
Displaying 401 - 450 of 1036 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Untitled
College Eye 60:49, p.2
Pokes fun at the stereotypical long hair of popular music.
402 Untitled
College Eye 60:31, p.2
Agent presents his clients as a new kind of band, a religious rock group.
403 Untitled
College Eye 60:21, p.2
Student is told by her professor that she doesn't appreciate "long hair" music.
404 Pay music will discourage student use of new Union
College Eye 60:6, p.2
Disagrees with the Union Policy Board's suggestion to charge students to listen to music.
405 Folk music is artistic outlet for intellectual beliefs
College Eye 59:50, p.4
Current "frenzy" toward folk music is justified by the art form's "truth."
406 1961-62 notable for expansion at SCI
College Eye 53:33, p.1

Review of the year's events and activities.

407 Student recitals set at SCI
Public Relations News Release 1960:534, p.1
The senior student recitals of James Burr, Louann Pilipchuk, and Loran Eckroth are performed at the Gilchrist chapel. The students are to be accompanied by Eleanor Brindle and Lee Morsing.
408 SCI commons concert series announced
Public Relations News Release 1960:522, p.1
Miriam Makeba, the Chad Mitchell trio, and pianist Roger Williams are set to appear at the State College of Iowa Commons Concert Series.
409 SCI sets music workshop
Public Relations News Release 1960:511, p.1
Professor Donald J. Shetler conducts a two-day workshop for elementary classroom teachers in Central Hall. The workshop will include the use of song materials and audio-visual aids.
410 SCI orchestra to perform Tuesday
Public Relations News Release 1960:510, p.1
Professor Myron E. Russell directs the SCI orchestra in their only summer performance of the year. Russell will be assisted by graduate students Sidney Stott, Leonard Heath, Eugene Dunlop, Douglas Rosenthal, and Robert Reeves.
411 SCI schedules faculty music recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:491, p.1
Professors Philip Hahn, William P. Latham, Harald Holst, Myron Russell, Jane Birkhead, and Russell Baum perform in a music faculty recital held in the auditorium. The program includes an ensemble of Walter Coleman, Donald Wendt, Hahn, and Russell.
412 Next year's ISTC Band tour to feature Sigurd Rascher
Public Relations News Release 1960:444, p.1
Renowned Swiss saxophonist, Sigurd Rascher, is set to join the Concert Band in their annual spring tour. He is to direct saxophone clinics at the Teachers College following the tour.
413 ISTC students to present recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:425, p.1
Nancy Hammond and James Matthias present a recital in Gilchrist Hall, accompanied by Louann Philipchuk. Hammond and Matthias are students of Jane Birkhead and Joyce Gault.
414 ISTC students to appear in recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:422, p.1
Eleanor Brindle and Dennis Mintle give a recital in the Gilchrist Hall chapel. Brindle and Mintle are students of Jvone Maxwell and Jane Birkhead.
415 Local student pledges music honorary
Public Relations News Release 1960:411, p.1
The Sigma Alpha Iota women's music fraternity takes a new wave of pledges for the 1960-61 year. Students are required to give a musical audition, and an original composition. Pledges are listed by hometown.
416 Gilbert and Sullivan musical to appear at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:401, p.1
Tyrone Guthrie directs the musical, "Pirates of Penzance", in their performance at the Teachers College through the Lecture-Concert Series. Also scheduled for the series are opera singer, Jerome Hines, and Michael Mac's play on Oscar Wilde.
417 Philip Rash begins professional music career
Public Relations News Release 1960:397, p.1
Philip Rash makes his final performance as student in Gilchrist Hall. Professor Myron Russell, Margaret Russell, Charles Olson, and Ruth Russell will join him in his recital. Rash is a student of Jane Birkhead.
418 Sioux City choir to perform at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:388, p.1
George Iseminger conducts a ninety-member choir from East Sioux City High School in their performance in the auditorium. The Teachers College is the farthest point in their one-day tour.
