Grades and Grading Systems

Displaying 501 - 541 of 541 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Alpha Delts lead fraternities in scholastic honors; good record made by Greeks in last term grades
College Eye 16:24, p.1
Grade point averages broken down by fraternity and for the football team.
502 The Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 16:19, p.3
Students asked their opinions on the large number of students going on academic suspension; roster of respondents.
503 Over 650 students fail to make 15 grade points for fall term; college authorities give reasons they believe are causing delinquencies
College Eye 16:19, p.1
Faculty and administration cite lack of student preparation and insufficient attention to college work.
504 Ironical Ike says--; Cynical Sylvia says--
College Eye 16:19, p.4
Jokes and commentary on campus life.
505 Stay with us
College Eye 16:17, p.4
Students reminded of the grade point policy and consequent suspension for failing to maintain fifteen grade points per term; College Eye requests information on social events for publication.
506 "Poppy" Jones runs away with high grades; working way through school--makes forty-six grade points
College Eye 16:15, p.3
Brief profile of Lora "Poppy" Jones.
507 Over thirty students given walking papers; received less than fifteen grade points in two terms work
College Eye 16:15, p.1
Policy aimed at eliminating those who are not serious or qualified to do college work.
508 The Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 16:15, p.3
Students asked if the school's policy on academic suspension is proper..
509 Grade point rule puts jinx on spring track prospects
College Eye 16:15, p.6
Three track runners on academic suspension; will be unable to join the team in the spring.
510 Changes made in rules for intramural basketball
College Eye 16:15, p.6
Eligibility requirements have been updated to include a grade point criterion.
511 Average grade of students 1922-1924; less than fifteen grade points in two terms means suspension
College Eye 16:13, p.1
Report on students' grades over the last several years.
512 Brain and brawn
College Eye 16:7, p.4
Describes college athletes as scholastic leaders as well as team leaders.
513 Editorially speaking; failures--without warning
College Eye 15:32, p.4
Questions whether or not a student should be told he is failing prior to receiving the final grade.
514 Scholarship of men in school is compiled by dean; Philo Literary Society only organization without failures; men working for board above average
College Eye 15:21, p.1
Statistics on the academic achievements of I. S. T. C. men.
515 The fact that we
College Eye 14:52, p.1
Claims that the success of a teacher may depend on the grades they received in college.
516 Elimination of students
College Eye 14:17, p.1
University of Iowa revises its grading system.
517 College Eye staff-elect
Old Gold 0:0, p.282
Humorous suggestions on improving the college; photo.
518 Editorially speaking; concerning grades
College Eye 12:28, p.4
Grades depend on both faculty and students.
519 Editorially speaking; grades and mastery of a subject
College Eye 12:25, p.4
Clarifies previous column; believes that grades are equivalent to mastering a subject.
520 Editorially speaking; about grades
College Eye 12:24, p.4
Believes students should put schoolwork first and limit involvement in extracurricular activities.
521 Untitled
College Eye 12:24, p.4
Encourages students who have bad grades to quit school and pursue other vocations.
522 Grade point system adopted; new scholarship standards
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Effective June 1, 1920, students will be subject to new grade point system adopted by faculty; explanation of the meaning of the grades.
523 Should we see our grades?
College Eye 10:16, p.2
Students do not understand why they are not allowed to see their grades; they think it would be helpful to them; currently they are permitted to know only if they passed or failed.
524 Editorial
College Eye 8:25, p.4
Denounces students missing class on account of lack of sleep as well as vandalism in the cloak rooms; addresses disturbances during chapel services; questions excessive use of funds for a May Day parade; requests reporters have their stories in on time.
525 There was considerable surprise
College Eye 8:1, p.4
Responds to student complaints regarding the new policy of grade reduction for unexcused absences from class.
526 Editorial
College Eye 1:5, p.75
Editorial points out how many of the leadership and extracurricular positions on campus are held by a select group of students. A proposal has been made to give students college credit for their extracurricular activities.
527 Official
Normal Eyte 20:20, p.329
University of Iowa has new grading system; article by Kenneth Colegrove published; breakdown of degrees and certificates for Class of 1910.
528 Official
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.152
Rules for eligibility to participate in athletics and other extracurricular activities; invites students to visit the aquarium.
529 Official
Normal Eyte 18:19, p.292
Faculty attempting to arrange the sequence of classes better; adopt new grading system; believes that much is to be learned from participating in debate, athletics, and oratory
530 The credit system; its origin and connection with the course of study
Normal Eyte 15:22, p.337
Explanation of past practices and new rules pertaining to the credit system and the course of study.
531 New plans and new work; rapid growth of school makes necessary a readjustment of the courses offered
Normal Eyte 15:20, p.305
Introduction of new courses in manual training, domestic science, and kindergarten make adjustment of existing curricula and degrees necessary; extensive description of the modifications.
532 Subjects for oratory; Iowa college oration evenly divided as to eulogies and discussions of live questions
Normal Eyte 15:16, p.243
Topics of orations presented at other Iowa colleges; discusses the difficulties with cheating and grading students.
533 Northwestern has put her glee club under the control of the School of Music
Normal Eyte 15:7, p.110
Northwestern University and the University of Michigan are giving college credit to their glee club singers.
534 Why no credit?; English Department could advance Normal interests greatly by giving credits for inter-collegiate debating and oratory
Normal Eyte 15:5, p.65
Editorial encourages the awarding of class credit to those involved in the debate and oratory teams to reward students for their hard work.
535 If you know of any student being asked to quit athletics
Normal Eyte 14:30, p.467
Some of those men may not be using their potential study time effectively.
536 Athletic control; the athletes must make good grades
Normal Eyte 14:30, p.466
There is a minimum grade point average for athletic participation; faculty will enforce it.
537 Mid term examinations are over
Normal Eyte 9:7, p.156
Students who have poor grades have been informed.
538 The new marking system
Normal Eyte 8:17, p.234
Will give four grades: Passed, Fair, Good, and Excellent; philosophy behind the change; each department will determine what is "Passing".
539 No person enrolled as a student
Normal Eyte 6:6, p.62
Students must attain passing grades in order to participate in extracurricular activities.
540 Faculty regulations
Normal Eyte 5:4, p.26
Students whose grades are below passing will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities such as athletics, oratory, or debate; athletic activities will be confined to prescribed hours.
541 Why are we here?
Normal Eyte 2:24, p.190
Believes students should seek education, not concentrate solely on grades.