Gilchrist Hall

Displaying 201 - 212 of 212 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 A new work type conference for school administrators, teachers, and supervisors will be held on the campus Saturday, October 21.
Public Relations News Release 1950:75, p.1
"Today's Elementary School" is the subject of the conference centering in part around observations of teaching situations in the Teachers Campus school. Workshops will be offered in arts, industrial arts, slide-making and other visual aids.
202 Student pianists to give recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:47, p.1
The five musicians are students (listed) of Russell N. Baum and Henry Harris.
203 Courtship and marriage expert to address Teachers College personnel
Public Relations News Release 1950:37, p.1
Mrs. Ethel Nash, is a member of the Marriage and Family Council, Inc., and a practicing psychologist at the University of North Carolina. She will give talks or lead discussions beginning Sunday on "Courtship-Facts, Frustration and Fulfillments."
204 The freshman program will begin Sunday evening, September 10
Public Relations News Release 1950:14, p.1
Convocations will be in the main auditorium for new women students and Gilchrist chapel for the new men. The activities scheduled for the rest of the week include registration, placement tests, open house at the library. New Students listed.
205 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Music can be heard all over campus, thanks to the rooms offered in most buildings for practice. With Dr. Edward Kurtz as the head, the department aims to give a general background in musicianship and student recitals are given each Friday; photo.
206 George H. Holmes, Bureau of Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
An overview of the duties and responsibilities of George H. Holmes regarding the College Eye and Old Gold publications; photo.
207 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
Each student leaving will have had a different experience at the same time as sharing experiences with their classmates, the war has brought changes to Teachers College and with it memories for these seniors; photo.
208 Genevieve Mosher
Alumnus 14:2, p.28
The numbers "Chinese Dance" and "Waltz of the Flowers" from the Tschaikowsky Nutcracker Suite, arranged by Mr. Dubbert, were played by Genevieve of Rockford Iowa, first piano, and Rose L. Ruegnitz, second piano.
209 Dana Campbell, Karl Dubbert, Lorraine Jakway
Alumnus 14:2, p.28
Campbell and Dubbert were two alumni whose original compositions were presented in a program of original compositions in Gilchrist Hall. Lorraine Jakway sang numbers written by Campbell and Ivan Streed.
210 Virginia Gable and Doris Young
Alumnus 14:2, p.28
A program of original composition by two alumni was presented in Gilchrist Hall. They were among a group of students whose Christmas Carols were sung as a major feature of the program.
211 Karl Nolte
Alumnus 14:2, p.29
Superintendent of public schools at Hudson, Iowa, in an address in Gilchrist Chapel, recently pointed out that character, reputation, and thorough preparation are more important in the teaching profession than in any other line of work.
212 Junior recital held Tuesday evening
College Eye 19:10, p.5
Recital of two students in Gilchrist Chapel on November 15.