Library Services
Displaying 101 - 150 of 1158 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Library updates UNIStar system Northern Iowan 92:22, p.3 |
System upgrade brings several enhancements in service. | |
102 | Hansen's "clueless" column misses point on parking permits, library food policy Northern Iowan 92:8, p.7 |
Believes there are sound reasons for parking and library policies. |
103 | What's up Northern Iowan 92:8, p.3 |
Meetings, activities, changes in services listed. | |
104 | Meetings give information on library; much more than books Northern Iowan 92:2, p.4 |
Library staff offers workshops and tours. | |
105 | Capital and other physical improvements A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.453 |
Brief review of construction during the early 1970s including the Education Center, UNI-CUE, and the ITC; photo. | |
106 | The fiscal crisis of the Thirties A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.37 |
The college faces a difficult financial picture, with a decline in enrollment, salary cuts, and strict economies in operations; photo. | |
107 | Preliminary budget, new initiatives approved Campus News Network 5:19, p.1 |
Regents approved $100 million preliminary general fund operating budget. | |
108 | As the library grows Campus News Network 5:5, p.1 |
Brief history and library factsheet. | |
109 | Donald O. Rod Library Northern Iowan 91:7, p.5 |
Will change computer password. | |
110 | Computing across the curriculum Campus News Network 3:15, p.1 |
Ways in which the computer fee has assisted in developing services in the Library and in ISCS; photo. | |
111 | Library offers new research service; provides wide array of source options Northern Iowan 89:45, p.1 |
Lexis/Nexis offers full text of many publications. | |
112 | Whatever happened to having a place to study on campus at night? Northern Iowan 88:62, p.2 |
Hard to find place to study in summer. | |
113 | Eleven years of work pays off: Northern Iowan Index for 1967-1991 completed Northern Iowan 88:57, p.7 |
Library Special Collections staff puts together subject index to Northern Iowan. | |
114 | "Hey, Mr. Librarian! I need to now the incubation period of a peacock." Public Relations News Release 1991:312, p.1 |
Lawrence Kieffer states that the life of a librarian is anything but mundane. | |
115 | Library cancels more than 300 periodical subscriptions Northern Iowan 88:27, p.4 |
Will save $73,000; attempt to meet budget shortfall. | |
116 | Subscriptions cut Campus News Network 2:8, p.3 |
331 periodicals cancelled to save $73,000. | |
117 | Donald O. Rod Library will receive face-lift with fourth-floor expansion Northern Iowan 88:26, p.7 |
Will add 63,000 square foot fourth floor and renovate portions of other levels. | |
118 | University of Northern Iowa library cancels 331 subscriptions in response to budget cuts Public Relations News Release 1991:260, p.1 |
Budget cuts have caused the UNI library to cancel subscriptions to 331 periodicals, according to Katherine Martin. | |
119 | UNI expands student access to CD-ROM Northern Iowan 88:12, p.1 |
Access to databases will soon be available in computer labs. | |
120 | Library improves service Northern Iowan 87:44, p.5 |
Automated circulation system in service as of January 10. | |
121 | New computer systems at UNI Campus News Network 1:12, p.2 |
New administrative systems computer; circulation module added to library's UNISTAR system. | |
122 | Library expansion Northern Iowan 87:34, p.2 |
Columnist comments on Library Orientation course. | |
123 | UNISTAR access available anywhere Northern Iowan 87:28, p.1 |
Students and others may now access UNISTAR remotely from their homes or dorm rooms. | |
124 | Searching for resources--24 hours a day Campus News Network 1:7, p.1 |
UNISTAR, the library's catalogue, can be searched remotely via computer at any time. | |
125 | Stolen property disgusts student Northern Iowan 87:20, p.4 |
Student upset at individual who ripped article out of bound periodical in the library. | |
126 | Humiliation hits when the library buzzer sounds; many students don't realize the impact of the embarrassment Northern Iowan 87:14, p.11 |
Electronic system at the Library exit stops patrons from removing materials from the library without checking them out. | |
127 | Actions of the General Assembly--1890-1902; finally significant commitment A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.115 |
Analysis of the struggles to obtain adequate funding for the Normal School; the millage tax; the Auditorium Building dedication; photo. | |
128 | The quest for adequate financial support A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.37 |
Early changes in faculty; General Assembly actions affecting the Normal School; the building of the second hall: South Hall, later Old Gilchrist Hall; photo. | |
129 | Administering a burgeoning normal school A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.154 |
Debate over the mission of the Normal School; disparity in salary for women and men; duties of Board; organization of library services; photo. | |
130 | The General Assembly and the State Normal School 1904 through 1909 A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.237 |
Detailed discussion of the various inquiries, investigations, and responses associated with defining the appropriate role for the Normal School; attempts to form a unified governing board for the three state schools; photo. | |
131 | Institutional growth and program expansion to 1890 A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.107 |
Enrollment grows; the Board outlines its authority more clearly; difficulties with the Boarding Department and physical facilities; photo. | |
132 | Getting started A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.27 |
A look at the earliest days of the Normal School; description of living conditions; photo. | |
133 | The new administration begins its work A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.95 |
Principal Seerley realigns relations with high schools and colleges; assumes new title of President; photo. | |
134 | Legislature fails to fund library automation Northern Iowan 86:58, p.1 |
Breakdown of funding for a number of needs. | |
135 | Extended library hours Northern Iowan 86:55, p.1 |
Schedule of hours for finals week and spring interim. | |
136 | UNISTAR provides instant access; library functions improved Northern Iowan 86:52, p.4 |
Explanation of additional capabilities. | |
137 | CD-ROM offers many sources for research Northern Iowan 86:50, p.13 |
Stan Lyle talks about the advantages and benefits of using material stored on CD-ROMs. | |
138 | Library hours extended; survey results reviewed Northern Iowan 86:45, p.5 |
Weekend hours will be lengthened. | |
139 | Student leaders attend legislative reception Northern Iowan 86:38, p.1 |
Students talk with legislators about important campus projects. | |
140 | Extended library hours possible Northern Iowan 86:36, p.1 |
Students propose to extend library hours; photo. | |
141 | Notice Northern Iowan 86:35, p.2 |
NISG asks for extended library hours. | |
142 | USI lists new set of goals Northern Iowan 86:29, p.1 |
Lisa Raine outlines plans for group including freezing tuition and funding library automation. | |
143 | Library holds celebration Northern Iowan 86:26, p.3 |
C. J. Hines wins contest to name the library's on-line catalogue: UNISTAR. | |
144 | Library patrons should be patient Northern Iowan 86:24, p.2 |
Student worker responds to criticism of library service. | |
145 | Library to hold ceremony today Northern Iowan 86:22, p.1 |
Name of on-line catalogue to be announced. | |
146 | Library staff needs to be reoriented Northern Iowan 86:22, p.3 |
Recounts difficulties in checking out books and in using computer lab. | |
147 | Issues for U' n 'I Northern Iowan 86:14, p.2 |
Would like extended library hours; trying to figure out what is truly desired and how the expanded service would be financed. | |
148 | Card catalog to be named; contest sponsored by library Northern Iowan 86:13, p.14 |
Doug Hieber talks about the contest to name the automated catalogue. | |
149 | Library grows to meet needs Northern Iowan 86:11, p.1 |
Addition to Rod Library is in planning stages; committee studying needs; educational media may occupy some space; Herb Safford talks about the plans. | |
150 | Administration committed to computing network Northern Iowan 86:2, p.4 |
Hope to put whole campus on network. |