
Displaying 651 - 700 of 1031 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
651 "Rio Rico" to be given in the Campus School Auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1945:44, p.1
High school operetta to be performed. The chorus will be made up of glee club members from grades nine to twelve.
652 Schedule for the weekly music recital announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:39, p.1
Piano, oboe, cello, and voice to be featured during the recital.
653 Alexander Brailowsky, noted Russian pianist, to perform
Public Relations News Release 1945:24, p.1
Brailowsky's concert initiates a 'musical month'. Other concerts will follow at later dates.
654 Touring group from Princeton, to perform at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1945:18, p.1
Westminister Choir will sing in the auditorium.
655 Radio station KXEL will broadcast a composition by an instructor of piano
Public Relations News Release 1945:14, p.1
Rachel F. Williams composed "To Phyllis" based on the old English tune, "ON the Road to Walsinghaus".
656 Westminister Choir to present concert
Public Relations News Release 1945:11, p.1
As a part of the western tour, the Westminister Choir from Princeton University will sing works of Brahms, and Bach, contemporary composers and American Negro spirituals.
657 College quartet to appear in Mason City
Public Relations News Release 1945:1, p.1
Three members of the college music faculty and a graduate voice student will perform in the high school auditorium.
658 Negress to sing at local church
College Eye 36:10, p.3
Rose Page Welch will sing at First Church of Christ.
659 Oh, for the life of a piano tuner
College Eye 36:9, p.1
Piano tuner Robert Fastje gives advice on tuning pianos.
660 'Like anything he does' says Sinatra swooner
College Eye 36:6, p.4
Peggy Boemecke talks about Frank Sinatra.
661 Lawther music library receives new classic and modern records
College Eye 36:6, p.1
A look at some of the records in the collection.
662 Music profs are 'in the groove' music with Ludwig Beethoven, Sinatra
College Eye 36:3, p.4
Music faculty talk about the modern music that they like.
663 Dunn organizes swing orchestra
College Eye 36:2, p.4
Will try to organize all-male orchestra.
664 College hears cello piano duo here Sunday
College Eye 35:36, p.4
Nickolai and Joanna Graudan perform.
665 Teachers College '44
Old Gold 0:0, p.223
666 The campus parade
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
667 Student religious centers
Old Gold 0:0, p.220
668 The Commons
Old Gold 0:0, p.186
Brief description of the building; photo.
669 Christmas at the Commons
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
670 Central
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
671 In Gilchrist
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
672 Here's what happened at Iowa State Teachers College in 1943-1944
College Eye 35:31, p.3
Photos of activities and people throughout the year; photo.
673 New York harpist gives music recital
College Eye 35:27, p.4
Catherine Johnk performs.
674 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:24, p.2
Events and meetings scheduled; student recital; life saving corps; singing; art exhibits; choir rehearsals; playnight; fireside meditations.
675 "Music played the collegiate way"
College Eye 35:14, p.1
Earl Dunn leads his band; photo.
676 Earl Dunn's orchestra makes debut in program December 18
College Eye 35:13, p.5
List of band members.
677 Initial community sing of winter term was held Sunday evening
College Eye 35:13, p.3
678 Earl Dunn band debut next week
College Eye 35:13, p.1
Group performs at weekly variety show.
679 Music education for the masses
College Eye 35:11, p.2
Letter to the editor about a previous article on appreciating music.
680 Muscians Play for Summer School Students
Public Relations News Release 1943:94, p.1
Fanny and Henry Harris will visit the college to preform for the students.
681 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
Sigma Alpha Iota is the national professional music fraternity for women, Olive Barker is the advisor and Bethel Pollock was president this year. The annual SAI Sing was April 10; photo.
682 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
National honorary music fraternity dedicated to the promotion and fostering of music, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia holds several social functions to the envy of other organizations at Teachers College, such as the dinner-dance; photo.
683 Theta Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.127
With a purpose to promote friendship, sholarship and leadership, this sorority was founded in 1926. Homecoming saw a lot of activities and a scavenger hunt helped kick off the winter term, the group also wrote letters and helped out the Red Cross; photo.
684 Women's Chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.68
Formerly known as the College Mixed Chorus, but since many of the male members have left, the group has merged into the Women's Chorus. The group presented "Mikado" in the winter term and plans a Choral Concert in May; photo.
685 Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.68
The department sponsors the weekly student recital, as well as other recitals and concerts throughout the year, members have played for school and civic funtions and have taught some of the air crew students; photo.
686 Summer Music Centers
Public Relations News Release 1943:52, p.1
Summer music centers will be offered for students to earn credits that are required to renew or re-instate their certificates.
687 William Kapell Appearance
Public Relations News Release 1943:32, p.1
Though he is only twenty years old, William Kapell has been winning prizes since the beginning and is going to stop by Iowa State Teachers college during his first concert tour.
688 Dual Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:2, p.1
Harald Holst and Marguerite Kelly preform a collection of classical songs.
689 National honorary fraternity and sorority is hold joint recital
Public Relations News Release 1943:187, p.1
Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha will combine the group talents for their annual concert.
690 Seerley boys awarded prize at housing sing
College Eye 33:40, p.3
691 Eight mixed groups will compete in dormitory sing
College Eye 33:39, p.2
692 Competitive dorm sing to be held at College Pond
College Eye 33:38, p.3
693 Community singing set for Tuesdays
College Eye 33:35, p.3
Professor Hays will lead sessions in Auditorium.
694 Group singing slated
College Eye 33:34, p.3
Every Tuesday evening.
695 Music and publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.213
Brief description of the activities; photo.
696 Men having a "jam" session
Alumnus 25:3, p.26
Men play harmonicas and an accordion; photo.
697 The American Way
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
698 Tutors at play
Old Gold 0:0, p.124
Activities students do beside academics; Photo.
699 Students may check out opera records
College Eye 32:16, p.3
To be played in Commons.
700 College pond is scene of dormitory sing
College Eye 32:3, p.1
Will hold third annual dormitory sing.