
Displaying 251 - 300 of 1036 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Madonna finds 'What it feels like' to be banned by MTV. . .again
Northern Iowan 97:45, p.3
Comments on the banning of Madonna's most recent music video by MTV; photo.
252 Serendipity Safari
Northern Iowan 97:42, p.6
A chicken performs rap music.
253 Musical instruments are instrumental in child development
Public Relations News Release 2000:206, p.1
Bob Washut explains the benefits of music on children.
254 Rap and reading
Public Relations News Release 2000:195, p.3

Rap music is being used to help children learn to read.

255 Playing a musical instrument can help children develop myriad skills
Public Relations News Release 2000:183, p.1
Bob Washut discusses the skills obtained by children who play an instrument.
256 Rap can have positive effect on children's learning
Public Relations News Release 2000:288, p.1

Gloria Kirkland Holmes comments on how rap, used in a positive way, creates the rhythmic patterns or beats that help children learn and retain knowledge.

257 Niche Radio finds a home on the Web
Public Relations News Release 2000:135, p.1
More and more radio stations have followings on the Web, according to Chris Martin.
258 Serendipity Safari
Northern Iowan 97:18, p.6
Gives opinion of pop music.
259 "Almost Famous" sparks musical inquiry
Northern Iowan 97:14, p.6
Gives insight on how music from the 1990s will be noted.
260 Tallcorn Jazz Festival announces winners, students qualify for state competition
Public Relations News Release 1998:361, p.1
Iowa State Jazz Competition held April 1 at UNI.
261 One should be exposed to many types of music
Northern Iowan 95:55, p.11
Nathan Chandler's article on the "Dave Matthews Band" was inappropriate and insulted the fans.
262 Iowa is a friendly state and DMB does not "suck"
Northern Iowan 95:55, p.12
Student comments on Nathan Chandler's column blasting the "Dave Matthews Band" and was disappointed by M. J. Rana's letter about unfriendly Iowans.
263 DMB soon to be legendary
Northern Iowan 95:53, p.10
"Dave Matthews Band" has influenced our culture and music.
264 DMB: one phenomenon that will hopefully pass
Northern Iowan 95:50, p.6
Columnist is not a fan of the Dave Matthews Band.
265 Using music to affect your mood
Public Relations News Release 1998:165, p.1
Wendy Cook and Kim McReady talk about the impact of music on mood in their workshop.
266 Using rap to teach reading
Public Relations News Release 1998:146, p.1

UNI professor of curriculum and instruction Gloria Kirkland-Holmes discusses using rap music to teach reading to young children.

267 Guest Organist from Britain, Colin Andrews, in concert on Tuesday, Nov. 3
Public Relations News Release 1998:108, p.1
British organist will perform November 3 as part of the UNI Organ Series and present a workshop on poetry November 2.
268 Used in a positive way, rap can have a very positive effect on children's learning
Public Relations News Release 1998:109, p.1

Rap music can be used to help students having trouble with other academic subjects.

