Gilchrist Hall
Displaying 151 - 200 of 212 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Senior recital scheduled at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:377, p.1 |
Karen Knapp and Dorothy Hansen give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall with accompaniment by Elizabeth Calhoun and Judith Henriksen. Knapp and Hansen are students of Jane Birkhead and Mary Beckman. | |
152 | Senior recital at ISTC Tuesday (April 18) Public Relations News Release 1960:352, p.1 |
Charles Steinmetz and Richard Sorenson give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Steinmetz and Sorenson are students of Charles Matheson and Russell Baum. Julianne States accompanies the students. | |
153 | Olive Barker contest to be held Friday (April 21) Public Relations News Release 1960:351, p.1 |
Five members of Sigma Alpha Iota compete for the Olive Barker Performance Award in the final contest to be held in Gilchrist Hall. Competitors include Janet Bohlander, Joan Brown, Rhonda Demien, Leona Folkers, and Sandra Quick. | |
154 | ISTC students to present recital Public Relations News Release 1960:324, p.1 |
Donald Breshears and Donald Wise will present recitals in Gilchrist Hall . Breshears and Wise are students of Charles Matheson and Karl Holvik. Accompaniment is provided by Elizabeth Calhoun, Joan Brown, June Ryon, and Janet Bohlander. | |
155 | ISTC music students to give recital Public Relations News Release 1960:314, p.1 |
Janet Bohlander and Vernon Hockett give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall Chapel. Bohlander and Hockett are students of professors David Kennedy and Karl Holvik, and will be accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun. | |
156 | Foreign service appointments available for educators Public Relations News Release 1960:265, p.1 |
George L. Greenwalt begins conducting interviews for experienced educators seeking positions as educational advisers for the U. S. State Department. Group meetings for faculty, graduate students, and alumni are held in Gilchrist Hall. | |
157 | Upper Iowa-ISTC opera postponed Public Relations News Release 1960:259, p.1 |
The Upper Iowa-Teachers College joint production of "Dido and Aeneas", the senior recital, and the Bob Newhart concert are postponed due to inclement weather. | |
158 | ISTC students to present recital Public Relations News Release 1960:250, p.1 |
Myrna Norland and Richard Dean Duffy give their senior recitals in the Gilchrist Chapel. The performers are students of Charles Matheson and Professor Karl M. Holvik, and are accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun and Richard Scott. | |
159 | Iowa college speech tournament to be held at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:248, p.1 |
Professor Patricia Townsend acts as faculty judge for the annual Iowa Forensic Association tournament. Debate teams from seventeen state colleges are expected to attend. Participating colleges listed. | |
160 | Two ISTC music students to present senior recitals Public Relations News Release 1960:239, p.1 |
Leona Folkers and Rhonda Demien perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall with piano accompaniment provided by Ms. Elizbaeth Calhoun. | |
161 | Local student to present senior recital at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:238, p.1 |
Rhonda Demien and Leone Folkers perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Folkers and Demien are students of Ms. Jane Mauck and David Kennedy. Elizabeth Calhoun will provide piano accompaniment. | |
162 | Local student to present senior recital at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:237, p.1 |
Leona Folkers and Rhonda Demien perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall, accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun on piano. | |
163 | ISTC students to give recital Public Relations News Release 1960:135, p.1 |
Meda Johnson and Anthony Prochaska perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Johnson is a piano student of Suzanne Conklin-Happ, and Anthony Prochaska is a sudent of Charles Matheson. | |
164 | Crossroads Old Gold 0:0, p.272 |
Crossroads leading to the Science, Vocational, Gilchrist, and Auditorium Buildings; photo. | |
165 | Foreword Old Gold 0:0, p.4 |
A description of how life has changed for the incoming students at Teachers College, from 1876 to 1952; photo. | |
166 | Two-day World Government conference to be held May 6-7 Public Relations News Release 1951:731, p.1 |
Rodney Shaw is to be the featured speaker and will discuss his "Teeth for the United Nations" in Gilchrist Hall Chapel. | |
167 | Rabbi Davin Schoenberger will be the guest speaker at chapel services Sunday (Dec. 2) in observance of the first Men's Day on campus. Public Relations News Release 1951:195, p.1 |
Men's Day is being sponsored by Men's Union, student government body for men students on campus. Rabbi Schoenberger is a native of Germany and fled to this country during the early days of Nazi Oppression. | |
168 | Eugene Thomas will be principal speaker during a three-night lecture series Nov. 27 - 29 Public Relations News Release 1951:189, p.1 |
Theme of the lecture series will be "Christianity, the World, and You." Topics for the three nights will be "What is Wrong with Man?,Who is Jesus Christ?", and "Religious or Christian?" | |
