field paved for parking.
88 Construction still underway on campus improvements
Northern Iowan 84:1, p.1
Work includes Redeker Plaza, Latham Field parking lot, removal of Anthropology Lab to make way for Union expansion, and road work.
89 Summer mishaps injure two campus electricians
Northern Iowan 84:1, p.9
Electricians injured when line arcs; wires start small fire in Gilchrist in second incident.
90 Some UNI parking lots to be closed for maintenance work August 1-7
Public Relations News Release 1987:440, p.1
Parking lots for Gilchrist, Campbell, and Bartlett Halls are closed for maintenance.
91 Regents approve UNI preliminary budget, other business
Public Relations News Release 1987:385, p.1
The Board of Regents approves a faculty salary increase, a construction contract for a Nebraska Street extension, and the remodeling of Gilchrist Hall's first floor corridor.
92 Board of Regents approve parking lots for UNI faculty
Northern Iowan 83:58, p.4
O. R. Latham Field will be turned into a 350-stall parking lot for $500,000; four houses north of Bartlett Hall will be demolished and graded for a parking lot; approve other construction projects.
93 UNI Business, personnel items approved by Regents
Public Relations News Release 1987:347, p.1
Professor Jan Robbins is replaced by Robert Ward as head of the Department of English. John Stalberger is named director of public safety after the retirement of Rollin G. Evers. The Education Center, Gilchrist Hall, and Dome see renovations and repairs.
94 Gilchrist offices undergo changes
Northern Iowan 83:48, p.4
Financial Aid moved closer to Admissions Office; attempt to put related offices close together.
95 UNI to host targeted small business workshop March 23
Public Relations News Release 1987:267, p.1
A workshop designed to educate small business owners with the Targeted Small Business Program was held in the Gilchrist Hall. The workshop discussed the qualifications for 'Target Small Business' status, and the benefits of joining the program.
96 'Intro to Spring' open house planned at UNI Biological Greenhouse Feb. 15 (Sunday)
Public Relations News Release 1986:195, p.1
Students and staff of the Biological Greenhouse held a series of informational exhibits on various plants. Visitors participated in a self-guided tour, which included information on various university organizations, such as the Conservation Club.
97 UNI to offer industrial tech course in Spencer
Public Relations News Release 1986:157, p.1
A course on the history and philosophy of vocational education was held in Spencer High School for two graduate credit hours. It covered the development, principles, and practices of adult education. The class was instructed by Professor Tony Favre.
98 Site selected for new classroom/office building on the UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 1987:132, p.1
Dr. Leland Thomson announces the construction of a 10.2 million dollar classroom and office building north of the power plant. The building consolidates all departments of the School of Business, Academic Computing Services, and economics department.
99 UNI construction projects continue
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.6
Lee Thomson talks about the various projects underway or planned on campus; VIC should be done in three weeks; UNI Museum project delayed until funds are raised; Gilchrist Hall Board Room remodeled for $42,000.
100 Curris makes decision on continuation of UNI campus projects
Public Relations News Release 1985:136, p.1
Details of the nine to ten campus construction projects underway are given; some projects are being put "on hold," or scaled back due to budget concerns.