
Displaying 601 - 650 of 1031 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
601 Student music recital
Public Relations News Release 1946:62, p.1
Phyllis Fenton, a freshman pianist, will participate in a music recital in Gilchrist chapel. Six other students will perform.
602 Ticket sales ahead of schedule
Public Relations News Release 1946:56, p.1
Over half the tickets available for the Minnesota Symphony and the St. Olaf choir have been sold. The concerts are scheduled for April 25 and May 9.
603 "Pirates of Penzance" will be performed by Teachers College High School Glee Clubs
Public Relations News Release 1946:44, p.1
Popular Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera will be performed in the college auditorium. The operetta will provide a colorful, musical evening.
604 Parent Teacher association to hear campus school orchestra
Public Relations News Release 1946:42, p.1
Melvin Schneider will conduct the orchestra at the beginning of the meeting. Herb Hake will moderate a panel discussion entitled, "How Much Homework".
605 Department head to attend national meeting
Public Relations News Release 1946:41, p.1
Edward Kurtz will travel to Detroit, Michigan to attend the annual meetings of the National Assoication of Schools of Music and the Music Teachers National Association.
606 Frank W. Hill playing with the Bay View String Quartet
Public Relations News Release 1946:37, p.1
Famous Michigan quartet has a faculty member among its members.
607 Four music students to hold recital
Public Relations News Release 1946:32, p.1
Violin, voice, cello, and piano skills will be performed during a music recital in the Gilchrist chapel.
608 Robert Casadesus will perform in concert
Public Relations News Release 1946:28, p.1
Internationally famous pianist will perform in the Iowa State Teachers College auditorium.
609 Symphony orchestra to present winter concert
Public Relations News Release 1946:29, p.1
Edward Kurtz will conduct the Iowa State Teachers College Symphony Orchestra in their winter concert. The final number was written by Dr. Kurtz.
610 French pianist to appear in concert
Public Relations News Release 1946:30, p.1
Robert Casadesus will perform in the college auditorium. He is in regular demand as a soloist with major orchestras, starof top radio programs, and coast to coast concert appearances.
611 Gilchrist chapel to host recitals
Public Relations News Release 1946:25, p.1
Music students of Russell Baum, Carl Wirth, Emil Bock, William Hays, and harald Holst will perform.
612 Music staff member to perform as soloist
Public Relations News Release 1946:21, p.1
The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra will feature Henry Harris, pianist, during its concert in the Men's Gymnasium.
613 French pianist and composer to perform
Public Relations News Release 1946:23, p.1
Robert Casadesus will perform in concert at Iowa State Teachers College.
614 Music recitals to be held at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1946:17, p.1
Voice and piano students fo Olive Barker, Jane Birkhead, Russell Baum, and William Hays will perform during recitals in Gilchrist Hall.
615 College Quartet performs in Newton
Public Relations News Release 1946:6, p.1
Newton Women's Club sponsored the concert by the College Quartet.
616 Edward Kurtz to direct "The Messiah"
Public Relations News Release 1945:311, p.1
"The Messiah" will be performed in the college auditorium. The first American performance was in 1770.
617 Department of Music students in recital
Public Relations News Release 1945:310, p.1
Three students will appear in a music recital in Gilchrist Hall.
618 Violinist to perform
Public Relations News Release 1945:308, p.1
Patricia Travers will perform in concert in the college auditorium.
619 Patricia Travers will be in concert
Public Relations News Release 1945:303, p.1
Young violin vituoso will present concert in college auditorium.
620 Violinist, Patricia Travers, will be in concert
Public Relations News Release 1945:300, p.1
Concert to take place in the college auditorium. Ms. Travers started violin lessons at age four. She has been a soloist with several symphony orchestras.
621 Campus high school student to perform in recital
Public Relations News Release 1945:270, p.1
Virginia Wellborn will present a violin solo during campus recitals. She will be joined by voice and piano students.
622 Recital performers announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:269, p.1
Music students will share the stage in Gilchrist Hall during recitals.
623 Students to perform during recitals
Public Relations News Release 1945:266, p.1
Voice, piano, violin, and trumpet students will showcase their skills in Gilchrist chapel.
624 Music students present recital
Public Relations News Release 1945:265, p.1
Piano, voice, violin, and trumpet selections presented in Gilchrist chapel.