419 ISTC bands to appear in high schools
Public Relations News Release 1960:383, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik directs the College Concert and Chamber Bands in two concerts to be held at Malcolm Price Laboratory School. Soloist for the Chamber Band concert will be Mrs. Suzanne Conklin-Happ.
420 ISTC Band to offer premiere performance
Public Relations News Release 1960:379, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik directs the College Band in their performance of the Beethoven Concerto No. 1 in C Major in the auditorium. Mrs. Suzanne Conklin-Happ gives a solo performance. Upcoming concerts listed.
421 Senior recital scheduled at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:377, p.1
Karen Knapp and Dorothy Hansen give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall with accompaniment by Elizabeth Calhoun and Judith Henriksen. Knapp and Hansen are students of Jane Birkhead and Mary Beckman.
422 Lab School music students enter contest
Public Relations News Release 1960:376, p.1
Leslie Hale and Wayne Aurand supervise five vocal and three instrumental groups from the Price Laboratory School in their participation in the Small Music Ensemble contest in Tripoli.
423 Spivakosvsky replaces Laredo at lecture concert tonight
Public Relations News Release 1960:375, p.1
The final lecture-concert program of the year will be performed by professional violinist, Tossy Spivakovsky. Jaime Laredo, the original performer, was called away to see to his ill wife. The concert will be held in the auditorium.
424 Malcolm Price School to give concert
Public Relations News Release 1960:370, p.1
The Boy's and Girls Glee Clubs and the Chamber Choir perform in the Price School auditorium under the direction of Leslie Hale following their victory in a state music contest. Also performing will be the Chamber Band and String Ensemble.
425 Annual Spring Music Festival at ISTC next week
Public Relations News Release 1960:369, p.1
The Concert Band, A Cappella Choir, Women's and Men's Choruses, Symphony Orchestra, Student Composers, and Faculty Ensemble perform at the department of music's annual Spring Music Festival.
426 Olive Barker contest to be held tonight (April 21)
Public Relations News Release 1960:361, p.1
Five members of Sigma Alpha Iota compete in the final contest of the Olive Barker Performance Award in Gilchrist Hall. The award is organized by the founder of the Sigma Alpha Iota music fraternity.
427 Jerome Hines to appear in ISTC Lecture-Concert series next year
Public Relations News Release 1960:360, p.1
The Metropolitan Opera Company's Jerome Hines is scheduled to give two performances through the Lecture-Concert Series. Hines has performed in venues across the United States, South America, and Europe.
428 Senior recital at ISTC Thursday (April 20)
Public Relations News Release 1960:353, p.1
Joan Brown and Charles Olson give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Brown and Olson are students of Professor Emil Bock, and Mr. Russell Baum. Accompaniment is provided by Elizabeth Calhoun.
429 Senior recital at ISTC Tuesday (April 18)
Public Relations News Release 1960:352, p.1
Charles Steinmetz and Richard Sorenson give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Steinmetz and Sorenson are students of Charles Matheson and Russell Baum. Julianne States accompanies the students.
430 Violinist to appear in final concert series program
Public Relations News Release 1960:347, p.1
Nineteen year old winner of the Queen Elisabeth of Belgium International music competition, Jaime Laredo, plays the violin in the auditorium as the final performance of the Lecture-Concert Program.
431 Intercollegiate band selects program for Wartburg concert
Public Relations News Release 1960:328, p.1
The program for the annual Mid-American Intercollegiate Band concert at Wartburg is finalized by John Paynter, director of bands at Northwestern University.
432 New male glee club on ISTC campus
Public Relations News Release 1960:304, p.1
Leslie Hale founds the Varsity Men's Glee Club, the first all-male vocal group on campus since the Minnesingers. The club consists of thirty non-music majors with an interest in vocal performance. Members listed.
433 ISTC students to play in Intercollegiate Band
Public Relations News Release 1960:300, p.1
Ten students are selected to perform in the Mid-American Intercollegiate Band at their annual concert in the auditorium of Wartburg College. The band consists of seventy members from Wartburg, Cornell, Drake, Luther, Iowa State, and St. Olaf.
