Grades and Grading Systems

Displaying 251 - 300 of 541 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Registrar will forward summer grades home
College Eye 46:39, p.1
252 Grades released late due to registration
College Eye 45:11, p.1
253 D letter is signal to work, not reason to worry
College Eye 45:10, p.2
Encourages students to work harder when they receive a "D" grade, instead of giving up.
254 Untitled
College Eye 43:8, p.3
People who gloat about their grades.
255 Nine TC Students achieve 4.0 averages during Summer
College Eye 43:7, p.1
List of students who received high grades.
256 Classes will not be held Friday, April 27, for elementary pupils in the Campus school
Public Relations News Release 1950:332, p.1
Thomas Horn, elementary principal, announced that the 12-week teacher-parent conferences, rather than regular classes, will be scheduled that day. Arrangements will be made for parents who can't come between the appointed hours.
257 "D" letter drop noted at stadium
College Eye 42:9, p.7
Attributed to increased emphasis on scholarship.
258 Disclose deadlines for this quarter
College Eye 41:34, p.2
Schedules for grade reports.
259 Grades will be mailed at the end of the term
College Eye 40:40, p.4
260 Better luck next time!
College Eye 40:32, p.2
Encourages students to see bad grades as an incentive to work harder.
261 Heartless profs put exam papers in electronic wizard; grades come out
College Eye 40:27, p.4
Machine scores tests.
262 Dean Nelson presents eight ways to 'flunk out' of college easily
College Eye 40:19, p.6
Humorous advice.
263 As I see it
College Eye 40:11, p.2
Professor Pendergraft gives his pet peeves about students.
264 Brave students steal grade books attempting to learn grades received
College Eye 39:33, p.3
Around 1920, students broke into the Registrar's Office and stole the grade books so that they could see their grades; books were recovered; vault built as a result.
265 Intersorority dinner to be held Thursday
College Eye 39:28, p.8
Will honor sororities with highest grades.
266 Campus School devises new grading system; many parents give approval
College Eye 39:24, p.8
Description of the progress sheet that has replaced the report card.
267 No grades to students who have unpaid bills
College Eye 39:21, p.4
Must pay all campus bills.
268 New plan for issuance of spring term grades
College Eye 38:28, p.1
May arrange for the grades to be sent home.
269 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 38:28, p.8
Responses to the question, "Do you think married students make better grades than unmarried students and why?"
270 Roger's Rambling Remarks
College Eye 38:23, p.2
Campus news and suggestions for improvement.
271 Nelson clarifies veteran probation
College Eye 38:18, p.1
Veterans will be placed on probation when their grade point average falls below 1.65.
272 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:10, p.3
Discuses the frustration of registering for classes, Sunset Village, and grades; photo.
273 Rumors concerning vets made clear
College Eye 38:8, p.2
Rumor is that veterans will be dropped if they fail a course; Registrar Beard says that this is not true; same rules apply to veterans as apply to other students.
274 False rumor spread; Dean Nelson denies any grading changes
College Eye 38:6, p.4
Standards for dismissal due to low grades will not be altered due to overcrowded conditions.
275 Veterans' grade average compares well with average of other students
College Eye 36:44, p.1
Veterans adjusting to college life is reflected in grade average.
276 Grades for veterans
Public Relations News Release 1945:204, p.1
Veterans have adjusted well to college life as reflected in their grades. Grades compared favorably with other students for the spring semester.
277 Students' grades are high as last year
College Eye 36:33, p.1
278 Rosy job outlook bad for scholars Prof. Denny opines
Public Relations News Release 35:35, p.1
Professor Denny believes that good job prospects may influence students to do less than their best work.
279 Here are easy ways to win A's from professors
College Eye 34:37, p.1
Cynical advice on getting good grades.
280 How to get a 'D' letter the scientific way
College Eye 34:35, p.1
Advice on doing badly in school.
281 Trophies presented at inter-sorority dinner
College Eye 34:27, p.1
For highest grade point averages.
282 Men's grade points rise this spring dean's office says
College Eye 34:27, p.3
Dean Reed speculates that the men are more dedicated to their studies now.
283 Winter term grades
College Eye 34:20, p.1
Ready soon.
284 Grade points rise since the 'duration'
College Eye 33:32, p.1
285 'Home loving' students score lower grades
College Eye 33:31, p.1
Students who go home frequently have lower grades, according to a survey.
286 New device on scorer is help to instructors
College Eye 32:39, p.4
Electric scorer will now report which questions were missed and what incorrect answers were given.
287 Today in Hyde Park; practice teaching grades unfair says summer student
College Eye 32:38, p.2
Student's opinion that the evaluation of a student teacher should not be based of the opinion of a single person.
288 Scholarship honor earned by Chis
College Eye 32:25, p.3
Grade averages for Greek organizations.
289 Speed deserves compliment
College Eye 32:23, p.2
Praise for registrar for improving registration and for speeding up delivery of grades.
290 A X E captures grade honors
College Eye 32:14, p.1
Averages for all fraternities posted.
291 "Wrong attitude may mean low grades," says Dr. Paul
College Eye 31:40, p.1
Professor Paul explains placement tests; believes that high scores are more meaningful than low scores.
292 Phi Tau Phi sorority wins scholar trophy
College Eye 31:31, p.3
Ceremony honors sororities with highest scholastic achievement.
293 Intersorority trophies to be awarded next Thursday; scholarship will be recognized at tea for pan-Hellenic groups
College Eye 31:30, p.3
Description of the tea.
294 You said it!
College Eye 31:28, p.2
Criticizes the importance of grades in a college education.
295 Freshman corridor awarded plaque
College Eye 31:27, p.3
For best scholarship.
296 Alpha Chi's lead in fraternity scholarship
College Eye 31:26, p.1
Lead fraternities with 2.42 GPA.
297 Untitled
College Eye 31:23, p.2
Criticizes a recent Faculty Senate decision concerning class attendance.
298 'Die-hards' here
College Eye 31:23, p.1
Looks at history of optional attendance policy; still unhappy with recent revision.
299 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:22, p.3
Discusses the hectic feeling of finals week and the recent controversy over optional class attendance.
College Eye 31:22, p.1
Announces new regulations for optional attendance.