625 Rafael de Silva swings out South American style Sunday
College Eye 37:7, p.1
626 Rafael De Silva to give public recital in the Commons Ballroom
College Eye 37:6, p.4
Performer profile.
627 Panthers head to Ames for a game with the Iowa State Cyclones
Public Relations News Release 1945:239, p.1
Pep ralley and all school dance held as a send off for the Panther football team. Dorothy Nagle is in charge of the frolic.
628 Musical concert schedule announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:226, p.1
A mezzo-soprano star of the Metropolitan Opera will start the concert series. Piano, violin, voice, and the college symphony orchestra are scheduled to perform.
629 Dr. Kurtz explains why all people can't sing
College Eye 36:44, p.2
630 Branch summer schools to host College Quartet
Public Relations News Release 1945:178, p.1
Red Oak, Missouri Valley, and Algona will hear the sounds of the College Quartet later in July.
631 Branch summer schools to hear College Quartet
Public Relations News Release 1945:175, p.1
Red Oak, Missouri Valley, and Algona summer schools will host a concert by the voices of the College Quartet.
632 "Teachers College of the Air" features Carl Anton Wirth song
Public Relations News Release 1945:169, p.1
"The Fisher Child's Lullaby" will be performed by Jane Birkhead, soprano and member of the music faculty.
633 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Ruth Larson serves as president of the Sigma Alpha Iota musical fraternity, which sponsors caroling events and a January sleigh ride; photo.
634 Lecture-Concert series schedule announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:135, p.1
Four concert artists are included in the season ticket series. Recitals by faculty members and visiting artists will be given.
635 Weekly student music recital will include piano, trumpet, and vocal selections
Public Relations News Release 1945:122, p.1
Audrey Sanders, Margit Lillehei, Hugh Eicke, Earl Dunn, Donna Hansen, Floyd Hershberger, Barbara Ritz, Lois Apel, and Jeanette Lind will perform.
636 Second "Campus Visitors" program includes vocal performances
Public Relations News Release 1945:118, p.1
KXEL will broadcast musical selections from a boys' quartet and a girls' trio. The students will tour various college departments, attend a dance in the student social center, and swim during their stay.
637 Weekly student music recital program announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:95, p.1
Violin, piano, and vocal selections will performed by eight students during the recital.
638 Senior recitals to be held in the Gilchrist chapel
Public Relations News Release 1945:96, p.1
Shirley Anliker, Ruth Larson, Elsie Colson, and Mary Jean Hurlbut will perform during the Department of Music's Senior rectial.
639 Russell Baum to present a program of piano music in a special convocation
Public Relations News Release 1945:92, p.1
College auditorium to be the site of a special convocation.
640 Second seniior recital announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:77, p.1
Maxine Grafenberg and Barbara Ritz will perform piano and voice selections.
641 Senior music students to present recitals
Public Relations News Release 1945:72, p.1
The first in a series of senior recitals will be held in Gilchrist Chapel. Miriam Hansen and Val Jeanne Fairlie will present.
642 Local students to participate in the Sigma Alpha Iota recital
Public Relations News Release 1945:70, p.1
A sextet, oboe solo, soprano solo, and a piano solo will highlight the recital. A tea will be held at Olive Barker's home following the recital.
643 Students named for weekly music recital
Public Relations News Release 1945:69, p.1
Violin, piano, clarinet, and voice presentations will be heard during the recital.
644 Public schools give music prominence in leisure activities, says Dr. Kurtz
College Eye 36:22, p.4
Professor Kurtz tells why music should be studied in public schools.
645 Pride in American music is keynote for Westminster Choir performance
College Eye 36:22, p.1
646 Campus School operetta, "Rio Rico", to be presented in the school auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1945:60, p.1
Cast announced for operetta.
647 Weekly music recital progarm announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:57, p.1
Four local students to participate in recital. Voice and piano presentations will take place.
648 Budapest String Quartet to perform
Public Relations News Release 1945:54, p.1
Comtemporary American chamber music will be the theme of the concert.
649 Weekly music recital features two local students
Public Relations News Release 1945:49, p.1
Program for the weekly recital announced.
650 Westminister Choir to perform
Public Relations News Release 1945:50, p.1
Members chosen for personality and physical stamina as well as musicianship and vocal attributes.