Library Services

Displaying 351 - 400 of 1158 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 No calculator
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.2
Would like calculators to be available after 9PM on campus.
352 "More of a nuisance"?; library fines
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.6
Survey of fines and procedures.
353 Hemminger presents ERIC info
Northern Iowan 68:58, p.4
Bruce Hemminger will demonstrate automated searching of ERIC database.
354 Children's book showcase
Northern Iowan 68:57, p.5
Will be on display in Youth Collection of Library.
355 Return the book!
Northern Iowan 68:50, p.2
Student is unhappy that a faculty member will not return a book that he needs.
356 Library book sale Monday
Northern Iowan 68:48, p.6
Library will sell withdrawn items.
357 Regents approve preliminary budget
Northern Iowan 68:47, p.1
Preliminary budget for UNI is $17.4 million.
358 Cavanaugh counters Rod's letter
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.5
Mr. Cavanaugh says that he has salvaged usable books from the library dumpster.
359 Rod disputes library letter
Northern Iowan 68:7, p.3
Mr. Rod claims that withdrawn library material is generally given to other educational facilities, and seldom thrown away.
360 Condone no burning
Northern Iowan 68:3, p.3
Would like library to give away old books rather than destroy them.
361 New files added to UNI library
Northern Iowan 67:51, p.10
ERIC microfiche added.
362 Shakespearean exhibits in library; final week
Public Relations News Release 67:29, p.4
Material from Folger Library on display; photo.
363 Library offers Towers reserve book service
Northern Iowan 67:28, p.6
Additional copies of reserve books will be available.
364 Shakespearean exhibit here
Northern Iowan 67:28, p.8
Folger Library materials on display.
365 Librarians retire
Alumnus 56:1, p.8

Evelyn Mullins and Mary Dieterich retire after forty years at UNI; recall library services and facilities of the past; photo.

366 Misuse of UNI library
Northern Iowan 67:26, p.2
Demon Smith finds it hard to conduct research when volumes are off the shelf or mutilated.
367 Library adds environment section
Northern Iowan 67:26, p.8
Special collection on "Man and his Environment" assembled and available.
368 Faculty book checkout
Northern Iowan 67:22, p.2
Rationale for longer faculty loan periods.
369 Library sports new look
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.9
New handbook; about 10,000 books in Baker Hall for storage; reclassification from Dewey to LC continues.
370 Library receives grant
Northern Iowan 66:63, p.2
Receives $7413 for materials purchases.
371 Announce holiday hours
Northern Iowan 66:61, p.4
Hours posted for library and administrative offices due to Fourth of July holiday.
372 "Power Collection" set up in library
Northern Iowan 66:3, p.8
Collection will present wide-ranging views on various kinds of power.
373 Library hours
Northern Iowan 65:61, p.3
Summer hours.
374 'Cut off their hands!'
Northern Iowan 65:46, p.3
Unhappy with mutilated periodicals in library.
375 Maucker: Display pro, con activist views
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.3
At request of President Maucker, the library staff is putting together a "power" collection in the hope that it will stimulate discussion.
376 Black literature displayed
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.4
Collection of about five hundred books available in the Library Browsing Room.
377 'Old-fashioned' librarian needed
Northern Iowan 65:21, p.2
Would like library staff to deal with noise in library.
378 Nothing to hide?
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.2
Angry with people who cut out parts of library books and periodicals.
379 The World of the Sparrow, the Chicken, and the Hawk
Northern Iowan 65:19, p.2
Humorous look at noise in the Library.
380 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.5
Students take advantage of library's new hours, 7:00 am to 12:00 midnight every night; photo.
381 Library preparing book collection on Negro history
Northern Iowan 65:2, p.1
Rod Library announces plans for "Afro-American Collection", a temporary exhibit of 500-1000 books on Black history.
382 Archives preserves treasures of the past
Alumnus 53:3, p.11
Collections and services offered by University Archives; photo.
383 And the search goes on . . .
Northern Iowan 64:62, p.2
Having difficulty obtaining library item on loan to professor.
384 Grant of $21,551 awarded to UNI library
Northern Iowan 64:62, p.3
Will be used for acquisitions.
385 Negro literature library section?
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.2
Urges establishment of collection of African-American literature.
386 Library extends hours during exam period
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.1
387 'Blame students, not staff'
Northern Iowan 64:53, p.2
Student library employee responds to recent criticisms of library conditions and services.
388 'Nasty devils remove periodical articles'
Northern Iowan 64:50, p.2
Believes some students steal library material because they fear that they will not be able to find that volume again.
389 Library or social center?
Northern Iowan 64:47, p.3
Protests noise in library.
390 Library hours to change next week
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.8
Will change for spring break.
391 Library hours for vacation announced
Northern Iowan 64:25, p.1
Limited hours over holidays.
392 What happens then?
College Eye 64:1, p.2
Dislikes library policy of notifying patrons only when a fine exceeds fifty cents.
393 SS backs AWS no hours; studies library key policy
College Eye 63:50, p.1
394 Committees would make SS decisions responsible
College Eye 63:49, p.2
Feels encouraged by the SS decision to use committees.
395 Senate to discuss hours, rejected library plan
College Eye 63:48, p.1
Will consider women's hours and deposit for use of library study rooms.
396 'Student lack of respect causes library problems'
College Eye 63:47, p.2
Discusses problems with student behavior in the library.
397 Library use unaffected by hours increase
College Eye 63:47, p.5
Everett Howell talks about the effects of extended Saturday night hours.
398 Fashionable to 'get by'
College Eye 63:47, p.3
Complains about the use of the library as a place for socialization rather than learning.
399 Who is Mr. Bindery?
College Eye 63:37, p.3
Makes various personal comments.
400 Announce new library rules, Saturday hours
College Eye 63:29, p.1
Library will be open until 11PM on Saturday.