Displaying 151 - 200 of 344 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Planetarium, slopes, rodeo, provide entertainment Northern Iowan 76:32, p.6 |
Events scheduled throughout Iowa are listed. | |
152 | Iowa area activities include boat, sports shows, Follies Northern Iowan 76:30, p.6 |
Listing of activities throughout Iowa. | |
153 | Iowa is a "surprising place" for spring break; where to go when you can't afford Miami Northern Iowan 75:38, p.12 |
Places to visit around the state. | |
154 | New course Northern Iowan 72:24, p.8 |
Professor Sunseri will teach course on Iowa's ethnic minorities. | |
155 | Map reprinted Northern Iowan 72:22, p.5 |
Part of Explorations in Iowa History project. | |
156 | Where else but in Iowa? Northern Iowan 72:2, p.10 |
Student enjoys sweet corn; photo. | |
157 | Grant aids look at state's past UNI Century 2:4, p.6 |
PLS receives grant to develop and distribute new Iowa history materials. | |
158 | Iowa: 2000 conference charts future UNI Century 2:3, p.1 |
Three hundred people attend day-long conference on Iowa's future; photo. | |
159 | "2000": Iowa Odyssey Northern Iowan 70:46, p.10 |
Professor Anderson is regional chair of portion of the Iowa 2000 project. | |
160 | Iowa 2000 and you Northern Iowan 70:29, p.2 |
Thinking about Iowa's future. | |
161 | Birth rate--lower--enrollment; two UNI professors look at the effects of declining enrollment on the public school system; Froyen and Truesdell Northern Iowan 69:62, p.9 |
Professors Truesdell and Froyen talk about the Iowa education situation. | |
162 | Photo exhibit of Iowa now on display Northern Iowan 69:27, p.11 |
163 | Why corn stifles Northern Iowan 69:3, p.3 |
Impressions of Iowa life. | |
164 | Corn Stifles Northern Iowan 68:57, p.2 |
Talks about her home town. | |
165 | Untitled Northern Iowan 68:34, p.2 |
China asks Nixon, "Does Iowa exist?" | |
166 | 'Pioneer Iowa' slide show for museum Northern Iowan 68:15, p.7 |
Professor Plaehn will present show. | |
167 | In Search of America Northern Iowan 67:43, p.4 |
Comments on proposed anti-obscenity bill and on interest rates. | |
168 | Northern Iowa students overwhelmingly from Iowa Northern Iowan 65:22, p.1 |
99% of new freshmen and 97% of transfer students are from Iowa; other enrollment statistics and projections. | |
169 | Untitled Northern Iowan 65:22, p.2 |
Northern Iowa students are overwhelmingly Iowan. | |
170 | An observation Northern Iowan 65:17, p.3 |
Imaginative map of Iowa. | |
171 | Wilson faces identity crisis Northern Iowan 64:63, p.2 |
Professor Wilson discusses perceptions of Iowa. | |
172 | 'Iowans--dim-witted bumpkins;' perspectives Northern Iowan 64:56, p.2 |
Former student offers reactions to recent campus visit; believes many Iowans do not rise above stereotypes. | |
173 | Untitled Northern Iowan 64:52, p.2 |
Iowa's weather is never the same. | |
174 | Eastern potheads map Iowa marijuana fields Northern Iowan 64:15, p.1 |
Plant grows in many areas. | |
175 | Constitutional amendments have merit College Eye 63:8, p.2 |
Comments on proposed amendments to the Iowa Constitution. | |
176 | Small towns is provincial; ain't no doubt about it College Eye 60:29, p.2 |
Shares stories and anecdotes about small town life. | |
177 | Nationwide recruiting does not drain teaching supply College Eye 58:35, p.2 |
A look at the strength of Iowa's teachers. | |
178 | 'California isn't as wonderful, nor Iowa as terrible as letter implies College Eye 57:39, p.2 |
Disagreement with previous letter about teaching in California and Iowa. | |
179 | Jungman argues merits of Iowa vs. California educational systems stated in Stimpson letter College Eye 57:39, p.2 |
Disagreement about educational systems. | |
180 | Iowa chauvinism resulting in loss of teachers College Eye 57:36, p.2 |
Iowa public doesn't feel teachers are underpaid. | |
181 | Reapportionment requires sequential thought: Plaehn College Eye 57:35, p.2 |
Believes upcoming elections deserve serious thought. | |
182 | SCI could help state be more cultured College Eye 57:14, p.2 |
Iowa is not as advanced as it should be and SCI could help if it just tried. | |
183 | Maybe there isn't any Iowa College Eye 56:20, p.2 |
Outsiders know very little about our state. | |
184 | Why do we live in Iowa? College Eye 56:13, p.2 |
Editorial discusses the extreme temperatures that Iowa has each year. | |
185 | Convention arguments queer College Eye 52:7, p.8 |
Speculates on possible state constitutional convention. | |
186 | Untitled College Eye 48:29, p.2 |
Discusses the who and what about the pamphlets distributed concerning the reorganization of Iowa schools. | |
187 | Untitled College Eye 48:28, p.2 |
Comments on a pamphlet distributed by the ISTC committee for good schools. | |
188 | Untitled College Eye 48:28, p.2 |
189 | Untitled College Eye 48:28, p.2 |
Claims that if Iowa schools were reorganized, many teaching graduates would be unable to find jobs. | |
190 | Preparation for all levels of public school work First 75 Years 0:0, p.81 |
Initial curriculum recognizes need for preparation for all levels of teaching; surveys of effects of the College on Iowa; description of ways in which the College met Iowa needs. | |
191 | Hake will give a TV show of trip College Eye 41:36, p.1 |
Herbert Hake has produced a fifteen minute film of his boat trip on the Mississippi from McGregor to Dubuque. | |
192 | Hake is question and answer man for radio show College Eye 41:35, p.3 |
Herb Hake poses questions on Iowa interests on his "Iowa Inventory" radio program. | |
193 | Hake's program tells only good, not the disasters College Eye 41:33, p.1 |
"The State of Things" will concentrate on news of good things in Iowa. | |
194 | College group go on Mississippi boat trip College Eye 40:39, p.1 |
Food consisted of all Iowa products. | |
195 | Bus will travel to Amana Colony College Eye 40:38, p.1 |
In association with two Iowa history classes. | |
196 | Field trip taken by history class College Eye 40:36, p.1 |
Visited a number of historical sites in northeast Iowa. | |
197 | Social Action Day to be on April 2 College Eye 40:21, p.3 |
Students will travel to Des Moines to learn about problems facing state. | |
198 | Hilltopics College Eye 40:3, p.2 |
Discusses state policy on funding for schools. | |
199 | Dr. H. S. Buffum happy in his long dreamed of research work College Eye 39:40, p.4 |
Professor Buffum talks about his interests, now that he is retired; photo. |
200 | Thirty-six go with Erbe on tour of Iowa, Wisconsin College Eye 39:39, p.3 |
Studying Iowa history. |