
Displaying 251 - 300 of 344 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Iowa farm editor here tomorrow
College Eye 19:45, p.1
Henry Wallace to speak at I. S. T. C.
252 Ia. successful in 1927 sports
College Eye 19:16, p.4
Overview of 1927 sports.
253 Colleges of Iowa
College Eye 19:15, p.3
Roster of all forty-five colleges in Iowa.
254 Put Iowa farm land value at two billion; auditor places assessed value at $66.35 per acre
College Eye 18:51, p.8
255 Commonwealth conference discusses plans for local government; authorities claim state government could enforce prohibition more strictly
College Eye 18:5, p.1
Conference highlights.
256 Societies working hard on debate
College Eye 16:11, p.7
Will consider matter of Iowa roads.
257 Dr. E. J. Cable
College Eye 14:49, p.1
Professor Cable wrote Iowa geography textbook.
258 The Iowa Illiteracy Commission
College Eye 14:26, p.3
Iowa Illiteracy Commission makes report.
259 What of the state superintendency?
College Eye 14:16, p.1
Gives opinions on the political race for the office of State Superintendent of Schools.
260 Dedication; How God made Iowa
Old Gold 0:0, p.8
Henry Wallace's story of how Iowa was created.
261 Iowa soldier-sailor monument, Capitol Hill
Old Gold 0:0, p.9
Photo of monument.
262 Gorge of Yellow River
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
263 Mt. Washington and the Pine Grove
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
264 On the Upper Iowa River
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
In Howard County; photo.
265 Undercutting of Gower Limestone
Old Gold 0:0, p.246
River scene; photo.
266 "Iowa, Proud Iowa"
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.1
New song approved for Iowa schools was sung first in Cedar Falls by Training School students February 16. Song written by Frederick Knight Logan and Jennie Knight Logan.
267 Dr. A. E. Winship
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.2
Winship presents editorial on "Iowa, the Headliner", discussing how Iowa rates in level of progress.
268 Iowa headliner in education says A. E. Winship
College Eye 12:21, p.5
Iowa's quality of education is high when ranked with other states.
269 A new state song---"Iowa, Proud Iowa"
College Eye 12:19, p.1
Virginia Wright Logan taught under President Seerley in Oskaloosa.
270 Editorially speaking; the fate of private and denominational schools
College Eye 12:12, p.4
Concerned about smaller colleges consolidating due to lack of money and students.
271 Necrology
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.2
John W. Woody, Hamline H. Freer, and James Wilson, three of Iowa's prominent educators, died in August; Edgar W. Stanton died in September.
272 Editorially speaking; the teacher shortage
College Eye 12:5, p.4
Greatest shortage in rural schools; will bring teachers in from outside the state.
273 Iowa Club meets
College Eye 11:25, p.5
Alison Aitchison gave a speech on "Beautiful Iowa."
274 Life in Iowa portrayed; read our modern authors
College Eye 11:16, p.1
Author Hamlin Garland writes about his experiences growing up near Osage, Iowa.
275 Zeta Society gives program
College Eye 11:15, p.2
Program is posted for presentation of sketches from the lives of prominent Iowa authors.
276 At the request of the editors of Wallace's Farmer
College Eye 10:26, p.1
Macy Campbell is writing a series of articles on rural education in Iowa.
277 Teachers College credited with 322 special teachers
College Eye 10:20, p.1
Extract from Iowa Educational Directory shows specialized fields of ISTC alumni.
278 "Iowa Day" observed this morning; annual state patriotic day given place in course of events; Dr. Gist to speak
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Enjoy readings and song.
279 State loyalty
College Eye 10:7, p.2
Editorial includes the "Song of Iowa" and encourages people to be loyal to both state and nation.
280 Macy Campbell called to Chicago
College Eye 10:3, p.4
Will speak to Federal Reserve Bank about Iowa campaign to raise money for the war.
281 Iowa
College Eye 9:28, p.4
Iowa is the first state to pass its goal with the Third Liberty Loans.
282 Macy Campbell will explain plan
College Eye 9:20, p.7
Black Hawk County has been extremely supportive of promoting and buying War Service Stamps; wants to extend this enthusiasm to the rest of the state.
283 The Amana Society
College Eye 9:6, p.5
History of the Amana Society, part two.
284 The Amana Society
College Eye 9:5, p.3
History of the Amana Society, part one.
285 Training School presents Iowa Day program
College Eye 9:4, p.2
Program was done in pantomime.
286 Iowa Day a success
College Eye 9:4, p.1
Students talk about Iowa landmarks that are located close to their homes.
287 Friday Iowa Day
College Eye 9:3, p.1
Students will give presentations on Iowa's history.
288 Professor Reuben McKitrick
College Eye 9:3, p.3
Professor Reuben McKitrick will advise the State Council of National Defense on the milk situation in Iowa.
289 A poor administration and legislature
College Eye 8:24, p.6
State of Iowa criticized for not allowing Iowa Department of Education officials to attend the Kansas City superintendents meeting at the state's expense.
290 The Iowa educational meetings for the spring of 1917
College Eye 8:16, p.6
Alumni and former students in attendance are listed.
291 Survey criticisms
College Eye 8:13, p.3
Recent Iowa Survey of Higher Education Institutions criticized as inaccurate and impractical.
292 The Iowa Club
College Eye 8:11, p.2
Club holds debate on whether or not Iowa should divide land into smaller farms.
293 The Iowa Survey
College Eye 8:10, p.6
U. S. Bureau of Education completes study of Iowa educational institutions.
294 Optimistic
College Eye 8:7, p.6
Poem glamorizing college life.
295 Training School observes Iowa Day
College Eye 8:7, p.5
Recap of events at program.
296 Community centers in the demonstration schools
College Eye 8:7, p.4
Explains the role of schools as social centers for rural communities.
297 Iowa Day chapel address, Oct. 20, 1916
College Eye 8:6, p.4
Publication of address by R. F. Seymour.
298 That anyone would favor
College Eye 7:20, p.4
Disagrees with people who support political candidates only because they were raised in Iowa.
299 Professional; Iowa and Rural Education
College Eye 7:9, p.2
Believes rural community is foundation for society.
300 A Tribute to I.S.T.C.
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Two poems.