169 | Residents of Cedar Falls, Waterloo, and the northeast Iowa area will have a chance to tour the college campus Sunday, during a two-hour open Public Relations News Release 1951:97, p.1 |
The event is partthe 30th Homecoming weekend and is the second of five all-college events during the 1951-1952 academic year in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the institution. | |
170 | The third weekly meeting of the second annual retail sales training clinic will be held Wednesday, October 24, at 8 o'clock in Gilchrist Hall chapel Public Relations News Release 1951:90, p.1 |
Leonard Keefe of the business education department will be the featured speaker. He will discuss "An Autopsy of a Lost Sale." Next week's speaker will be Art Brayton. Herbert V. Hake will present a chalk-talk during the dinner meeting. | |
171 | The second weekly meeting of the second annual retail sales training clinic will be held in Gilchrist hall chapel, October 17 Public Relations News Release 1951:82, p.1 |
Featured speaker at the meeting will be John Pruis of the English and Speech department at the college. His topic, "The Power of Speech in Selling," will include points as the importance of effective speech in developing customer good-will. | |
172 | The annual fall conference, sponsored by the speech activities club, will be held on campus, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16 - 17 Public Relations News Release 1951:77, p.1 |
The conference will open in Gilchrist Hall Chapel with a symposium of three speakers, I. H. Hart, R. Bruce Hughes, and William Lang, who will present past and present problems in education. | |
173 | The second annual retail sales training clinic sponsored by the business education department will be held October 10, 17, 24, and 31 Public Relations News Release 1951:65, p.1 |
L. V. Douglas, head of the business education department, said the clinic will be held in cooperation with the Cedar Falls and Waterloo chambers of commerce. Topics to be discussed include the methods of developing good public relations for the store. | |
174 | A closed reception for organist Mario Salvador following his recital will be held in the Faculty Room of Gilchrist hall on campus Public Relations News Release 1951:42, p.1 |
At present, Salvador, 33, is organist and choir director of the St. Louis New Cathedral, Missouri. He has received international acclaim as a concert organist, author and composer and is in great demand as a recitalist throughout the U. S. and Canada. | |
175 | Bernice Gestie, editor of the Minnesota Journal of Education, will speak Wednesday night, July 18, on "Breaking into Educational Print" Public Relations News Release 1950:420, p.1 |
The talk will begin in Faculty room in Gilchrist Hall. Gestie is on the campus conducting a special four-week course in educational editing and authorship. She will discuss topics that educational editors want to print and style. | |
176 | Four seniors will present a recital at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, in Gilchrist hall Public Relations News Release 1950:363, p.1 |
They are Eldean Drewes, Elaine Kingsland, Richard Klahn, and Robert Shafer.Drewes, accompanied by Ellen Aakvik of the music faculty, will play Fitzgerald's "Modern Suite." | |
177 | Four state education associations will participate in next Saturday's, May 5, Conference on Professional Laboratory Experiences Public Relations News Release 1950:338, p.1 |
Participating organizations include the state department of public instruction, the Iowa Association for Student Teaching, the Iowa Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, and the Department of Colleges and Universities. | |
178 | A triple slate of conferences is scheduled for the week end, April 13-14 Public Relations News Release 1950:304, p.1 |
The audio-Visual conference is on Friday. Observation of campus school classes in session and tours of the campus to observe audio-visual materials and facilities will be part of the program. | |
179 | Two vocalists and a pianist will present the first senior recital of the spring quarter Monday, March 26 Public Relations News Release 1950:269, p.1 |
Pianist Nadine Suck, Garrison, will appear first with three selections. Five songs will be sung by Soprano Roselyn Attig of Renwick. The recital will end with two songs by Baritone Carl Hansen. Songs and selections listed. | |
180 | An all-English foreign film slate will be the bill of fare next quarter for the Saturday night Film club Public Relations News Release 1950:263, p.1 |
Stanley Wood, Film Club chairman, said each of the six pictures will begin in Gilchrist chapel. A limited number of club memberships for townspeople are available at the Cross & Company bookstore. Film schedule is listed. | |
181 | "Riders to the Sea," a one-act opera, will be presented (March 9) by members of Harald Holst's opera class Public Relations News Release 1950:256, p.1 |
The opera was first written as a play by J. M. Synge, Irish playright. It was later set to music by Vaughan-Williams, English composer.Five characters, a women's chorus and a men's chorus make up the cast. Character parts and chorus members are listed. | |
182 | Nine soloists, a piano duet and a saxophone quartet will present a student recital Friday (March 2) at 3:15 p.m. in Gilchrist hall Public Relations News Release 1950:243, p.1 |
