
Displaying 201 - 250 of 436 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Student voices
Northern Iowan 97:24, p.11
Students respond to the question "Do you believe the statistics on the "Most of Us" posters around campus?"; photo.
202 "Health Beat"
Northern Iowan 97:17, p.3
Fitness area located in the East Gym.
203 Online words of wellness
Campus News Network 11:7, p.2
The newsletter ' Words of Wellness' is available online.
204 Health screening day
Campus News Network 11:7, p.2
Allen Hospital is offering a health screening day.
205 'Healing the Whole:' UNI hosts wholistic health fair
Northern Iowan 96:50, p.11
Schedule of weekend events.
206 Overcoming obesity at an early age
Public Relations News Release 1999:274, p.1
Nancy Hamilton, professor of Leisure Services, will give some lifelong tips for staying fit.
207 Global health and poverty
Public Relations News Release 1999:60, p.1
Michele Yehieli, Assistant Professor in the School of HPELS, will share her observations on maternal and child health care in Third World countries.
208 Health problems of mothers and children in Third World shanty towns topic for C.R.O.W. Forum lecture Monday Oct. 4
Public Relations News Release 1999:65, p.1
Michele Yehieli will present an address called "Maternal and Child Health in Shanty Towns: The Global Reality of Peri-Urban Poverty" on October 4 as the first in this year's C. R. O. W. (Current Research on Women) Forum.
209 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:52, p.3
Activities and meetings.
210 Health Screening and Information Day
Campus News Network 9:16, p.3
Blood chemistry profiles, free blood pressure screening, and computerized health risk appraisal will be available along with health information April 9 in the WRC.
211 World Health Day brings focus to health problems
Public Relations News Release 1998:316, p.1
April 7 is United Nation's World Health Day. Michele Yehieli talks about the biggest health concerns worldwide.
212 Minority health conference will be held at University of Northern Iowa on April 9-10, with keynote speaker Faye Wattleton
Public Relations News Release 1998:306, p.1
UNI will host a minority health conference on April 9-10. The guest speaker is Faye Wattleton.
213 WRC sponsors health screening information day for students, staff
Northern Iowan 95:45, p.2
WRC will take blood chemistry profiles, screen blood pressure, provide health risk appraisals, and present other information April 9.
214 The Riot Act
Northern Iowan 95:42, p.15
Student uses another's toothbrush.
215 The Riot Act
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.14
Students rush to General Nutrition Center (GNC) to purchase herbal supplements.
216 Making a habit of wellness
Northern Iowa Today 83:1, p.36
Kathy Gulick outlines beliefs on healthy behavior.
217 Good hand washing, personal hygiene techniques important at young age
Public Relations News Release 1997:25, p.1
Gloria Kirkland Holmes recognizes the benefits of teaching children good personal hygiene techniques.
218 Activities to stay fit during the summer
Public Relations News Release 1996:468, p.1
Health Service staff member talks about outdoor activities to keep students in shape.
219 Take two aspirin and call me in the morning
Public Relations News Release 1996:429, p.1
Wellness Resource Coordinator Basu, talks about National Headache Awareness Week.
220 Untitled
Northern Iowan 93:45, p.8
Student brings instrument to Jazzercize class.
221 Americans fatter than ever
Northern Iowan 93:43, p.4
Percentage of overweight Americans risen to 35%.
222 UNI professor says fitness levels of children continue to drop
Northern Iowa Today 25:1, p.2
Professor Larry Hensley finds fewer children meeting guidelines; photo.
223 Keeping fit on a busy schedule
Campus News Network 7:9, p.2
Suggests ways of keeping in good shape.
224 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:19, p.3
Activities and meetings.
225 Dieting too young not healthy for preteens
Public Relations News Release 1996:138, p.1
Dody Olson and Clare Struck discuss the problems of preteen dieting.
226 Providing AIDS education in the workplace
Public Relations News Release 1996:137, p.1
Joan Thompson speaks about how businesses should educate employees about AIDS, not only about prevention, but on acceptance of co-workers with AIDS.
227 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:17, p.5
Activities and meetings.