434 Intercollegiate band concert set
Public Relations News Release 1960:296, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik makes program selections for the first annual Mid-American Intercollegiate Band concert to be held at the Wartburg College auditorium.
435 Dallas Symphony to appear at ISTC Wednesday (Mar. 22)
Public Relations News Release 1960:279, p.1
Professor Howard V. Jones directs the Lecture-Concert Series, featuring a concert by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra in the auditorium. Tickets are made available in the Gymnasium ticket office.
436 Dallas Symphony to appear at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:245, p.1
The Dallas Symphony Orchestra appears in the gymnasium under the direction of Paul Kletzki as the fourth program of the Lecture-Concert Series. Tickets are available from Professor Howard V. Jones.
437 ISTC choir to appear Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1960:241, p.1
Charles Matheson directs the A Cappella Choir in their three-day tour across nine Iowa towns.
438 Bob Newhart to appear at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:240, p.1
Tickets to the performance of Bob Newhart and the Chad Mitchell Trio go on sale in the Commons Program Office. The concert is to be held in the auditorium through the Commons Concert Series.
439 Local student to present senior recital at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:238, p.1
Rhonda Demien and Leone Folkers perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Folkers and Demien are students of Ms. Jane Mauck and David Kennedy. Elizabeth Calhoun will provide piano accompaniment.
440 Local student to present senior recital at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:237, p.1
Leona Folkers and Rhonda Demien perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall, accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun on piano.
441 Local student to tour with ISTC A Cappella Choir
Public Relations News Release 1960:223, p.1
Charles Matheson directs the A Cappella Choir in their annual tour. The choir consists of sixty students, and will perform in communities from across Iowa. Choir members listed.
442 ISTC to host annual Tallcorn Conference this weekend
Public Relations News Release 1960:224, p.1
Professor Myron E. Russell announces plans for the annual Tallcorn Music Conference. The conference includes performances by the Concert Band, a violin recital, and rehearsals with a Hollywood composer.
443 St. Olaf Concert Band to appear at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:200, p.1
The department of music sponsors a performance by the St. Olaf Concert Band in the auditorium. Tickets are made available in the music office.
444 ISTC student recital Monday
Public Relations News Release 1960:182, p.1
Merlin Tritle and Ruth Ellen Tongate perform at a senior recital, accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun. Tritle and Tongate are students of Harald Holst and Walter Coleman.
445 ISTC student recital Monday
Public Relations News Release 1960:181, p.1
Merlin Tritle and Ruth Ellen Tongate perform at a senior recital , accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun. Tritle and Tongate are students of Harald Holst and Walter Coleman.
446 World premiere of work by ISTC music professor
Public Relations News Release 1960:148, p.1
Professor William P. Latham's "Concerto Grosso" is performed at the National Conference of College Band Directors National Association. Latham's work has earned first place at the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia National Composition Contest.
447 Tallcorn Conference slated for February at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:142, p.1
The sixth annual Tallcorn Music Conference is held on campus, featuring lectures and recitals from Louis Persinger, Professor Lucien Cailliet, and Larry Day. The two-day program is sponsored by the department of music.
448 Tickets available for ISTC jazz concert
Public Relations News Release 1960:128, p.1
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia sponsors the annual "Dimensions in Jazz" concert, emceed by Donald Gold, associate editor of Playboy Magazine. The concert will include original works by students and alumni, as well as a performance by the jazz quintet.
449 Province president visits ISTC music fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1960:95, p.1
Sally Spencer, province president of Sigma Alpha Iota, conducts her biannual visit with the local chapter. Her visit consists of conferences with chapter officers, a musicale by Sigma Alpha Iota members, and a banquet.
450 Fourth faculty recital to be held at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:68, p.1
Mary Beckman, Jvone Maxwell, and Professor Walter Coleman perform in a faculty recital at the auditorium. The recital will include works for the harp, piano, and cello.