269 Black history in music
Public Relations News Release 1997:206, p.1
Darryl Taylor, Assistant Professor of Music, remarks on African American contributions to music.
270 Making beautiful music, on the world wide web
Public Relations News Release 1996:481, p.1
Professor Rees talks about music resources on the internet.
271 University of Northern Iowa music historian finds unknown Mozart work
Public Relations News Release 1996:443, p.1
Professor David Buch finds unknown Mozart work at a library in Germany.
272 Untitled
Northern Iowan 93:45, p.8
Student brings instrument to Jazzercize class.
273 Enjoy life: become a roadie
Northern Iowan 93:36, p.5
Columnist comments on the effect popular musical groups have on individuals.
274 Down Beat magazine all "jazzed" up about UNI band
Public Relations News Release 1996:110, p.1
Down Beat magazine recently gave the UNI Jazz Band One a five-star rating in a review of its CD.
275 The Blenders to perform during Homecoming festivities at University of Northern Iowa October 11
Public Relations News Release 1996:93, p.1
The Blenders will be performing October 11 as part of the Homecoming festivities.
276 Jazzing up Russell Hall
Northern Iowan 93:10, p.10
Five jazz combinations performed in Russell Hall Tuesday.
277 Oh, how things change; music from the good ol' days
Northern Iowan 93:6, p.6
People's tastes in music change as they age.
278 Music can teach children to communicate
Public Relations News Release 1996:21, p.1
Gary Dulabaum has helped kids to read and communicate using music and singing.
279 Music has charms to soothe the savage beast, and is pretty effective at teaching kids, too!
Public Relations News Release 1995:491, p.1
Gary Dulabaum believes music can help improve kids' reading skills.
280 Parents shouldn't be afraid to participate with children in music
Public Relations News Release 1992:398, p.1
Chad and Terri Sigafus said that parents should participate in music with their children. This and other ideas were shared during a visit to Price Lab School.
281 Don't Fight It
Northern Iowan 88:6, p.2
Surveys recent popular music.
282 UNI to host band festival next weekend
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.9
Northern Iowa Festival of Bands will be held February 7-9. Northern Brass Quintet, including many UNI faculty performers, will open with a concert Friday.
283 Upcoming musical performances
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.10
Robert Lehrbaumer and Rick Sowash will perform January 21 and 22, respectively, as part of "Vienna in Concert".
284 Music to our ears may soon come in the form of an earplug.
Public Relations News Release 1990:265, p.1
UNI professor notes that earplugs can allow persons to enjoy loud concerts.
285 Creative drama builds thinking, social skills at University of Northern Iowa's Price Laboratory School
Public Relations News Release 1990:234, p.1
Plays provide fourth graders opportunities to plan, play, work in groups, perform, and evaluate their work.
286 REO Speedwagon rocked the Dome with 'intense energy'
Northern Iowan 87:19, p.12
REO Speedwagon concert a success; photo.
287 Learning to play music can help your child's self esteem
Public Relations News Release 1990:166, p.1
Singing or learning to play a musical instrument helps improve the self esteem of children.
288 On the Other Hand
Northern Iowan 87:11, p.2
Comments on George Will's Newsweek article attacking "2 Live Crew" and their negative influence on society.
289 Pianist to perform
Northern Iowan 87:10, p.7
Egyptian pianist Selim Sednawi will lecture and perform today.
290 From the past . . .
Northern Iowan 87:5, p.13
News and events on the UNI campus 20, 40, 50, and 55 years ago.
291 Outstanding performance award to University of Northern Iowa's Jazz Band I at Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival
Public Relations News Release 1989:555, p.1
Jazz Band I, directed by Professor Robert Washut, recieves an outsanding performance award a the Collegiate Jazz Festival of Notre Dame. Drummer, Scott Hidester, was also a recipient of the award. Band members listed.
292 Montclaire Quartet to perform Monday (April 16): Will be Artists-in-Residence at University of northern Iowa through 1992
Public Relations News Release 1989:542, p.1
The School of Music, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Symphony, and the R. J. McElroy Trust Foundation sponsor the Montclaire Quartet for the Artists-in-Residence program. The Quartet will perform in Russell Hall.
293 Music should be integral part of any child's education: University of Northern Iowa professor
Public Relations News Release 1989:438, p.1
Professor Patricia Osterby discusses the future role of music in education. Osterby predicts that the arts will replace sports as the country's extracurricular activity of choice as the New Millennium approaches.
294 Senior Week activities planned for week of March 4-9 at Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:433, p.1
Senior Week celebrations begin with a men's basketball game against Cleveland State, a Theatre UNI production of the 'Masque of the Red Death', and a wine and cheese celebration with Constantine Curris. Senior committee members listed.
295 Drama, dance, music discussion will highlight Black History Month (February) at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:359, p.1
Niambi Webster, Charles Taylor, and the Muntu Dance Theatre appear at the Kamerick Art Center for Black History Month celebrations. Other activities include blues and choir concerts, Casino Night, a live play, and a drill team performance.
296 Music relaxes students and helps to manage stress
Northern Iowan 86:12, p.8
Susan Koch talks about the beneficial effects of music; photo.
297 Band looks for name recognition to further career
Northern Iowan 85:43, p.9
Profile of Hairy Carrie; photo.
298 Music award winners chosen by UNI voters
Northern Iowan 85:34, p.11
UNI voting compared with AMA winners.
299 Music awards coming up, vote for the winners
Northern Iowan 85:31, p.9
NI will tabulate campus votes for favorite music.
300 Seventy-six trombones soon will sound brassier than ever.
Public Relations News Release 1988:113, p.1
In a recent visit to UNI, President of the West German Company , Gerhard Meinl says making tubas, trombones and trumpets by hand allows manufacturers to create the 'right sound.'