228 Dieting by pre-teen girls becoming a growing problem
Public Relations News Release 1996:119, p.1
Pre-teen girls are starting to worry about their weight, which could cause serious health implications.
229 Untitled
Northern Iowan 89:15, p.3
Outlines history of wellness movement.
230 Bad diet habits start young; gradual change may be best
Public Relations News Release 1991:511, p.1
Research shows that bad nutrition and exercise habits can be harmful to people in their teens and twenties---even though the consequences may not show up for thirty years according to Sue Joslyn.
231 Lack of cardiorespiratory fitness of Iowa youth cause for concern, says University of Northern Iowa physical education professor.
Public Relations News Release 1991:439, p.1
A study of Iowa youth by Larry Hensley reveals that in general Iowa youth are average; however, two areas stand out as areas of concern. Iowa youth have a higher percentage of body fat and below average cardiorespiratory fitness.
232 Students stay fit during winter; through snow through sleet, through gloom of night¿
Northern Iowan 88:42, p.8
Students talk about the ways they stay fit, including running, walking, weight training, and biking.
233 We know we shouldn't, but we eat it anyway.
Public Relations News Release 1991:176, p.1
Buying habits of American consumers do not seem to be affected by the inclusion of things bad for our health on labels, according to Sue Joslyn. It is time to improve our eating habits.
234 How's your personal wellness? Time for a self check.
Public Relations News Release 1991:8, p.1
Wellness should be considered and practiced every day.
235 Health care costs force employees to maintain wellness tactics.
Public Relations News Release 1990:610, p.1
Employers are encouraging employees to increase exercise and fitness to cut down on health care costs.
236 Concerned about high blood pressure? Pass on passing the salt.
Public Relations News Release 1990:485, p.1
Salt found to contribute to stroke and heart disease, as well as high blood pressure.
237 Health care moves into school setting
Public Relations News Release 1990:431, p.1
Students with health problems can't do well in school.
238 School-based health clinics provide more comprehensive care for at-risk students
Public Relations News Release 1990:375, p.1
School-based health clinics have arisen in metropolitan areas.
239 School health clinics --meeting the medical needs of students.
Public Relations News Release 1990:381, p.1
Schools are providing services beyond education for their students.
240 Beating the battle of the bulge begins with good food choices
Public Relations News Release 1990:275, p.1
Good nutrition and exercise are the only ways to lose weight and keep it off.
241 Wellness program and services promote healthy lifestyle
Public Relations News Release 1990:243, p.1
Wellness educators develop a wellness program for youth at UNI's Price Laboratory School.
242 Are you working yourself to death? Workaholism examined.
Public Relations News Release 1990:201, p.1
The cure for workaholism is a heart attack. This extreme event is what seems to get the person's attention and helps make him see that changes are needed.
243 Oat bran, rice bran, bran pills--wonder products or nutrition fad:
Public Relations News Release 1990:179, p.1
Bran advantages and myths noted.
244 Physical, social, emotional wellness combined in pilot program
Public Relations News Release 1990:186, p.1
Project at Malcolm Price Lab School aims to help young people choose a healthy lifestyle.
245 Want to stay out of the nursing home: put on your walking shoes !
Public Relations News Release 1990:133, p.1
Twice weekly forty minute exercise sessions improve health of the elderly.
246 Man on personal quest to prevent head injuries
Northern Iowan 87:13, p.16
Randall Gann, who is recuperating from a major head injury, wants to help others afflicted with head injuries.
247 Want to stay out of the nursing home? Keep moving!
Public Relations News Release 1990:114, p.1
Two forty minute exercise sessions per week improve health of elderly people.
248 Personal wellness is more than physical
Northern Iowan 87:12, p.12
Wellness can be broken into spiritual, physical, emotional, career, intellectual, environmental, and social aspects.
249 There's oil in them there fields--soybeans and canola
Public Relations News Release 1990:66, p.1
Using soybean and canola oil found to reduce cholesterol in diets.
250 I'll drink to that--more reasons to indulge in eight glasses a day
Public Relations News Release 1990:50, p.1
Importance of drinking a eight glasses of water a day noted.