Library Services

Displaying 151 - 200 of 1158 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Letters
Northern Iowan 85:65, p.2
Appreciates accuracy of article on upcoming library projects.
152 Card catalog also slated for update
Northern Iowan 85:64, p.1
Database will be loaded and indexed; 401,000 records, about 85% of collection, will be loaded.
153 Library staff to barcode books
Northern Iowan 85:64, p.1
Will begin project July 24; 403,000 items will be coded.
154 Rod Library moves into the future
Northern Iowa Today 73:1, p.34
Will begin automation project.
155 New appointees named to head UNI positions
Public Relations News Release 85:60, p.2
John Somerville will be dean of the Graduate College; Herbert Safford will direct Library; Ruth Anderson will be acting head of Social Work; Roger Kueter will be acting head of Curriculum and Instruction; Barry Wilson will be acting head of Ed. Psych.
156 Larger budget includes pay raises for faculty
Northern Iowan 85:58, p.1
A look at specific parts of the budget; approve several administrative appointments.
157 Collection aids job hunters
Northern Iowan 85:52, p.10
Barbara Weeg talks about the library's Career Collection.
158 More can be found in library than just books
Northern Iowan 85:45, p.15
A look at the services and collections of the University Archives and Special Collections of the library.
159 Library more diverse than people realize
Northern Iowan 85:43, p.9
A look at the services and collections of the Art and Music Collection.
160 Satanic Verses to hit campus
Northern Iowan 85:42, p.4
Library will acquire copy; a look at the controversy surrounding the book.
161 All Else Aside
Northern Iowan 85:41, p.3
Unhappy that library locker was searched by staff.
162 Library doesn't tolerate theft
Northern Iowan 85:28, p.17
Doug Hieber talks about the library's security system.
163 Thinking of break . . .
Northern Iowan 85:25, p.7
Library Thanksgiving hours; photo.
164 Library director to vacate position today
Northern Iowan 85:8, p.4
Barbara Jones resigns to take job with Minnesota Historical Society; cites personal reasons for resignation; notes that on-line library system will soon be reality.
165 New CD-ROM computer to improve O'Rod Library
Northern Iowan 85:7, p.1
Library will offer six databases on CD-ROM; Stan Lyle explains procedures.
166 Gov't documents department rated among best in nation
Northern Iowan 85:3, p.5
Pat Wilkinson talks about the honor received by only 2-3% of government documents collections.
167 Seniors pass their goal
Northern Iowa Today 16:3, p.6
Pledges reach $51,453; will be used for library automation.
168 On-line to update UNI library
Northern Iowan 85:2, p.1
Library planning for on-line catalogue; Class of 1988 raised $52,000 for the half million dollar project.
169 Grassley donates political papers to alma mater
Nonpareil 72:3, p.15
Senator Charles Grassley presents papers to Rod Library Special Collections; photo.
170 Sen. Grassley gives papers to Rod Library
Northern Iowan 84:62, p.1
Dedication ceremony held June 2, 1988; papers include material up until 1980.
171 Senior challenge committee chair 'sees no problem reaching goal'
Public Relations News Release 84:58, p.9
Library officials look forward to on-line system.
172 Seniors urged to meet challenge
Northern Iowan 84:55, p.2
Urges students to support the challenge of helping to pay for the beginning of an on-line system for the library.
173 $60,850 given to UNI library for new materials
Northern Iowan 84:55, p.1
Will help to cover lost ground.
174 Notice
Northern Iowan 84:48, p.5
On-line library systems will be demonstrated; systems will include CLSI, Innovative Interfaces, NOTIS, and Carlyle.
175 Library to install new color copier
Northern Iowan 84:44, p.6
Doug Hieber talks about the new copier.
176 On-line library catalog to be completed within three years
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.7
Greg McWilliams talks about the class gift.
177 Seniors' gift will help automate Library's card catalog
Northern Iowa Today 16:2, p.7
Hope to raise $50,000 for library automation.
178 Technology for the lap
Northern Iowa Today 16:2, p.8
Rod Library buys twelve laptop computers for student use in the Library; photo.
179 UNI Archives contain insight about campus history, trends
Northern Iowan 84:27, p.8
Gerald Peterson describes the value and uses of the Archives collection.
180 1988 senior class gives electronic card catalog
Northern Iowan 84:24, p.1
Results of senior voting; Library Director Barbara Jones expresses gratitude.
181 Class gift should be on-line catalog
Northern Iowan 84:21, p.2
Barbara Jones recommends a class gift.
182 Senior Challenge '88 sets goal
Northern Iowan 84:18, p.15
Goal is $50,000; considering donation to Rod Library, relocation of Prexy's Pond, outstanding faculty award, courtyard at Strayer-Wood Theatre, and outdoor relaxation spots.
183 Library looks into total automation of system
Northern Iowan 84:2, p.5
Barbara Jones talks about the advantages of an integrated computer system; may cost $500,000; hopes to make decision by March 1, 1988.
184 High scholarly journal prices challenge university libraries
Northern Iowan 83:64, p.1
Barbara Jones talks about the ways that the library is dealing with high prices; will bring in consultant to talk about collection development program.
185 Library receives collection of Romanian publications
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.9
Marcel Pop-Cornis donates 300 books to Library.
186 Special section is rarely used
Northern Iowan 83:55, p.11
Gerald Peterson talks about the book collections in Special Collections; photo.
187 Goodbye Marian: how others see librarians and how we see ourselves
Nonpareil 71:2, p.32
New Director of Library Services attempts to refute traditional view of librarians and their work; photo.
188 Competition spurs library vandalism
Northern Iowan 83:28, p.9
Doug Hieber and Jessica Marshall talk about the problem of articles being cut out of journals.
189 New library director ready to inform students
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.12
Profile of Barbara Jones; outline of her plans for the library; photo.
190 Youth Collection top rated
Northern Iowan 82:58, p.8
Lucille Lettow talks about the purposes, collections, and services of the Library's Youth Collection; photo.
191 $55.5 million fiscal budget in 1987 is approved for UNI
Northern Iowan 82:58, p.1
Budget increases 6.5% over previous year; library budget cut; approve proposal to demolish East Stadium at O. R. Latham Field and the old Ceramics Lab located in the Sunset Village area.
192 Two men leave their mark at UNI after more than 30 years of service
Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.7

Biographical profiles of Donald O. Rod and Ross Nielsen, who will retire soon; photo.

193 After Dark program saves students time
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.15
Stan Lyle talks about the After Dark online searching service in the Library.
194 Book browsers
Northern Iowan 82:47, p.6
Boguslaw Galeski, Phillip Sellers, and Mary Jane Mangin look at books at the Library's April Fools Book Sale; photo.
195 Searches under way for dean, library director at UNI
Alumnus 71:1, p.7
Search committee members listed; photo.
196 Reduced in quality and demand: government documents
Northern Iowan 82:36, p.10
Pat Wilkinson talks about current trends in the publication of government documents.
197 Project PRAVDA
Northern Iowan 82:27, p.3
Hopes that students will join the effort to persuade the Library to subscribe to a Russian newspaper that has been translated into English.
198 Shortage of library study rooms
Northern Iowan 82:23, p.5
Small number of rooms can mean long waits for a room; photo.
199 Lost books pose problem for library
Northern Iowan 82:22, p.1
Jessica Marshall and Doug Hieber talk about the procedures for dealing with lost library books; over 1000 reported missing in 1984-1985.
200 Lost and Found
Northern Iowan 82:20, p.9
Books are piled on a desk in the library; photo.