Library Services

Displaying 251 - 300 of 1158 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Study to Beatles music on third floor of library
Northern Iowan 77:21, p.9
Description of services available in the Library's Art and Music Collection.
252 Forestry exhibit
Northern Iowan 77:19, p.4
On display at library.
253 Shoplifting at library?
Northern Iowan 77:15, p.9
New laws give libraries rights to detain someone whom they believe is stealing material and to prosecute someone who fails to return material; also, library checkout records are exempt from public records laws.
254 Social sciences program
Northern Iowan 77:14, p.9
Company representative will talk about Social Sciences Citation Index.
255 Check it out, instead
Public Relations News Release 77:6, p.5
Lockers in the library are now checked out for three weeks at a time.
256 UNI's purchasing power zapped
Alumnus 65:3, p.8
Preliminary budget does not keep up with inflation; university will take measures to meet shortfall.
257 Term paper pain relief
Alumnus 65:3, p.9
Library offering consultation service.
258 Library aids project
Northern Iowan 76:61, p.4
The library's Reader Service Department offers free research consultation.
259 Construction, remodeling projects dot UNI campus
Northern Iowan 76:61, p.1
Dave Walters discusses some of the renovation and construction projects occurring on campus.
260 Budget proposals approved by regents
Northern Iowan 76:59, p.3
Robert Stansbury talks about some of the budget changes approved by the Board of Regents.
261 Library hours
Northern Iowan 76:58, p.3
Correction to printed library hours.
262 Open library earlier
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.2
Students would like to use the library earlier than 1:30p.m. on Sunday.
263 'Destruction in Library'
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.2
Encourages students to photocopy the articles they want from journals rather than tearing out the pages.
264 Library, athletics receive gifts
Alumnus 65:1, p.13
Hieber Trust leaves $3327 each to athletics and the library.
265 Art student mixes diverse media in books
Northern Iowan 76:24, p.8
Brian Gran has on display eleven books that are his own creation; photo.
266 Library collection reaches half million volumes
Alumnus 64:4, p.12
Kennedy collection includes rare and valuable books.
267 Unique books at MA show
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.11
Graduate student Brian Gran will have his books on display at the Special Collection Room of the Library.
268 'How the Bookers Cook'er'
Northern Iowan 76:15, p.6
Library staff publishes a cookbook.
269 Help for those who have term paper blues
Northern Iowan 76:12, p.3
The Maps and Documents Room of the Library can provide a wealth of information.
270 Archives house rare books, data
Northern Iowan 76:10, p.3
Special Collections division of the Library provides many services.
271 Collection reaches 500,000
Northern Iowan 76:4, p.3
One hundred forty-five books were received by the library from the late George C. Kennedy, a Waterloo attorney.
272 Pages and pointers
Northern Iowan 76:1, p.8
Information on religious groups, mail, academic advising, Maucker Union, Gilchrist, library, and registrar dates.
273 Plains bookbus
Northern Iowan 75:48, p.5
A collection of Midwestern poetry and literature will be available to the public on the Plains Bookbus, which will be stopping at UNI April 19-20.
274 Used book sale
Northern Iowan 75:35, p.6
Will be held in library.
275 In '79, we resolve to . . . .
Northern Iowan 75:29, p.2
Northern Iowan makes humorous New Year's resolutions.
276 Music programs
Northern Iowan 75:22, p.12
Art and Music division of the Library will make day-long programs available.
277 Library hours
Northern Iowan 75:21, p.8
Thanksgiving schedule.
278 Where and how to get something for nothing; consumer tips offered in new column
Northern Iowan 75:14, p.3
Columnist seeks to offer advice on freebies available to UNI students.
279 Bookworm's delight
Northern Iowan 75:7, p.12
The UNI Library hosted a book sale with more than twenty large boxes of books; photo.
280 Library used book sale
Northern Iowan 75:5, p.15
To be held outside southeast corner of the Library.
281 UNI: University of Nothing Important?; English prof says 'no'
Northern Iowan 75:5, p.2
Scott Cawelti talks about UNI's good points.
282 Hwy. 57 revisited
Northern Iowan 74:62, p.8
Construction project cuts power to library.
283 Change in library hours
Northern Iowan 74:60, p.4
Fourth of July holiday schedule.
284 UNI Library acquires map
Northern Iowan 74:58, p.6
Acquires 1842 map of Iowa; photo.
285 Display
Northern Iowan 74:48, p.10
Historical material on display in cases outside Library Special Collections.
286 Library hours
Northern Iowan 74:45, p.6
Spring break schedule.
287 Book sale
Northern Iowan 74:41, p.16
Will be held in library.
288 Need help deciding on a career? Check out library's resources
Northern Iowan 74:35, p.4
A look at the Library's Career Collection.
289 More bad apples
Northern Iowan 74:32, p.2
Angry that someone had torn out pages from library book.
290 Math for General Ed. class?
Northern Iowan 74:31, p.1
A student quietly sleeps in the library, rather than reading War and Peace; photo.
291 Holiday music
Northern Iowan 74:26, p.5
Art and Music Collection has recorded music available.
292 UNI library has low rate for lost books, says head of circulation
Northern Iowan 74:24, p.9
Douglas Hieber talks about the procedures for dealing with missing books at the library.
293 Hearst display
Northern Iowan 74:3, p.9
Library exhibit honors James Hearst.
294 King Tut art
Northern Iowan 73:61, p.1
Verna Ritchie will repeat her slide show relating to King Tut.
295 Library linked with computer; for bibliography
Northern Iowan 73:60, p.4
Library can now search ERIC online.
296 UNI library
Northern Iowan 73:50, p.8
Verna Ritchie will present slide show on Tutenkhamen's tomb.
297 $1200 map table added to library
Northern Iowan 73:46, p.9
Charles Seavey talks about the new table.
298 Suffers problems with library
Northern Iowan 73:46, p.3
Upset that participants in the dance marathon paraded through the library a few times. Feels that there has been an increase in extracurricular activities in the library and does not like it.
299 Regents/UF discuss pay, leaves, work load
Northern Iowan 73:44, p.1
Finally agree on point about librarians' eligibility for summer leaves.
300 Dewey Decimal changed to Library of Congress
Northern Iowan 73:32, p.5
Library finishes reclassification from Dewey Decimal to Library of Congress system; project began in 1966.