Two West Union students, Shirley Anfinson and Patricia Eastman, will play the piano duet. The soloists and saxophone quartet members are listed. | |
183 | State officials explain legislation at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:242, p.1 |
Proposed and pending school legislation will be studies tonight in Gilchrist hall. Legislators Senator J. Kendall Lynes, and Representative Earl A. Miller will be on hand to explain and answer questions. | |
184 | Three seniors will present a recital Thursday, March 8, at 8 p.m. in Gilchrist chapel. Public Relations News Release 1950:236, p.1 |
Roland Swale, West Union, will play three flute numbers¿ Tenor Henry Bruns, Waterloo, will sing six solos.. Robert Steele, Washington, will play two tuba solos. | |
185 | Students in ISTC recital Public Relations News Release 1950:228, p.1 |
Eight soloists and a woodwind quintet will present a student recital in Gilchrist Chapel. Soloists and Woodwind quintet members are listed. | |
186 | Student recital at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:217, p.1 |
Nine students took part in a recital Friday afternoon (Feb. 16) in Gilchrist hall chapel. Those giving solo performances are listed. | |
187 | ISTC student music recitals Public Relations News Release 1950:200, p.1 |
Nine soloists and a clarinet quartette will participate in a student music recital in the Gilchrist hall chapel. Soloists and quartette members are listed. | |
188 | ISTC student music recitals Public Relations News Release 1950:204, p.1 |
Nine soloists and a clarinet quartette will participate in a student music recital in the Gilchrist Hall chapel. Soloists and quartette members are listed. | |
189 | Education extension work to be PDK panel topic Public Relations News Release 1950:195, p.1 |
In training service for public school teachers will be the panel subject at the meeting of the Alpha Phi field chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, national professional education fraternity. The meeting will be in the Faculty room, Gilchrist Hall. | |
190 | 14 at ISTC to play in student recital Public Relations News Release 1950:190, p.1 |
Ten soloists and a brass quintet will perform in the third student recital of the winter quarter in Gilchrist hall. Soloists listed. | |
191 | Famed Violinist at ISTC Saturday Public Relations News Release 1950:172, p.1 |
Violinist Henri Temianka will be featured at a music conference for string teachers and students.Temianka will fly here from Houston, Texas, where he is on tour with the renowned Paganini violin quartet. He is the quartet's first violinist. | |
192 | ISTC Foreign Film Club starts Winter series Saturday Public Relations News Release 1950:167, p.1 |
The first film will be the English production of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion." The weekly programs, six in all, will begin at 8 p.m. in Gilchrist chapel. Louise Nelson, social program director, has announced these programs - listed. | |
193 | Senior Recital at ISTC, Tuesday, Dec. 5 Public Relations News Release 1950:148, p.1 |
The first senior recital of the fall quarter will be in Gilchrist hall. Recitalists will be Flutist Jean Hancock, Ottumwa, and Baritone Arnold Willms, Amber. | |
194 | Bandmaster to meet at ISTC, Dec. 4 Public Relations News Release 1950:140, p.1 |
A full day of band music will feature the annual clinic of the Northeast Iowa Bandmasters association. Visiting bandmasters will hear successive half-hour clinics on individual instruments or instrument groups. | |
195 | ISTC Press Day is Sat., Nov. 18 Public Relations News Release 1950:131, p.1 |
George Mills, veteran reporter for the Des Moines Register and Tribune will be the main speaker at the second annual Press Day. College personnel, in separate meetings, will present practical tips in photography, news, editorial and sports writing. | |
196 | Music Students to Give Recital Public Relations News Release 1950:109, p.1 |
Music stuents and one students from the College campus school will present the fourth student recital of the fall quarter in Gilchrist chapel. The musicians are students of Jane Birkhead, Rose Reugnitz and Henry Harris. | |
197 | Over 1000 Hear Gross, Babcock at TC Public Relations News Release 1950:102, p.1 |
Congressman H. R. Gross of Waterloo and his Democrat party opponent, James Babcock of New Hampton, in the Nov. 7 elections addressed over 1000 persons Tuesday night in the auditorium. | |
198 | Sales Clinic at Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1950:84, p.1 |
A retail sales training clinic consisting of one meeting in each of four consecutive weeks will be held in the faculty room in Gilchrist hall. It is designed as a refresher course for owners, managers, supervisors and salespersons of retail stores. | |
199 | Music Students to Give Recital Public Relations News Release 1950:85, p.1 |
The third student recital of the fall quarter at Gilchrist chapel will be held Friday afternoon. The six musicians are from the classes of Russel Baum, Jane Birkhead, Rose Ruegnitz, and Willard Starkey. Students listed. | |
200 | The second student piano recital of the fall quarter was presented in Gilchrist chapel Friday, October 20 Public Relations News Release 1950:76, p.1 |
The five musicians who performed are students of Henry Harris, Russell N. Baum, and Rose L. Ruegnitz, assistant professors of music. The students and their selections are listed. |